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Disaster Risk Management

Disaster Risk Management. Achala Dahal/Gyan Laxmi Shrestha/Tara Prasad Kharel Nepal Administrative Staff College. Learning objectives. Having gone through this session participants will be able to: Understanding of Disaster Risk Management Disaster Governance Role of Government

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Disaster Risk Management

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  1. Disaster Risk Management Achala Dahal/Gyan Laxmi Shrestha/Tara Prasad Kharel Nepal Administrative Staff College

  2. Learning objectives Having gone through this session participants will be able to: • Understanding of Disaster Risk Management • Disaster Governance • Role of Government • Approaches to DRM

  3. Your personal story about Disaster

  4. 42 cows dead, scores of people injured http://kathmandupost.ekantipur.com/news/2017-06-18/42-cows-dead-scores-of-people-injured.htmlJun 18, 2017 Scores of people were injured and dozens of cows were charred to death when a fire tore through a cattle farm in Gokarneshwor Municipality-1, on the outskirts of Kathmandu, on Saturday.  The Om Kirshi Farm, owned by BaburamKarki, had a total of 122 cows and 42 of them died in the incident. Other 53 cows have sustained minor injuries. According to police, the fire broke out at the farm at around 11am due to electric short circuit. It took around two hours to personnel from Nepal Police and the Nepal Army, backed by locals, to douse the fire.  Police said the total damage was yet to be ascertained.  But Karki, the farm owner, claimed that property worth around Rs 70 million was destroyed in the blaze. It is learnt that the farm used to sell around 1,000 litres of milk daily. The farm was shifted from Bhaktapur to Gokarneshwor five months ago. Most of the injured cows are said to be in critical condition, said police.  Published: 18-06-2017 07:59

  5. Linkage of Climate Change and Disaster The problems of today, such as drought, forest fires, and flooding, will only be magnified by climate change Flooding and storms are also taking a bigger bite out of the economy • Increased frequency and severity of hazards • Communities dependent on natural resource based livelihoods are more vulnerable • Livelihoods get affected • Disaster risk is increasing • If mal-development trends continue, will result in irrecoverable impacts

  6. 70 Meter Nepal is disaster prone due to Nepal is beautiful country, but … Difficult Geological Terrain 8848 Meter

  7. disaster prone due to … Unplanned settlement

  8. disaster prone due to …. Poor construction practices

  9. disaster prone due to … Cultivation of unsuitable land

  10. Major Recurrent Disasters in Nepal

  11. Nepal’s vulnerability to natural hazards; …The Reality . • Nepal Ranks 11th- in terms of Earthquake • 4thto climatic hazards • 30thin terms of floods: (UNDP / Bureau for Crisis Prevention & Recovery-BCPR, 2004) • Kathmandu, 21st most vulnerable city of the world; • Natural Disaster HOT SPOT: (World Bank 2005) • Nepal lies on Seismic Active Zone

  12. Video Watch Multi Disaster

  13. 1. Fundamental of Disaster Risk Management

  14. Basic Terminologies

  15. Hazard-k|sf]k A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. To:tf 8/nfUbf kl/36gf, j:t', dfgjLo lqmofsnfk, jf kl/l:ylt h;sf sf/0fn] Hofgsf] gf]S;fgL, 3fOt] x'g] ;Defjgf jf cGo :jf:Yo;DaGwL c;/x¿, wgdfnsf] Iflt, hghLljsf tyf ;]jfx¿sf] gf]S;fgL, ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s ult/f]w, jf jftfj/0fLo x|f; ;d]t lgDTofpF5 .

