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Christian viewpoints is it morally justified to use modern armaments?

Christian viewpoints is it morally justified to use modern armaments?. The use of WMD is always wrong! They have potential to kill a large number of people – including civilians. Death would be painful and many would suffer from radiation sickness long-term.

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Christian viewpoints is it morally justified to use modern armaments?

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  1. Christian viewpoints is it morally justified to use modern armaments? • The use of WMD is always wrong! • They have potential to kill a large number of people – including civilians. • Death would be painful and many would suffer from radiation sickness long-term. • Quaker – God gave us responsibility to look after his creation – WMD may destroy the whole planet, even keeping them can lead to an accident which could lead to death and destruction and the violation of God’s wishes. • ‘Love thy neighbour’ – WMD incompatible with teachings of Jesus. • The end of the Cold war reduced tension- there is no need for WMD. • R.C – war can be a last resort but WMD never acceptable – they are unpredictable and cause harm to God’s creation. • WMD to prevent war • Multilateral disarmament would be good (global disarmament) but unilateral disarmament (just Britain for example) is wrong as it would leave us prone to attack. • Some Xians believe they have a moral duty to preserve certain beliefs and values such as freedom. • Some Xians believe they have a moral duty to protect their nation and religion. Non-action could be harmful. • Stockpiles of weapons help deter evil and maintain peace.

  2. Viewpoint independant of religion The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament The CND is an organisation which argues and campaigns for Britain getting rid of its nuclear weapons. It started by simply campaigning against nuclear weapons but now campaigns against all weapons of mass destruction. It concentrates on British weapons but would want rid of nuclear weapons world wide, if other countries would follow Britain's disarmament then the world would be a safer place. Why get rid of WMD? • The fleet of British nuclear submarines can fire over 100 warheads each 15X more powerful than the bombs which destroyed Hiroshima. • Having nuclear weapons makes Britain a target in nuclear war. • There is a chance of a warhead being launched by mistake – this could wipe out all of Britain. • There is a huge cost attached to developing WMD – could be used for better things like schools of hospitals. • CND argues for unilateral disarmament because multilateral disarmament must start somewhere.

  3. CND CND lobby MPs, trade unionists, church leaders and other people with influence. They work with other groups such as Church groups, political groups, trade unionists and the Campaign Against Arms Trade to try and change government policies which could bring about the elimination of British nuclear weapons. Member of CND organise mass demonstrations, peace camps, school visits, letter writing, street stalls to stimulate public debate . A European Nuclear Disarmament (END) has been formed to lobby for nuclear disarmament in the European parliament.

  4. Questions • State 3 reasons Christians believe it is totally wrong to possess and use WMD. • State 3 reasons some Christians think it is necessary to possess and use WMD. • Do you think the views of Christians and non-Christians are similar? Why? • What is CND? • Why does CND THINK Britain should get rid of its nuclear weapons? Make a list of reasons. • What does unilateral disarmament mean? • What is the benefit(s) of unilateral disarmament? • What are the disadvantages of unilateral disarmament? • What activities do CND organise as part of its campaign against nuclear weapons? • ‘No nuclear bomb has been dropped since 1945’ Do you think this supports the argument for retaining WMD? Give reasons to support your answer.

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