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Orientation to Municipal Commissioners on MEPMA ACTIVITIES

Orientation to Municipal Commissioners on MEPMA ACTIVITIES. B.Ramesh Babu, Addl. Mission Director Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas ( Indira Kranthi Patham – Urban ) Andhra Pradesh.

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Orientation to Municipal Commissioners on MEPMA ACTIVITIES

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  1. Orientation to Municipal Commissioners on MEPMA ACTIVITIES B.Ramesh Babu, Addl. Mission Director Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas ( Indira Kranthi Patham – Urban ) Andhra Pradesh

  2. Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas(MEPMA) for addressing urban poverty issues in a comprehensive manner in all Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of Andhra Pradesh and the same is registered as a society under AP Societies Registration Act with Regd No.1120/2007. The activities of MEPMA are implemented in the name of “Indira Kranthi Patham – Urban” and it is in active phase of implementation with effect from 01.09.2007.

  3. Vision, Mission & Objective VISION : To promote, strengthen and nurture self-sustainable institutions of the poor and through them, address all poverty issues like access to credit, financial freedom, health, disability and vulnerability. MISSION : To enable the urban poor particularly the poorest of the poor to eliminate poverty and vulnerability in a sustainable manner and improve their quality of life in urban areas. OBJECTIVE : To promote, strengthen and nurture self-sustainable institutions of the poor and through them, address all poverty issues like access to credit, financial freedom, health, disability and vulnerability. USEP UWSP STEP-UP UWEP UCDN

  4. Administrative Structure • State Level ( State Urban Development Authority – SUDA - GO No.414 MA., Dt.04.06.2007) 1. Governing Body: • The Governing body of MEPMA will provide overall guidance in the formulation of the state strategy to eliminate urban poverty and oversee its implementation across the state. • The Governing Body under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh shall meet as decided by the Chairperson or on the requisition of the Executive Committee to provide policy formulation, adequacy, strategy and finances. 2. Executive Committee : • MEPMA have an Executive Committee for implementing the decisions taken by the Governing Body. Executive Committee at State Urban Development Agency (SUDA) / State Project Monitoring Unit (SPMU) level is constituted with the following composition • The Executive Committee shall met at least once in three months to facilitate/ coordinate / Implement and review of the various programmes. • District Level (District Urban Development Authority – DUDA -GO Ms No.393 MA Dt.16.06.2009 • Coordination & Monitoring Committee at District Urban Development Agency (DUDA) / District Project Monitoring Unit (DPMU) level is constituted  with the following composition. • The Committee shall meet once in a month to facilitate/ coordinate / implement and review of the DUDA tasks • Urban Local Body Level (Urban Poverty Alleviation Cell - UPA Cell -GO Ms No.393 MA Dt.16.06.2009 ) • MEPMA Co-ordination & Monitoring Committee at ULB Level / Circle Level in Mission Cities of Hyderabad, Vijayawada & Vishakhapatnam is constituted with the following composition.

  5. Administrative Structure – State Organogram Governing Body Executive Committee

  6. Urban Community Development Programme (UCDN) Self Help Groups No. of SHGs 247740 No of members covered 24,06,296 Members Coverage by Social Status Slum Level Federations No. of Slums 7520 No. of SLFs formed 7199 Town Level Federations No. of ULBs / Circles 125 No. of TLFs Formed 80 • 2011-12 Targets : • SHG Formation – 8500, SLF Formation – 1500, TLF Formation - 60

  7. UCDN – Capacity Building Trainings

  8. Capacity building of UPA functionaries - UCDN UP to 2010-11 • Around 1000 functionaries are trained in • Induction on poverty/SHG concepts • SJSRY revised guidelines • SLF concepts • TLF concepts • Health & Nutrition • Vulnerability – Street Vendors organizations, PWDs • Social Security and Food Security 2011-12 • Trainings to COs/PRPs on livelihoods/ marketing facilities • Trainings to COs/PRPs on revised roles , personality development,SWM,Health and nutrition • Trainings to COs on financial management • Trainings to functional specialists: IBs, LHs, MFs and PDs • Exposure visits to Livelihoods,Health,microfinance ,models on different types of federations in urban sector

  9. UCDN – Development of Social Capital

  10. Modules developed (IEC) • CRP strategy - Karadeepika • Book keeping Module • SLF hand Book • TLF Module • MCP Booklet • Community Based Sanitation System • Community Based Rehabilitation for PWDs • VARADHI – Federation Module for PWDs • Act’s & Policies for PWDs • Arogya Karadeepika • Health Savings • Community Nutrition. • One CD on SLFs/TLFs