  16. Types of Hazard • Natural Hazards : part of the natural environment • Hydro-meteorological hazards • Typhoons • Storm surges • Floods • Geologic hazards • Earthquake • Landslides • Oceanic Hazards • Tsunami • Tidal Surges • Biological Hazards • Epidemics • Insect Infestation

  17. Types of Hazard • Man-made Hazards : human induced hazards • Socio-natural Hazards • Forest denudation • Famine • Increased occurrences of natural hazards • Socio-political Hazards • War • Civil unrest • Technological Hazards • Transport accidents • Toxic substance poisoning • Contamination of food and water sources

  18. \ Disaster - ljkb A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Kf|efljt ;dfh jf ;d'bfon] cfˆg} ana'tf / ;|f]t ;fwgsf] k|of]u u/L ;fdgf ug{ g;Sg] :t/sf] To:tf] uDeL/ k|sf]k hGo 36gf h;af6 x'g;Sg] dfgjLo, ef}lts, cfly{s / jftfj/0fLo Ifltn] ubf{ ;fdfGo ;fdflhs k|lqmof cj?4 x'g]5 .

  19. Exposure - :fDd'vtf People, property, systems, or other elements present in hazard zones that are thereby subject to potential losses. k|sf]k If]qdf cjl:yt dflg;, wgdfn, ;+oGq jf cGo tTjx¿ / k|sf]kaLrsf] cj:yf ;fy} k|sf]ksf] k|efj / ;Defljt Iflt a]xf]g'{kg]{ cj:yfdf /x]sf 5g\ .

  20. Vulnerability - :fª\s6f;GGftf A set of prevailing or consequential conditions which adversely affect people’s ability prevent, mitigate, prepare for and respond to hazardous events. The characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard. s'g} ;d'bfo, k|0ffnL jf ;|f]t ;+;fwgdf k|sf]ksf sf/0f lglDtg ;Sg] 3fts Pj+ ;+j]bgzLn cj:yf . ;d'bfodf /x]sf] ul/jL, z}lIfs cj:yf nufot ljleGg kIfx¿;Fu ;DalGwt x'G5 .

  21. Factors of Vulnerability • Physical / Material Vulnerability • Hazard-prone location of community houses, farmlands, infrastructure, basic services • Design and construction materials of houses and buildings • Insecure and risky sources of livelihood • Lack of basic services: education, health, safe drinking water, shelter, sanitation, roads, electricity, communication • Exposed to violence (domestic, armed conflicts) • Age and disability

  22. Factors of Vulnerability • Social / Organizational Vulnerability • Weak family / kinship structures • Lack of leadership and initiative to solve problems or conflicts • Exclusion of certain groups from decision-making or unequal participation in community affairs • Absence or weak community organizations • Social status (castes, ethnicity, gender) • Neglect from government and civil institutions

  23. Factors of Vulnerability • Motivational / Attitudinal Vulnerability • Negative attitude towards change • Passivity, fatalism, hopelessness • Lack of initiative • Dependence on external support • Lack of knowledge and skills • Extremism

  24. Capacity - Ifdtf The combination of all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community, society or organization that can be used to achieve agreed goals. • …. resources, means and strengths, which exist in households and communities and which enable them to cope with, withstand, prepare for, prevent, mitigate, or quickly recover from a disaster. pknAw ;fwg, ;|f]t, 1fg / ;Lksf] ;d'lrt pkof]u u/L s'g} klg k|lts"n cj:yf jf cfktsfn jf ljkb\sf] cj:yfdf kl/l:yltsf] ;fdgf tyf Joj:yfkg ug{ JolQm, ;d'bfo Pj+ ;ª3;+:yfx¿df cGtlg{lxt x'G5 .

