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Overlap Analysis

Overlap Analysis. Jodie Toft and the Marine NatCap team. Note: this is not my child. Uses for Overlap Analysis. Identify marine and coastal areas that are hotspots for activity H ighlights regions where the compatibility of various activities may need to be investigated

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Overlap Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Overlap Analysis Jodie Toft and the Marine NatCap team

  2. Note: this is not my child.

  3. Uses for Overlap Analysis • Identify marine and coastal areas that are hotspots for activity • Highlights regions where the compatibility of various activities may need to be investigated • Scenario development • Broadening the discussion from one to many sectors

  4. A Tiered Approach Tier-2 Tier-3 Tier-1 Model Complexity Low High Global, coarse Local, fine Data Availability • simple parameterization • designed for data limited areas • easy to apply • first cut estimates of ES • complex models • designed for data rich area • substantial time to apply • more reliable and refined estimates Tallis 2009

  5. A Tiered Approach Tier-0 Tier-2 Tier-3 Tier-1 Model Complexity Low High Global, coarse Local, fine Data Availability • simple parameterization • designed for data limited areas • easy to apply • first cut estimates of ES • complex models • designed for data rich area • substantial time to apply • more reliable and refined estimates Tallis 2009

  6. Data Requirements

  7. Inputs Location of activities Weights that reflect the relative importance of different activities Outputs Hotspots of use Information on spatial variability within uses

  8. Location of activities

  9. Weights that reflect the relative importance of different activities

  10. Information on spatial variability within uses

  11. Information on spatial variability within uses

  12. How it works

  13. How it works

  14. Overlap Analysis in Practice:Wave Energy and Existing Uses

  15. Identifying areas of overlap Clayoquot Sound NPV Barkley Sound

  16. Compatibility mapping Tofino Ucluelet

  17. Hands-on session

  18. Questions?

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