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What is a PICL

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What is a PICL

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    1. What is a PICL? You wanted teaching … Concise (5-10 mins) To the point Practical application: tell me what to do! So we delivered … The Life: Practical Insights into Christian Living Serving MITACF since Fall 2001 Pic from somewhere on images.google.com Like McD’s – it’s fast, to the point, practical Like McD’s – you need other (spiritual) food Unlike McD’s – we don’t think this is unhealthy for you =PPic from somewhere on images.google.com Like McD’s – it’s fast, to the point, practical Like McD’s – you need other (spiritual) food Unlike McD’s – we don’t think this is unhealthy for you =P

    2. Worship The Life: Practical Insights into Christian Living (PICL) MITACF -- Nov 1, 2002 Danny Park Pic from ivcf.org Urbana 2000 photo gallery MITACF – MIT Asian Christian Fellowship (IVCF/USA) – http://web.mit.edu/mitacf/www/ All scripture refs are NIV.Pic from ivcf.org Urbana 2000 photo gallery MITACF – MIT Asian Christian Fellowship (IVCF/USA) – http://web.mit.edu/mitacf/www/ All scripture refs are NIV.

    3. What is worship? Etymology: worth-ship, to attribute worth or honor to “____ is worth it!” Pic found somewhere on images.google.com See Old English roots of “worship”Pic found somewhere on images.google.com See Old English roots of “worship”

    4. What is worship of God? Definition: A response with words, actions or affection to the revelation of God His character or deeds that attributes Him worth or glory Definition adapted from the praise team of Bethany Christian Fellowship of Brookline (bethanybrookline.org) “A response to the revelation of God, in word, deed or affection, that reflects His character and glory.” Definition adapted from the praise team of Bethany Christian Fellowship of Brookline (bethanybrookline.org) “A response to the revelation of God, in word, deed or affection, that reflects His character and glory.”

    5. Examples – response with words Telling others “So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.” – Luke 8:39b Truth telling “Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen!” – Rev 7:12 “God you are ___” Note: corporate musical worship and prayer (indiv or corp) often take all these forms & more Removed bullet point: “We’re not worthy!” – Wayne & Garth to Alice Cooper, Wayne’s World (compare Isaiah 6:5) Note: corporate musical worship and prayer (indiv or corp) often take all these forms & more Removed bullet point: “We’re not worthy!” – Wayne & Garth to Alice Cooper, Wayne’s World (compare Isaiah 6:5)

    6. Examples – response with actions God, I will go wherever you call “So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him [Jesus].” – Luke 5:11 God, I will trust even when I don’t understand “Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey ...” – Genesis 22:3 God, I choose to honor you in my lifestyle “Daniel resolved not to defile himself …” – Daniel 1:8 All sentences end with: because You are worth it! Note: these are all COSTLY actions! Action worship is costly worship. Note: corporate musical worship usu doesn’t involve action (tho sometimes you experience conviction to action)All sentences end with: because You are worth it! Note: these are all COSTLY actions! Action worship is costly worship. Note: corporate musical worship usu doesn’t involve action (tho sometimes you experience conviction to action)

    7. Examples – response with affection God, words can’t express my gratitude … “a woman who had lived a sinful life … stood behind him [Jesus] at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.” – Luke 7:37-38 Psalms, praise songs Corporate musical worship Also John 20:16,28 – the “God, it’s You!” response.. “I didn’t realize it was you this whole time”Also John 20:16,28 – the “God, it’s You!” response.. “I didn’t realize it was you this whole time”

    8. Is there a right way to worship? “The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.” – Genesis 4:4b-5

    9. How should we worship? “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” – John 4:24 Ie, with both heart and mindIe, with both heart and mind

    10. “Ten” Practical Tips: Growing in Worship Tip 0: Remember, God did the work Ex 20:2 – “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery” Lesson: God initiates worship by His acts of redeeming love; we must respond appropriately www.gcts.edu, gparrett@gcts.edu Material obtained second-hand from Eugene Kim (M.Div ’03) - eugene@highrock.org then adapted by myself.www.gcts.edu, gparrett@gcts.edu Material obtained second-hand from Eugene Kim (M.Div ’03) - eugene@highrock.org then adapted by myself.