  25. Factors of Capacity • Physical / Economic Capacity • Money / Cash • Real Properties • Stable sources of income and livelihood • Safe infrastructures • Food security • Balanced natural environment • Limited number of hazards events

  26. Factors of Capacity • Social / Organizational Capacity • Relationship with relatives and family • People – centered government • Strong civil society / empowered community • Functional community based and civic organizations • Optimum availability of basic social and health services • Strong social networks and institutions

  27. Factors of Capacity • Motivational / Attitudinal Capacity • Knowledgeable and skillful • Confidence and self-esteem • Proactive attitude • Open to change and new ideas • Continual learning • Building on experiences • Positive perception in life

  28. Existing Institutional Instruments • Natural Calamity (Relief ) Act, 1982 • Local Self Governance Act, 1999 • National Strategy for DRM 2009 • Rescue and Relief Standards, 2007 • Sector specific policies and plans (NPC) • National Disaster Management Act ( Proposed) • National Disaster Response Framework with 49 activities • Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan almost all district

  29. Cabinet (Policy, Budget and Emergency Declaration) Central Natural Disaster Relief Committee (chaired by Home Minister) (Coordination, Response, Rescue, Relief) Regional Natural Disaster Relief Committee Chaired by Regional Administrator District Disaster Relief Committee Chaired by Chief District Officer (Execution, Rescue & Relief, Data collection) Institutional Framework(in line with 1982 Act) Rescue and Treatment Sub-Committee Chaired by Minister of Health and Population Supply, Shelter and Rehabilitation Sub-Committee Chaired by Minister of PP&W Central Natural Disaster Relief Fund Prime-Minister Natural Disaster Relief Fund National EOC c Regional EOC District EOC

  30. National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) NEOC House

  31. Emergency Response Mechanism (GoN) GON Declares Disaster (area, time) UN Resident / Humanitarian Coordinator International Appeal UNDAC / USAR Teams CNDRC meeting held Government Line Agencies Clusters Activated MoHA, / NEOC INGOs & others Disaster Situation Analysis (CDO, DDRC) (Search, Rescue, Immediate Relief)

  32. Disaster Risk The potential disaster losses, in lives, health status, livelihoods, assets and services, which could occur to a particular community or a society over some specified future time period.


  34. Capacity Vulnerability Risk Hazard

  35. Disaster Risk Management The systematic process of using administrative directives, organizations, and operational skills and capacities to implement strategies, policies and activities to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the possibility of disaster.

  36. Our role in any disaster • What is our role in any disaster ? • Personal role • Organisational role

  37. 3. Disaster risk management cycle

  38. cEof; • ljkb\ Joj:yfkgdf ul/g] lqmofsnfkx? s] s] x'g<

  39. cEof; • Arrange following in disaster cycle order hf]lvdGo"lgs/0f (Risk Reduction) k"j{;"rgf k|0ffnL (Early Warning System) k"j{ tof/L (Preparedness) p2f/ (Rescue) /fxft(Relief) k'g{nfe(Recovery) e08f/ dfkg(Stock Piling) clNks/0f (Mitigation) k'g{:yfkgf(Rehabilitation) /f]syfd(Prevention) k'g{lgdf{0f (Reconstruction) ljkb\ cufl8 (Pre Disaster) ljkb\ kZrft(Post- Disaster) k|ltsfo{ (Response)

  40. DRM Cycle Disaster

  41. DRM Cycle Disaster

  42. DRM Cycle Disaster Preparedness Risk Reduction Response Recovery

  43. DRM Cycle Disaster Preparedness Risk Reduction Response Recovery

  44. DRM Cycle Disaster Preparedness Risk Reduction Pre disaster Post disaster Response Recovery

  45. DRM Cycle Disaster Preparedness Risk Reduction Pre disaster Response Post disaster Recovery

  46. DRM Cycle Early Warning Disaster Preparedness Stock pilling Mitigation Risk Reduction Rescue Pre disaster Response Prevention Post disaster Relief Rehabilitation Recovery Reconstruction

  47. Disaster Risk Management Approaches -ljkb\ Joj:yfkgsfcjwf/0fx?_

  48. Traditional Approach-k/Dk/futcjwf/0ff_ • One has to help others in peril • Collection of grains and vegetables by relatives and neighbors during disaster • Helping disabled and building resting platforms for victims collecting help from each other and others

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