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First Deportation in 597 B.C.

How Prayer Shapes the Future Jeremiah 29.10-13 Doug Brown audio, pdf , and power point available @ karenvineyard.org. What do we mean by saying that prayer shapes the future? Simply that God , in response to His people’s prayers, shapes the future.

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First Deportation in 597 B.C.

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  1. How Prayer Shapes the FutureJeremiah 29.10-13Doug Brownaudio, pdf, and power point available @ karenvineyard.org

  2. What do we mean by saying that prayer shapes the future? Simply that God, in response to His people’s prayers, shapes the future. Every great movement of God begins by prayer. Prayer is the instrument. God is the change agent. Our prayers don’t change anything here on earth, God intervenes in response to the prayers of His people and brings the needed changes.

  3. First Deportation in 597 B.C.

  4. Prayer Shapes our Future by taking us “Beyond”

  5. Inspired pray takes us beyond - • our prejudices • our pettiness, • our natural affinities • our selfishness • our fears • our calculations

  6. Prayer shapes our future by redefining our • Location which answers the question where? • Time which answers the question when? • People which answers the question whom?

  7. Prayer Shapes our Future by redefining location.It answers the question “Where”?

  8. Altering our Spiritual Landscape v.10 to bring you back to this place Prayer always carries us back to God. It recognizes and brings God into our world, the place where we live. He was always there, but prayer causes us to realize His presence and His work around us.

  9. Prayer Shapes our Future by redeeming Time.It answers the question “When”?

  10. Pushing time back or pushing time forward

  11. “I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer . . .” Daniel 9.2-3

  12. “My times are in your hands.” Psalm 31.15 Not to pray is to rob God. God has chosen, in his relationship with humans, to relate to and respond to humans as they pray. During this season in your life, this strategic time of personal growth, how are you praying?

  13. Prayer shapes our future in that it takes hold of eternity. Prayer connects heaven and earth. Prayer invites the God of heaven to invade earth and redeem it.

  14. Prayer Shapes our Future by redefining people. It answers the question “Whom”?

  15. Prayer puts God to work. That is prayer moves God to work in ways He would not work if the prayer was not made. Prayer puts God’s work into His hands and keeps it there. At the same time, God puts prayer to work because His response involves human activity. E.M Bounds

  16. “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” v.13 It is not our ideas, thoughts, or feelings that shape our prayer, but our character and conduct.

  17. Prayer takes its tone and quality from the person praying. A prayerless person is • spiritually handicapped, • spiritually disabled, • impotent in the things of the kingdom.

  18. Prayer is a disinfectant and a preventive. It purifies the air; it destroys the contagion of evil. Prayer is no fitful, short-lived thing. God shapes the world by prayer. E.M. Bounds

  19. Prayer shapes our character. Our hearts and our very lives shaped by prayer. We pray as we live, we live as we pray. We excuse ourselves by saying, “I’ll pray when I get into better spiritual condition.” No, you pray to get into better spiritual condition.

  20. The Church Praying for The Church Complete your Pray10 prayer request now! Then Email.

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