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best backpacking trails in the us

One of the best backing packing trails in the US is the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. It is situated in the upper Midwest.

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best backpacking trails in the us

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  1. Minimum wage hikes are a hot topic these days, particularly as a number of cities and states have ramped up their minimums to $15 an hour. Usually, the debate revolves around whether minimum wage hikes reduce employment, by making workers more expensive to hire. But now there's another twist we can add: It looks like higher minimum wages reduce suicide rates. According to new research just published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, every $1 increase in the per hour minimum wage cuts the suicide rate among people with a high school education or less by something between 3.5 percent and 5.9 percent. The researchers found no significant impact on suicide rates among more educated Americans. The authors of the study used state minimum wages as a kind of natural experiment: some state minimums are quite higher than the federal minimum of $7.25. As the authors put it, if you imagine the minimum wage as a medical treatment aimed at addressing the public health problem of suicide, then the federal minimum wage is the baseline treatment, and the state minimum wage hikes are experiments in higher "doses." And it sure looks like higher doses correlate with fewer suicides among people with less education — a population that is both more impacted by minimum wage hikes and that's at a higher risk of suicide. Put another way: the study's findings suggest that if every state's minimum wage had been $1 higher than they were over the 1990 to 2015 period the data covered, then 27,550 suicides could've been prevented. Had state minimum wages been $2 higher, there could've been 57,350 fewer suicides. Now, no study is perfect, and opponents of minimum wage hikes have already quibbled with the methodology. (We'll get to those objections in a minute.) But the real lesson here is less about this specific study than the general trend of the research: This is the third study in just the last year to suggest that minimum wage hikes could cut suicides. Another paper, looking at state-by-state variation in policy from 1999 to 2015, found a 10 percent hike in minimum wages cut suicides not related to drugs by 3.6 percent among Americans with just a high school education or less. That paper also found no effect for more educated workers. best backpacking trails in the us Yet more research, looking at these state variations from 2006 to 2016, found a $1 increase in the minimum wage went along with a 1.9 percent reduction in the suicide rate — though that study didn't break things down by education. After falling for decades, suicide rates in the U.S. Started climbing again after 2000, and are now higher than they've been at any point since World War II. The change is part of a rise in so-called "deaths of despair" — i.E. Deaths from suicide, drug overdoses and alcoholism. As a result of that rise, there's been an unprecedented decline in overall U.S. Life expectancy in recent years. And at this point, plenty of research points to personal hardships related to work and finances as one major cause of suicide. There's well-grounded logic for thinking that raising the floor for what people are paid by their jobs should lead to better outcomes for human well-being — more hope, more stability, more healthy behaviors, and less fear and stress — and thus fewer suicides.

  2. The Epidemiology & Community Health study specifically also added two interesting twists to the literature: They found that the effect of a higher minimum wage on suicides was actually stronger when unemployment is high. And they found the reduction in suicides was actually stronger immediately after the hike is passed than one year out from the passage. On the first point, the authors theorize that wages are higher anyway when unemployment is low (because workers have more bargaining power in tight labor markets) so the protection for people's well-being offered by the minimum wage itself is less significant. But the second point is especially interesting, because it suggests the psychological effect on people of knowing the minimum wage is higher may count as much for their well-being as the raw material fact of getting more income. This could also circle back to the first point: When you don't have a job, maybe the stress and despair is lessened by knowing that, once you do find unemployment again, it will pay better. Now, what about those aforementioned objections? The "dosage" methodology the study used is relatively unusual in minimum wage research. And critics of minimum wage increases pointed out it can lead to weird conceptual results: If the federal government increased its minimum to $14 an hour, for example, to match Washington, D.C.'s, then the "dosage" there — and the effect on suicides — would be the same as the current situation for Alabama, where $7.25 an hour is the state and federal minimum. Also, because the study specifies the dosage in dollars, that means a state- federal gap of, say, $7.25 to $8.25 would have the same effect as a $14 to $15 gap, even though those differences are quite different percentage-wise. This all led Sen. Mike Lee's (R-Utah) office to quip: "By [the study's] logic, if we raised the federal minimum wage while keeping state minimum wages constant, suicide would go up!" Frankly, that's a rather tendentious read of a statistical method that, while not perfect, is certainly intuitive. No one is suggesting the gap itself is the causal mechanism here. It's also worth noting that the aforementioned paper that found a 3.6 percent decrease in suicides from a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage used a much more common methodology that smooths out the conceptual issues with the "dosage" approach.

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