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Project-X Experimental Program FY-2014 Budget Request

Project-X Experimental Program FY-2014 Budget Request. R. Tschirhart July 18 th 2013. FY 2013 Research Program goals from the last (FY13) budget request. Complete the concept study of LBNE/Project-X staging interplay. (effort with PPD)

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Project-X Experimental Program FY-2014 Budget Request

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  1. Project-XExperimental Program FY-2014 Budget Request R. Tschirhart July 18th 2013

  2. FY 2013 Research Program goals from the last (FY13) budget request Complete the concept study of LBNE/Project-X staging interplay. (effort with PPD) Concept study of scheme to drive Mu2e with 1-GeV proton beam. (APC, PPD effort) Guest and visitor support to develop 1-GeV spallation target designs to drive next generation cold-neutron experiments. Continued effort on developing high power targetry. (Guest, AD, APC effort) Continued outreach into the community FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  3. FY 2014 Research Program goals Strongly engage in the OHEP P5 process in FY14-Q1, Q2. Refine Mu2e Stage-1 upgrade concept, determine necessary long-lead Project derivatives (e.g. civil shielding). Possibly propose package to Mu2e change control. Develop Integrated Spallation Target (IST) pre-conceptual design. Engage SC-BES, SC-FES, DOE-NE on Broader impacts. Complete kaon beamline pre-conceptual designs. Partner on proton EDM concept development. Continue effort on MAP/PX-Stage-2 integration studies. FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  4. Strategy in an era of highly constrained resources: Leverage effort support with partners. Intensity Frontier (KA22) supported “Day-1” experiments (e.g. Mu2e, LBNE --- about 50%). Will initiate dialog with associated Projects in FY 2014. University matching funding for postdocs & students. (50% now standard matching). Matching with other parties (e.g. PPD/MC, MAP) to support individuals with unique capability. Initiate funding dialog with SC-BES , SC-FES, DOE-NE. FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  5. 120A.01.06/120A.05.X FY 2014 Request Summary (sans PNNL M&S) M&S: $345K (c.f. $200K in S. Nagaitsev spreadsheet) FNAL SWF: 4.25 FTE x ($150K/FTE-direct) = $640K FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  6. Bare-Bones for 120A.01.06Experiment Design Requirements Fermilab M&S: $30K for travel support ($20K) and miscellaneous workshop ($10K) support. FTE distribution: R. Tschirhart, 0.50 FTE on 120A.01.06 [On 120A.01.06 in S. Holmes presentation, on 120A.05.01 in S. Nagaitsev spreadsheet] FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  7. Bare bones FY14 M&S budget for 120A.05.X, sans PNNL request Pass-through M&S: 50% FTE Guest scientist support for kaonbeamlines(cont) $40K 50% FTE Postdoc support for NCSU for spallation studies(cont) $40K Support for Tony Gabriel for targetry studies $25K* 50% FTE Postdoc support for UTK for spallation studies $50K* 50% FTE Postdoc support for proton EDM concept development: $30K ----------- $185K Fermilab M&S: M&S: Support for targetry workshop $10K M&S: Miscellaneous travel support for visitors: $20K M&S: Support for the RaDIATE program (see note #3 below) $100K** *Request made to forward-fund $30K from FY13 endgame. **Request make to forward -fund as much as possible from FY13 endgame. FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  8. PNNL FY14 M&S budget request for 120A.05.X for 1.45 FTE of effort toward an integrated target design. David Asner reports that Jim Siegrist has requested a briefing be setup between SC-HEP, SC-FES, and DOE-NE later in July. Feedback from this briefing will inform the level of funding collaboration and consequent FY14 PX level of support. FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  9. FY 2014 Effort Request: 120A.01.06 Experiment Design Requirements Bob Tschirhart, 0.5 FTE. 120A.05.01 Experimental Facility Project Management Web developer, 0.1 FTE. 120A.05.01 Experimental Facility Project Management Admin support., 0.1 FTE. 120A.05.02 Experimental Facilities Accelerator Physics: Scientific Effort: Valeri Lebedev 0.15 FTE, Sergei Nagaitsev, 0.05 FTE. 120A.05.03 Experimental Facilities Targetry: Simulation Effort: Vitaly Pronskikh 0.3 FTE, Sergei Striganov 0.3 FTE, Nikolai Mokhov 0.15 FTE. Engineering Effort:CryoEng0.2 FTE, Cryo Designer 0.3 FTE, MechDesign Eng0.2 FTE, Mech Designer 0.2 FTE. Radiation Protection: ESH 0.2 FTE. Engineering Mngmt: Patrick Hurh, 0.2 FTE . 120A.05.03 Experimental Facilities Beamlines: Simulation Effort:Vitaly Pronskikh 0.2 FTE, Sergei Striganov, 0.2 FTE, Nikolai Mokhov, 0.05 FTE. Other Sci Effort: Bob Bernstein 0.1 FTE, Doug Glenzinski 0.1 FTE, Tom Kobilarcik 0.1 FTE , Rob Plunkett 0.1 FTE, Bob Zwaska 0.1 FTE. Engineering Effort: Mechanical Design Engineer 0.1 FTE, Mechanical Designer 0.2 FTE . FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  10. Moving toward a reduction of 20%… Cut RaDIATE support by $50K., to $50K. Remove admin and web support (0.2 FTE) Slash CryoEng/Designer effort by 50% from 0.3+0.2 FTE to 0.15+0.1 FTE. Retain Patrick Hurh effort at 0.2 FTE, slash associated Mechanical Eng/Designer effort from 0.3FTE+0.4 FTE to 0.2 FTE+0.2 FTE Cut Rad protection ESH expertise from 0.2 FTE to 0.1 FTE. FTE count reduced from 4.25 FTE to 3.4 FTE (0.85 FTE reduction). Aggregate reduction of $180K of $985K (SWF+M&S) 18% BUT….No Model for PNNL Request! FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  11. What this budget does not do: Does not properly support the RaDIATE initiative. No model today for supporting PNNL projected effort for IST engagement. Seeking partnerships, pending SC/NE summit meeting. Does not deliver a conceptual design (CD1 level) for the IST. Does not deliver a conceptual design (CD1 level) for kaon targets and beamlines. FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

  12. What this budget does: Provides resources to effectively engage with the OHEP P5 process. Assembles a team to determine requirements and develop a plausible pre-conceptual design for the IST, assuming additional funding for PNNL. Establishes the paradigm of explicit cost sharing with partners. Determines key derivatives for the Mu2e Project & laboratory to consider to enable Stage-1 operations of Mu2e. Provides support for SC-OHEP / SC-BES briefing in FY14-Q1 and continued development of muSR beam concepts. FY2014 Project X Experimental Program Budget Request

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