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WIGTON WORD. WIGTON WORD. WRITTEN BY: ANDEEP 6J SAM.G 6J. Must Read !!!. Wigton Word is back!!. The school newspaper tells you what's been happening throughout this academic year at Wigton moor. Wigton Word gives you information on what's been happening from the reception

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  2. Wigton Word is back!! The school newspaper tells you what's been happening throughout this academic year at Wigton moor. Wigton Word gives you information on what's been happening from the reception classes all the way to year 6 including some puzzles!! Lets Read!!

  3. What a year we’ve had so far! From Year 1 Having a Christmas party To a dentist coming to see year 3 • We have also had some amazing trips. • Year1 went to Eureka • Year 4 Visiting Doctor Who • Year 6 Visiting the Thackeray Museum • And a lot more....

  4. Optical Illusions What do you think?

  5. A man stopped his car in front of a hotel and immediately knew he was bankrupt. How? He was playing monopoly! I often go to the police station, sometimes in the middle of the night, and destroy fingerprints. I do not consider my self a criminal. What am I? The police station cleaner! RIDDLES A prisoner survived ten weeks in a cell without water but the water was on the other side of his cell. His door was 20cm steel thick. How? The door wasn’t locked! What occurs one in June, once in July but twice in August ? The letter U!

  6. WIGTON LOVES READING WOW! What an amazing year we’ve had. All the competitions, plays and trips. The year started with the Get Caught Reading Competition. Over the summer holidays Mrs Murphy asked us to go somewhere where you wouldn’t normally go and then ask someone to take a photograph of you reading. It could be on a hill, in a washing basket or stood next to an elephant, just about anywhere! It was such a hard choice but Mrs Murphy came up with the winners. The winning pictures were amazing, there were pictures of all sorts of things. It was great to see lots of people taking part from all year groups. But the most important thing was that lots of people were reading. After all that excitement we had another competition to design the new school library logo. The winning entry, by Zainab in Year 6, is now on display in the entrance hall. Other activities in the future: Year 6 Leeds Book Awards; Year 3 Viking Long ships and many more.

  7. Mr Harris is a very good sports coach. He coaches a different sport at every lunchtime for anybody to join. He teaches these sports to a high standard! They are extremely fun and a good way to occupy yourself at lunchtime. The timetable below shows the different activities Mr Harris is doing on each day!

  8. Can you solve the WORD PUZZLER?? 1.nerla 2.hsoloc 3.yasebesml 4.hteca 5.dera 6. itonw dwogr 7.samht 8.yaltrcie 9.rpmiyar 10.rcfhen 11.okbo 12.cteloghyno 13.nluargdypo

  9. Did you get them right? Answers 1.learn 6.wigton word 11.book 2.school 7.maths 12.technology 3.assembely 8.literacy 13.playground 4.teach 9.primary 5.read 10.french\ Ranking 0-5 = Good try 6-9 = Amazing 10-13 = Superb

  10. Working Wall Year 4 have been learning a new type of styling their writing. It is called Alan Peat. • Key: • 2Ad sentence • Emotion, (comma) sentence • 2 Pairs sentence • simile Here is What A Good Alan Peat Story Looks Like

  11. Kidnapped Long ago, in the city of Leeds, a little boy named Niall lived. Niall was only four years old, but he was always scared because every night in the city, a child was kidnapped. Niall had short, black hair, and a round button nose. He was very adorable. He was even more scared of kidnapping now because, the night before, his sister had been kidnapped. Everyone knew the name of the kidnapper, it was Big Billy. That boy was as scary as a lion. That night when Niall went to bed, the roof rattled. Someone grabbed his arm. Scared, he kept his eyes tight shut. Could it be Billy? Scared and frightened, cold and worried, he hid under the bed covers. Will someone save Niall before... By Anya • Key: • 2Ad sentence • Emotion, (comma) sentence • 2 Pairs sentence • simile

