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Indonesia Java4 Borobudur3

Borobudur, one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, dating from the 8th and 9th centuries, located in the Kedu Valley, in the southern part of Central Java, Indonesia, is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World

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Indonesia Java4 Borobudur3

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  1. Indonesia Java Borobudur 3

  2. The Borobudur Temple Compounds is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and was built in the 8th and 9th centuries AD during the reign of the Syailendra Dynasty. The monument located in the Kedu Valley, in the southern part of Central Java, Indonesia, is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World

  3. The Borobudur sanctuary is one of the jewels of the world cultural heritage. A vast Mahayana Buddhist monument in the form of a pyramid-shaped mandala, covers an area of almost one and a half hectares, with a central dome almost 35 metres above the base. It was built in three tiers: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, then three circular platforms of 72 openwork stupas and, at the top, a monumental stupa

  4. Borobudur built in the style of Mandala which symbolizes the universe in Buddhist teaching. This structure is square shaped with four entry point and a circular center point. Working from the exterior to the interior, three zones of consciousness are represented, with the central sphere representing unconsciousness or Nirvana. Borobudur’s hidden Kamadhatu level consists of 160 reliefs depicting scenes of Karmawibhangga Sutra, the law of cause and effect. Illustrating the human behavior of desire, the reliefs depict robbing, killing, rape, torture and defamation. Photography of the entire collection of 160 reliefs is displayed at the Borobudur Museum which is within the Borobudur Archaeological Park.

  5. A model of the Borobudur Buddhist temple (Vatican Museums, Rome)

  6. Visitors are required to wear a sarong whilst visiting the temple

  7. Java almond, kanari or galip nut (Canarium indicum)

  8. Indian Almond Tree - Terminalia catappa

  9. Tanaman Jeruk Bali (Pomelo)

  10. Karmawibhangga Museum also known as Borobudur Museum, is an archaeology museum located just several hundred meters north of 8th century Borobudur Buddhist monument, within Borobudur Archaeological Park, Magelang Regency

  11. Model of Borobudur Temple The museum featuring pictures of bas reliefs carved on the hidden foot of Borobudur, some disassembled Borobudur stones, archaeological artifacts founds around Borobudur and Central Java. The museum also displays the Borobudur architecture and structure, also the documentation of restoration project conducted between 1975 and 1982 under UNESCO guidance

  12. Kamboja is internationally known as Frangipani flower (Plumeria)

  13. Bodhi tree Sacred Fig tree (Ficus religiosa)

  14. Yellow Ixora

  15. The Unfinished Buddha from the main stupa of Borobudur. On its back is chhatra (three-tiered parasol) which was dismantled from the top of Borobudur's main stupa because of frequent lightning stroke

  16. When opened the main stupa during restoration, it was found to contain an unfinished Buddha image that may represent a transcendent spiritual state

  17. Approximately 4,000 of the original stones and carvings from the temple are stored in this museum. These include some dissasembled stone blocks, decorative panels, parts of reliefs and structures are stored in the open air field within museum compound The blocks of stone, seen here, are fitted together and joined without using any kind of mortar or cement; this method of construction is characteristic of the monument as a whole, and elsewhere in SE Asia, for example at Angkor Wat.

  18. Cananga odorata, known as the cananga tree

  19. Cananga odorata, valued for the perfume extracted from its flowers, called ylang-ylang

  20. Cananga odorata, valued for the perfume extracted from its flowers, called ylang-ylang

  21. The base level of Borobudur illustrating the first of the three zones of consciousness in Buddhist concept; the Kamadhatu or "desire realm". This series of reliefs is known as the Mahakarmawibhangga or simply Karmawibhangga and represents the realm of desire. These 160 hidden panels do not form a continuous story, but each panel provides one complete illustration of cause and effect. However these 'hidden foot' of Borobudur with exquisite bas-reliefs is covered with additional encasement, the purpose of which remains a mystery.

  22. The Karmawibhanga Museum display archaeological findings around Borobudur, the restoration process, as well as the photographs of Karmawibhanga relief on hidden foot of Borobudur

  23. Bas reliefs in the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam After the discovery in 1811 appreciation and protection was surprisingly slow to develop, and Borobudur became the domain of unscrupulous souvenir hunters. Modern-day archaeologists speculate that this was due to the European obsession with Ancient Egypt at the time — Borobudur was just too remote and too far away to get the attention it undoubtedly deserved. There was even a Dutch proposal to dismantle the monument and scatter it piece-by-piece to museums around the world. Thankfully, good sense prevailed and by the end of the 19th century the site was left largely intact, and a five year restoration programme was undertaken in 1907

  24. If you do intend to buy some souvenirs here then make sure your bargaining skills are at their best. There is a lot written in travel guides about the pushy nature of the vendors at Borobudur, and they can be a little annoying it must be said, but a few friendly "No's" and keeping on walking usually does the job

  25. Carved from lava stone, (but most are cast coloured cement)

  26. Mango Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) The name breadfruit is due to the flavour of the fruit after being cooked, which is similar to that of freshly cooked bread

  27. Salak (Salacca zalacca) Snake fruit

  28. to be continued Text: Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Internet All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2019 Sound: Group Sari Raras under the direction of Midiyanto - Javanese gamelan music

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