  11. UCDN – Health & Nutrition

  12. UCDN • MCs are requested to concentrate on following things • Attend SLF meetings. • Weekly Review with UPA Cell Staff. • Fix targets to the UPA staff based on the action plan. • Attend SLF RP meetings. • Attend TLF / model SLF / TVS meetings. • Daily open the MEPMA website (www.apmepma.gov.in) and see the Circulars for time to time instructions. • Inspect the MPCRC buildings verify the assets / training material / training modules and see their working condition. • Regular payment of electrical bills and internet connection charges of MPCRCs. • Conduct regular health camps to the community. • Motivate the community on health savings. • Interact with SHG women in in your morning visits. • Daily monitor yourself on the feeding of your data by UPA cell.

  13. Urban Self Employment Programme – Process Capturing of Family Members Data. Identification of beneficiaries through SLFs. Obtain applications from the beneficiaries double the target. Fix bank wise targets in the TLBC meeting. Send double the number of applications to the Bank Branch. Applications place before the Bank Manager. Obtaining Bank consent / sanction letters from the bank branch . Release the subsidy 25% of the project cost to the bank. Grounding of the Unit and obtain photograph of the unit. Arrange training to the beneficiary if necessary. See not to ground similar type of units. Observe payment of EMIs. Pursue defaulters and see to pay the EMIs

  14. Urban Self Employment Programme This component of SJSRY focuses on providing assistance to individual urban poor beneficiaries for setting up gainful self-employment ventures - micro-enterprises. MEPMA 2010-11 Target 9000 Achievement No. of units sanctioned 8702 No. of Units Grounded 5071 2011-12 Target 10000 ULB wise targets communicated

  15. STEP-UP – Identification of Beneficiaries Identification of beneficiaries through slum level Federations. Updating the urban un-employed poor data in CGG website (www.demo.cgg.ap.gov./MEPMA). ULB wise targets communicated. Counseling and selection Market scan for identifying opportunities for urban youth. Networking with industry. Induction Imparting technical and soft skills Apprentice training Preparing for the work through specially designed module. Placement Post placement survey to hand hold the trained for one year. Target for the year 2011-12 is 1,10,650 ( ULB wise targets already communicated.)

  16. List of Training Partners • Sahithi Systems Pvt Ltd • National Academy of Construction • Skylark • CMC Ltd • Global College • IIHM • Satyam Computers • Hyderabad Gems SEZ Ltd • Dr. Reddys Foundation • Data Pro • Sri Ram Educational Society • Apparel Retail Training @Jobs Solutions (ARTJS) • Windows Software Tech • Synchro Serve Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd. • BIT Computers • Redox Laboratories • India Skills • Ants & Partners • CAP Foundation

  17. STEP-UP • MCs are requested to identify the beneficiaries through community. • Identify the training centres – at least 3 rooms in the ULB. • Develop identified rooms as training centres by providing furniture, electrical facility, toilet facility, waiting hall for girls, etc., • Inspect Training Centres whenever training is going on – observe teaching methodology, session plan, bio-metric attendance of trainees and faculty and see all the conditions as per MoU. • Download MoUs from MEPMA – website and follow as per conditions stipulated. • Handhold placements and motivate the candidates to work other than your town.

  18. SHG Bank Linkage – Achievement ( Rs. In crores)

  19. SHG Bank Linkage – Process Activities Training to SHGs on MCP & Book keeping Orientation to all the groups before and after bank linkages by the CD staff and bankers Conduct Town Level Bankers meeting on a fixed day every month Direct the CD staff to collect Monthly/weekly Collection of defaulters list from banks and pursue their re-payment. Encouraging weekly meetings of SHGs. Facilitate Interface between bankers & SHGs In time release of Pavalavaddi for Incentivising good repayment behavior. Update requirement of Pavalavddi upto 31st Mar, 2011 in website Regular association with SLBC See to implement Total Financial inclusion in your ULB. Constitute CBRM committees and train them to see 100% repayment of SHG / Other Loans. Motivate the SHGs to utilse the loans for income generating activities.