    11. “Ten” Practical Tips: Growing in Worship Tip 1: Worship the right thing Ex 20:3 – “You shall have no other gods before me” Dt 6:4-5 – “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul and strength” Lesson: priority “worship” must have the right object How you live your life affects your worship G.A.P.’s word was “fidelity”, I thought “priority” was a bit better application-wise.G.A.P.’s word was “fidelity”, I thought “priority” was a bit better application-wise.

    12. “Ten” Practical Tips: Growing in Worship Tip 2: Know who you’re worshipping Ex 20:4 – “You shall not make for yourself an idol …” Jn 4:24 – “worship in Spirit and in Truth” Lesson: clarity worship Him as He truly is, not as we imagine or want Him to be How you know God affects your worship Note: Bible study will impact your corp musical worship! Profound.Note: Bible study will impact your corp musical worship! Profound.

    13. “Ten” Practical Tips: Growing in Worship Tip 3: Don’t take it lightly Ex 20:7 – “You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God …” Mt 6:9 – “Hallowed be Your name” Lesson: integrity worship with sincerity and reverence, never using His name carelessly or inappropriately How you treat the time affects your worship Esp for corp musical worship – this is not a rock concert, you are not an audience, the leaders are not entertainers, or stand up comedians. Not just a Christian sing-along.Esp for corp musical worship – this is not a rock concert, you are not an audience, the leaders are not entertainers, or stand up comedians. Not just a Christian sing-along.

    14. “Ten” Practical Tips: Growing in Worship Tip 4: Receive God’s work in your life Ex 20:8 – “Remember the Sabbath day …” Heb 4:11 – “Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest …” Lesson: receptivity worship is God’s gracious invitation to enter His rest Nix slideNix slide

    15. “Ten” Practical Tips: Growing in Worship Tip 5: Learn a life of submission Ex 20:12 – “Honor your father and your mother, so that …” 1 Cor 14:33 – “God is not a God of disorder but of peace” (c.f. v40) Lesson: humility worship involves submission to God’s appointed order, to the Head and Body Nix slideNix slide

    16. “Ten” Practical Tips: Growing in Worship Tips 6-10: Offer your whole life(style) Ex 20:13 – “You shall not murder … commit adultery … steal … give false testimony … covet” Lev 19:18 – “Love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” Lesson: charity worship involves the daily devotion to acts of love, justice, mercy & righteousness How you love others affects your worship Your lifestyle affects your corp musical worship! (and prayer life)Your lifestyle affects your corp musical worship! (and prayer life)

    17. Too much? Good News … I don’t think I’m worshipping right … Draw near to Him anyway, God provides the perfect worship (sacrifice) for you Hebrews 10 “I come by the blood, I come by the cross” “I wanna pay” … “Can I borrow $2?” – Lilo & Stitch

    18. Want to see more examples? Mount Moriah: severe mercy, costly sacrifice Genesis 22:1-19 1 Chronicles 21:1-22:1 (esp 21:24-26) 2 Chronicles 2:1-2, 3:1 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 – leading; as warfare Luke 7:37-39 – from forgiveness John 17:4 – out of identity 1 Kings 18:16-40 2 Chronicles 5-7 John 21:7 (plus previous passages used as examples)(plus previous passages used as examples)

    19. Want to build a theology of worship? Role of Jesus, Trinity – New Covenant vs. Old Covenant worship Hebrews 10:1-31 Hebrews 2:12 Genesis 22:7-8 Revelation 5 John 4:23-24 1 Samuel 15:22-23 Micah 6:6-8 Romans 12:1-2 Homework question for those interested: what changes about worship between the New and Old Covenant? What stays the same?Homework question for those interested: what changes about worship between the New and Old Covenant? What stays the same?

    20. Other Resources RBC Booklet: What is Worship, http://www.gospelcom.net/rbc/ds/q0902/ Material from a London Bible College prof: http://www.heartofworship.com/Html/bible/ (plus Matt Redman articles) Torrance, James B., “Worship, Community & the Triune God of Grace”, IV Press, 1997 Park, Andy, “To Know You More”, IV Press, 2002 I haven’t read the 1st book, but Sundee Fraizer recommends it (in SLJ Fall 2002) I haven’t read the 2nd book, but James Choung recommends it www.ivpress.comI haven’t read the 1st book, but Sundee Fraizer recommends it (in SLJ Fall 2002) I haven’t read the 2nd book, but James Choung recommends it www.ivpress.com

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