  12. Here is What A Good Alan Peat Prayer Looks Like.

  13. Imagine a school where there is no racism, Where we are inclusive, Where nobody does or says mean things: In Wigton Moor there is such a school By AMANVEER

  14. 100 Words Stories For the return of the Wigton Word Mrs.Lilley set everyone a task to write a 100 words Story. The following slides contain 1 from each class

  15. 100 Words Stories Reception 1’s Story The Trip One day, Reception 1 decided to go on a journey. They all got on the coach at Wigton Moor and sat down, feeling happy and very giddy because they were going to Disney and. Soon everybody fell asleep. Suddenly they woke up and were very excited to be there already! But oh no! Everybody wanted to go on different rides! Woody and Buzzlightyear came and helped the kids to go on the rides so the problem was sorted out. Everyone felt sad, grumpy and disappointed when it was time to go home because they had had such a lovely time.

  16. 100 Words Stories Reception 2’s Story The Princess and the Dragon Once upon a time there was a princess called Poppy. One day, Poppy went for a walk through the forest to visit her friends castle. She was going to feed a gaggle of geese when suddenly a fierce dragon appeared from behind a tree. Poppy was scared. The dragon was about to breathe out ice and freeze the princess when all of a sudden a brave prince appeared from nowhere driving a gigantic monster truck! He put the princess into his truck and drove away as fast as he could. Poppy was very grateful, and happy to be safe.

  17. 100 Words Stories Class 1C’s Story Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs Goes to the Sea-Side Harry was feeling excited because he was going to go on an aeroplane. He was going on holiday with his Mummy and Daddy and his plane. When they got to Spain it was very hot and sunny so they decided to go to the beach. Harry started to make big sandcastle. The triceratops used his 3 horns to help dig and the Apatosaurus used his long tail to make a big moat. Harry put some water in the moat and the pushed Harry in, the dinosaurs all jumped in and they all played and splashed in the water with Harry. The endosaurus.

  18. 100 Words Stories Class 1JC’s Story Ben And The Lost Dinosaurs. Once upon a time there was a lovely boy called Ben. One afternoon he was playing hide and seek and he found some toy dinosaurs in an old trailer in his garage. He was excited. He took them everywhere with him, even karate. On his birthday, he took the dinosaurs to a dinosaur museum. He had great fun, then it was time to go. When he got home he was really upset because he had left his dinosaurs on a bench. He had a terrible night. The next day he found them at the museum doing “roly polys” down the neck of an Apatosaurus. He laughed a lot.

  19. 100 Words Stories Class 2EF’s Story The see-through Water Dragon A long time ago in a dark cave in the blue depths of Loch Ness. Early one morning the dragon went looking for a lake weed to make a birthday cake. Suddenly, she got tangled up in weed. She struggled and sobbed like crashing thunder. A brave water rat and frog knew someone was in trouble. They nibbled through the weed and the dragon escaped. The dragon and rat and frog made friends and had a party. When the weed cake was ready the frog and rat got the biggest pieces and sang together.

  20. 100 Words Stories Class 2C’s Story The Dragon Who Failed Long, ago in a dark and gloomy cave lived a fierce and angry dragon. One night he decided to fly through stormy sky to kill the King who lived in an enormous and beautiful castle. On his way the dragon blew fire to show how fierce and scary he was. Unfortunately by the time he arrived at the castle his fire had run out. The King and his knight attacked the dragon with their sharp swords and soon the dragon was dead. Everyone in the castle was delighted so to celebrate the King had a party and everybody came.

  21. 100 Words Stories This is Class 3F’s Story! The Magic Door Whilst Neel, Ben and Sanjay, were on their way to the playground, they noticed an opaque shape in front of their eyes. It was a door which attracted them. There was a twinkle in Sanjay’s eye as he flung the door open. The three boys entered and the next second, they were in London. Ben said “Let’s go to Big Ben”. So the three boys went to Big Ben. “Wow” said Ben. “What’s the time?”, said Sanjay. “1’o’clock! We need to get back to school” yelled Neel! “Magic door come”, said Neel but it didn’t come so the boys were never seen again!