  20. Urban Women Self Help Programme Managerial Support to SLF {NHC} To make SLF/NHC, financially viable and self-managed it is necessary to provide trained managerial support developed among them and supported for proper record keeping and follow up action. Training the SLF resource persons Providing grant to SLF to meet the cost of managerial services. The following are the salient features of the scheme. SLFS/TVSs will be provided 50% of the cost of the managerial expenses not exceeding Rs.7,200/- to SLF and Rs.20,000/- to TVSs (being 50% of the cost) during the first year. During 2nd year, only 25% of the cost will be provided as grant and the balance will be borne by the SLF/TVS. From 3rd year, these institutions are expected to become self reliant and no assistance to be granted. The managerial grant now being given cannot be used for monthly salary of book keepers/SLF resource persons/activists. Instead performance based remuneration will be followed. During the year 2010-11, 5,598 SLFs were assisted. It is proposed to assist 1000 SLFs with managerial support during 2011-12. MCs are requested to verify whether Managerial Support is received by all eligible SLFs / TVSs in you ULB.

  21. Urban Women Self Help Programme Community Enhancement Fund ( RF eligibility as per MEPMA Strategy ) They must be more than one year old The RF – CEF shall be channelised through Slum Level Federations / NHC NHC/SLF must have completed the process of registration. SHGs of PWDs in that particular slum may be enrolled into SLF as associated members. 50% of SHGs in that SLF shall have weekly meetings. 70% of the SHGs shall be in “A” Grade. Each group shall have its own Book Keepers. 80% of attendance in SLF EC meetings. SLF must have functional sub-committees (4-BL, Monitoring, Social Issues, H&S) and must have undergone one phase training. Regular Book Keeping at SLF Level. SLF must have conducted at least one Governing Body meeting. During the year 2010-11, 1484 SLFs were assisted under this programme. It is proposed to assist another 3000 SLFs and 124 TVSs during 2011-12 Send Proposals for release of CEF to the Eligible SLFs. UWSP units for the year 2011-12 – 2500. ULB wise targets already communicated. Identify the A Grade SHGs, those who availed 3rd dose of Bank Linkage as per the schedule given by MEPMA and see to ground bigger units.

  22. Under Wage Employment community works may be taken up in all the ULBs, those who have 5.00 lakh population as per 1991 census. Under UWEP component of SJSRY, at present to provide wage employment to the urban un-skilled people, the construction of Community Resource Centres in ULBs has being taken up. After, completion these CRCs will be used by the SHGs / SLFs / TLFs for their activities. Now, leftover ULBs are only 20. Hence, the works like Roads and Drains in the newly constituted Municipalities from the year 2004 onwards may be taken up, since required such facilities are not there. The material : labour ratio for works under this programme shall be maintained at 60:40. Missing basic minimum services shall be first identified. Other requirements of physical infrastructure shall be listed thereafter. Sanctioned - 351 Completed - 211 Not Started - 60 Handed over to CBOs - 154 Urban Wage Emplopyment Programme (UWEP)

  23. Street Vendor Policy Draft AP Street Vendors’ (Protection and Regulation) Act, 2011, submitted to the Government • Survey and enumeration of Street Vendors saturation basis • Identification of vending areas and finalizing enumerators • Enumeration of Street Vendors • Computerization of Collected Data • Responsibility for carrying out Survey at ULB

  24. Inclusive Development for Persons with Disabilities (ID for PWDs) Attend and instruct CD staff to attend every 1st and 3rd Saturday on PWD activities.

  25. Inclusive Development for Persons with Disabilities (ID for PWDs)

  26. Social Security • MCs are requested • Obtain Bhima Mitra Phone Numbers and circulate among the SHGs. • Settle the death claims reported under ABH and JBY • All the death cases reported have to be settled by the end of July, 2011. • The account numbers of JBY scholarships have to be gathered and uploaded to website by end of this month. • ABH pensions payment to be updated on the web for release of pension amount for the next month.

  27. Water & Sanitation

  28. Focus on Target Groups • 15 Point Programme for Minorities • 15% of the total Target for USEP., STEP-UP., UWSP., UWEP components. • 20 Point Programme for SC / STs & Women • SC - 16.2 % • ST – 6.6% • Women - 30% of the total Target for USEP., STEP-UP., UWSP., UWEP components. • Inclusive Development for PWDs • 3% of all activities


