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Addio Cesaria!

Cesaria Evora (27 August 1941 u2013 17 December 2011) was a Cape Verdean popular singer. Nicknamed the barefoot diva for performing without shoes, she was one of the best-known international practitioners of morna

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Addio Cesaria!

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  1. Addio Cesaria

  2. Sano di Pietro (1406 – 1481) Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais

  3. Annibale Carracci (1560 – 1609, Italian) Angels, Palazzo Farnese, Rome

  4. Henri Fantin-Latour (1836 – 1904) Immortality Painting 1889

  5. Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889) Detail from The Birth of Venus 1863 Musée d'Orsay Paris Sano di Pietro (1406 – 1481) Angelo-nuvola

  6. Abbott Handerson Thayer (1849-1921) Angel 1887 Smithsonian American Art Museum

  7. Abbott Handerson Thayer (American artist, 1849–1921)

  8. Abbott Handerson Thayer (American artist, 1849–1921)

  9. Abbott Handerson Thayer (American artist, 1849–1921)

  10. Mariotto di Nardo (1380 - 1424) Fra Angelico (1387-1455)

  11. Luca Signorelli (ca. 1450-1523) The Archangel Gabriel c 1490

  12. Simone Martini ( c. 1284–1344)

  13. This painting by Guariento di Arpo (active c. 1338-76) shows a Dominion, a type of angel which, in the angelic hierarchy, presides over nations Lippo Vanni (Lippo Vanni di Giovanni) active 1341–75. Detail of Gabriel in a fresco

  14. Rosso Fiorentino (1494–1540) Guariento di Arpo (active c. 1338-76) shows the Principalities, also known as Rulers Neroccio De' Landi (1447-1500)

  15. Master of the House Book in the Rhenish Palatinate, who worked in the late 15th century Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino , 1483–1520) William Bouguereau (1825-1905).

  16. Pietro Cavallini (1259 – c. 1330) Angels, Last Judgement Santa Cecilia in Trastevere (Rome)

  17. Giovanni Santi (Italian painter, 1435-1494) Angels Making Music. Melozzo da Forli (1438-1494)

  18. Singing angels decorate the letter C in the illuminated manuscript of a psalter made by Jean Maillart for presentation to Henry VIII St. Patrick’s Cathedral

  19. Luca Signorelli Parte superior de ‘Los elegidos’ (1499-1505). Capella de S. Brizio. Catedral Orvieto

  20. Cefalu - St.Gabriel the archangel mid-12th-century Duomo

  21. Cefalu - St.Michael the archangel mid-12th-century Duomo

  22. Giuseppe Mattia Borgnis, Craveggia Chiesa Parrocchiale affreschi navata, 1750

  23. Le Maître au feuillage en broderie 1480 - 1510 Angel Musicians 1480s - Jan van Eyck Ange musicien The Ghent altar piece

  24. Andrea Mantegna (1431 – 1506)

  25. Angel from a 16th century Arabian manuscript The Angel Gabriel cleansing Mohammed's heart of impurities in preparation for his ascent to heaven, while the other angels watch. From the 16th-century manuscript The Progress of the Prophet, from Turkey Angel s Iran

  26. Persian miniature from the mid-1500s depicting Mohammed ascending to Paradise astride the miraculous horse Buraq, surrounded by angels. In Islamic lore, this event is called the "Miraj," or the Night Journey. From a miniature made to illustrate a copy of the poems of Nizami, called Nizami'sKhamsa (Five Poems). Tabriz, Persia, 1539-43. Currently housed in the British Library, London.

  27. Angel blowing a Woodwind, ink and opaque watercolor painting from Iran, c.1500,HonoluluAcademy of Arts Angel Iran

  28. Giovanni Mauro della Rovere, detto il Fiammenghino, 1637-1638 Duomo di Como Santuario Madonna dei Miracoli-Cantù

  29. Sandro Botticelli, Virgin and Child with Four Angels and Six Saints, (detail) c.1487

  30. Simone Martini( c. 1284–1344) in the Palazzo Pubblico, the town hall in Siena, and completed in 1315.

  31. Pictures:Internet Copyright: All the images belong to their authors Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda 2011 Sound: Cesaria Evora - Ingrata

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