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Assessment of STI Prevalence and Incidence in German MSM: The BRAHMS Study

This prospective multicenter study aims to determine the point prevalence, incidence, and recurrence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Germany. The study also evaluates the relationship between STI rates and PrEP use. Preliminary findings reveal a high prevalence of STIs, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and mycoplasma genitalium, among MSM at risk for HIV infection. The study will help assess the impact of PrEP on STI rates and guide targeted interventions to reduce STI transmission in this population.

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Assessment of STI Prevalence and Incidence in German MSM: The BRAHMS Study

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  1. Prospective, multicenter study to assess point prevalence, incidence and recurrence of sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men in Germany (BRAHMS study) Hendrik Streeck Institute for HIV Research, Essen, Germany @HendrikStreeck Institute for HIV Research

  2. Brahms Study Team -Acknowledgements Wethank all volunteersfortheirparticipation in thisstudy! Universitätsklinikum Köln Institutfür HIV Forschung Universitätsklinikum Bonn MHRP/WRAIR Christoph Boesecke Jürgen Rockstroh Hendrik Streeck Anna-Lena Brillen Alexandra Knorr Patrick Juszczak Alexandra Braselmann Robert Gramzinski Merlin Robb Nelson Michael SandyhaVasan Erica Broach Julie Dorsey Spitz Trevor Crowell Clara Lehmann Jörg-Janne Vehreschild Gerd Fäthkenheuer Florian Klein Community Advisory Board Armin Schafberger Dirk Sander Harriet Langanke Nicholas Feustel Christopher Knoll Marc Grenz Martin Ocepek Arne Kayser Christoph Claes Carsten Gehrig USAMMDA HPSTD Clinic, Essen Stefan Esser Robert Jablonka Elisabeth Heger Praxis Hohenstaufenring Walk In Ruhr Stefan Scholten Stephan Schneeweiß MaschaMues Irene Beckmann Johannes Kühn Institut für Interdisziplinäre Medizin (IFI) Norbert H. Brockmeyer Anja Potthoff Janet Wach Albrecht Stoehr Andreas Plettenberg ThoreLorenzen Stefan Unger ZIBP Berlin Praxis Jessen2+Kollegen Jukka Hartikainen Axel Baumgarten Infektiologikum Heiko Jessen Arne Jessen Gabriele Knecht Markus Bickel Thomas Lutz Praxis Dr. Cordes This study was fundedby: Christiane Cordes Martin Viehweger Elena Rodriguez Castellano Christian Lieb Klinikumrechts der Isar Christoph Spinner Jochen Schneider Christiane Schwerdtfeger Marcel Lee Robert Koch Institut Labor Krone Viviane Bremer Barbara Gunsenheimer-Bartmeyer Klaus Jansen Ulrich Marcus Carsten Tiemann Dieter Münstermann Ann-Kathrin Ziesenis

  3. Received project funds, grant awards or other kind of research related contributions in the last 5 years: Janssen, Gilead, Hologic, DFG, DZIF, BMG, ERC, EKFS, Hector, USAMMDA, NIH, DoD. Received honorarium, consultancy fees, advisory fees or other kind of personal contributions in the last 5 years: BMS, Gilead, Janssen, ViiV, MSD, Hexal, EMA. Disclosure

  4. 1000 * (18-55) 1 2 3 HIV- documentedhistory of Syphilis, rectalMycoplasmagenitalium, Chlamydia, GonorrheaoracuteHepatitis C infection in the last 24 weeks condomlessanal intercourse with at least two unique male partners in the past 24 weeks 0 months • Anal swab 3 months • Pharyngealswab months 6 • urine months 9 • blood months 12 * Assigned at birth, chosenor intersexual

  5. n=1040 Highpointprevalenceof STIs at screening

  6. RectalandAsymptomatic

  7. 44% 38% 17%

  8. STIs andPrEPuseat baseline

  9. High pointprevalenceof STIs (Gonorrhea (9.9%), Chlamydiatrachomatis (12.7%) andMycoplasmgenitalium (18.8%))lowpointprevalenceof HIV (0.4%) in individuals at riskfor HIV infection. High frequencyofasymptomatic (in particularrectal) STIs. There was nodifference in STIs amongPrEPusersand Non-PrEPuserat baseline. However, onlytheresultsoftheincidencedata will showwhetherthereis a differencebetweenbothgroups. Summary

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