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Chapter 14, section 2; Science and Exploration 6.1.9

Chapter 14, section 2; Science and Exploration 6.1.9. The Scientific Revolution (1540-1700) - a series of events that led to the birth of modern science Placed importance on what was observed, not just told. Logical explanations on how the world worked. Science and Religion.

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Chapter 14, section 2; Science and Exploration 6.1.9

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  1. Chapter 14, section 2; Science and Exploration 6.1.9 The Scientific Revolution(1540-1700) -a series of events that led to the birth of modern science Placed importance on what was observed, not just told. Logical explanations on how the world worked.

  2. Science and Religion • The church feared the influence of science • Example: Church teachings stated that the Earth was the center of the Universe. -Astronomer Nicolas Copernicus, using a telescope proved that wrong. • 1632 Galileo published a book supporting Copernicus-Galileo was arrested and put on trial.

  3. Discoveries and Inventions Discoveries. . . In astronomy- how the stars and planets move in the sky In biology-how blood circulates In physics-how mirrors and pendulums work • Sir Isaac Newton(math and physics) Known for his observations about gravity

  4. Astrolabe Sailors could use the stars to calculate a ship’s exact location.

  5. compass A compass, which always points north, helped sailors find their way at sea.

  6. telescope With a telescope, scientists could study the heavens live never before.

  7. The Voyages of Discovery Improved mapmaking, inventions (compass and astrolabes) New ship-Caravel-could sail farther The Drive to Discover: Why explore? • Adventure 2. to spread Christianity 3. to find a new trade route to India (spices) 4. gold 5. to add land to their kingdoms/empires

  8. Voyages to the East (mid-1400s) • Looking for an all water route to Asia (goods from India and China) • Controlled by Italian traders • 1497-1498 Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama sailed around the southern tip of Africa to the west coast of India • Portugal found a new all water route to Asia

  9. Vasco de Gama’s route to India

  10. Voyages to America • 1492, Queen Isabella from Spain helped pay for Columbus’ voyage west • Hoped to reach Asia, landed in the Bahamas and discovered new land-Americas, the New World • Spain, Portugal, France, England, and the Netherlands all sent explorers to the Americas What civilizations did these explores find?

  11. Voyages around the World • To circumnavigate or travel all the way around the Earth • Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe. -set sail west from Spain, past the southern tip of South America, into the Pacific Ocean -Killed in battle in the Philippines -crew continued on to Spain to complete their trip

  12. New Empires Conquests and Empires • Spain defeated the Aztecs in North America and Incas in Peru to claim land for Spain. • Main goal was wealth Other Colonies-England, France, Portugal, Netherlands • Found other resources: wood, furs, rich soil, and different foods

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