  30. Vision of Rajiv Awas Yojana • Slum Free India with inclusive and equitable cities by re-configuration of the slums to eliminate slum like conditions. • Every Slum Dweller has access to basic civic and social services on par with citizens of other areas of the town. • Providing decent shelter and Conferring property rights to the slum dwellers. • Amending the Town Planning Acts / Regulations to enable in-situ regularization of existing slums and to legislate for earmarking land / dwelling space for EWS / LIG Housing. • Prevention of formation of future slums by earmarking certain proportion of land / dwelling space in all future govt./private land development and housing projects. • Duration of RAY : • Phase – 1 : Two years from the date of approval of the scheme ( Preparation Phase) • Phase – 2 :2013 to 2017 ( Implementation in mission mode)

  31. SLUM PROFILE IN ANDHRA PRADESH Total No. of ULBs 125 Total Urban Population (2001 census) 208.08 Lakhs Urban Population as % of Total Population 27.29% Total No. of Slums 7447 Total No. of Notified Slums 5367 Total No. of Non-Notified Slums 2012 Total No. of Slum Pockets 68 Total No. of Slums on Govt./Mpl. Lands 4119 Total No. of Slum Households 18.99 Lakhs Total Slum Population 89.54 Lakhs Total No. of Hazardous / Objectionable Slums 2809 Note: All the listed hazardous slums are being verified by a committee headed by the Jt. Collector of the District.

  32. GOAP INITIATIVES UNDER RAY Announced “Slum-free AP by 2014” Policy through GO Ms No.577 dt.17.09.2009 Constituted State Level Steering Committee State Level Technical Cell MEPMA designated as State Level Nodal Agency for preparation & implementation of RAY Draft AP Property Rights to Slum Dwellers Act, 2011 prepared in line with GoI’s Model Act State Slum-free Plan of action for the 1st Phase ULBs ( 25 ULBs, later Rajahmundry and Kandkur added.)

  33. GOAP INITIATIVES UNDER RAY State Level Technical Cell constituted. Tool kit, ToR for GIS Consultants and model RFP for GIS and DPRs given to ULBs. Template for Slum Free City Plan of Action Slum Profile conducted in 125 ULBs. Socio Economic Household Survey started in 27 ULBs ( 1st Phase) All 125 ULBs have been phased for RAY as follows: 1st Phase 27 ULBs 2nd Phase 61 ULBs 3rd Phase 37 ULBs

  34. RAY 1ST PHASE 27 ULBS Mission Cities - 4 GHMC, GVMC, VMC, TMC Municipal Corporations - 11 Warangal, Kurnool, Kadapa, Rajahmundry, Nizamabad, Ananthapur, Eluru, Kakinada, Guntur, Nellore, Ramagundam Pilot towns (for slum household survey) - 3 Chirala, Dharmavaram, Suryapet Municipalities - 9 Khammam, Machilipatnam, Ongole, Zaheerabad, Sanga Reddy, Kandukur, Yellandu, Venkatagiri, Nalgonda

  35. DRAFTAP PROPERTY RIGHTS TO SLUM DWELLERS ACT, 2011 Survey & Identification of Slum Dwellers Assigning property rights Protection from eviction except in public interest Property Rights cannot be assigned in Hazardous/ Objectionable lands State, District and City Level Slum Redevelopment Authorities Constitution of Slum Redevelopment Fund (SRF) Transit accommodation In-situ redevelopment of slums Relocation and rehabilitation of slums De-notification of slums Prevention of future growth of slums Offences and penalties for contravention of provisions of the Act

  36. Funding Pattern Govt. of India - 50% of housing & infrastructure cost Govt. of AP share Minimum of 20% of infrastructure Housing Minimum beneficiary Share 12% (10% incase of SC / ST/BC/OBC & PH ) Remaining 38/40% of housing cost will be met from bank loan and State Govt. Contribution). 36

  37. MCs are requested to • List out all slums including non-notified • Identify slum boundaries, vacant lands. • Preparation of slum level rough map. • Identify enumeration blocks ( 200 HHs) in each slum. • Identify surveyors (CRPs) for conducting socio-economic household survey. • Identify slum charge officers / supervisors. • Train the community / CD staff/ Municipal Staff / DEOs. • Identify agencies to conduct Total Station Survey. • Appoint Consultant for GIS. • Constitute ULB Level Technical Cell for conducting survey, GIS / MIS integration, preparation of Slum Free City Plan of Action (SFCPOA) and preparation of DPR. • Conduct socio-economic household survey and GIS simultaneously. • Do in Pilot Slum and present before the committee headed by the DTCP. • Community Participation in Micro Planning during preparation of DPR and O & M of created assets. • Continuous touch with State Level RAY Technical Cell.


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