  22. 100 Words Stories This is Class 4L’s Story! Theseus and the minotaur King Minos was a powerful king. One of his devious acts was to order fourteen Athenians to be gobbled up by his minotaur. Theseus,(the son of King Aegeus), sailed to Crete to slaughter the flesh – eating monster. Ariadne, the beautiful daughter of king Minos, gave Theseus a ball of silk and a sword to help him in the labyrinth. Theseus battled and slaughtered the minotaur, which made king Minos very angry. Theseus sadly left Ariadne on the island of Naxos. Devastated, King Aegeus flung himself off the cliff because he believed that Theseus had been killed.

  23. 100 Words Stories This is Class 4H’s Story! Theseus and the Minotaur The cruel King Minos ruled Crete. All the other islands feared him because he forced fourteen people yearly to feed his Minotaur. King Aegeus’ son, Theseus, wanted to kill the Minotaur, so he set off to Crete. King Minos’ daughter, Princess Ariadne, gave Theseus a ball of string to help him get out of the labyrinth. Theseus found and killed the Minotaur after an extreme battle. King Minos was fuming with rage as he watched the boat sail away. On the way back to Athens. Theseus left Princess Ariadne on an island. Theseus forgot to change the black sail, so his father killed himself.

  24. 100 Words Stories This is Class 5B’s Story! The figure in the dark In Victorian London, there was a kind old chap called Terry. He was and exceptional man. He had a huge business and with a family and lot’s of money. One winter’s night, he was relaxing on his four-poster bed smoking a cigar enjoying himself. He took a swig of beer by his bed side table. Suddenly he cried out in pain, vomiting blood. As he was dying, a dark silhouette appeared in front of the door. “Yes. My mission was accomplished” smiled the figure. “who are you?”croaked Terry, gasping for breath. “Ha Ha!” laughed the figure “I am Death-you’ll be silenced!!!”

  25. 100 Words Stories This is Class 5S’s Story! One miserable day, in the lunch hall the girls and the boys were having an argument about who is better at sports. Suddenly Hannah lost her temper and shouted “Boys are rubbish at everything”. Angrily, Joseph threw a pie in her face. After that other children joined in. Somehow, a teacher appeared silently in the hall making them all dive under the tables. A pizza was anonymously smeared slap bang in the middle of Miss Saul’s face. “Miss all of your playtimes” she furiously shrieked. Consequently it would remain a mystery forever, who was better at sport, girls or boys.

  26. 100 Words Stories Class 6J’s Story The End Isn’t Always Happy I have been on the “unsinkable” Titanic for hours. And then, just now the impossible happened. Water swept into the cabin. Alarms ringing in my ears like church bells as I out to find my son. I fought against the torrent of icy water to find my son. I pushed around to find my son – nothing else mattered. My wife died in the water, I can’t lose my son the same way. I woke up. The doctor walked in. “ Your son is no more. We tried to get rid of the cold but the cold got rid of him.”

  27. 100 Words Stories This is Class 6DH’s Story! The Fugitive Tom opened his bright blue eyes, his long fair hair flowing in the wind. Tom was10 ½ years old. He had a well built muscular body and was wearing a baggy shirt, faded jeans and trainers with frayed laces. He was meant to be at school but he couldn’t stand the constant “voices”. Standing on the cliff he knew so well he looked down at the uninviting sea. A sudden, unnatural gust of wind snapped him into reality. He was falling. Down, down into the depths of the cold sea! CRACK!...3 hours later he was found in Antarctica.

  28. Quick Links Click Here To Visit The Wigton Moor Primary School Webstie Click Here to Login To Mathletics Click Here to Login To DB Primary

  29. Quick Links 2 Click Here To Visit The Leeds Book Awards Website. Click Here To Visit The Reviews Page For The Leeds Book Awards

  30. By: Andeep Ghataure 6J & Sam Gilmartin6J

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