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Buddhism And Hinduism

Buddhism And Hinduism . - Lexii . Hinduism. *****. Hinduism. . *Aryans decide witch social class a person belonged to by there caste. Hinduism. Hinduism grew out of ancient myths. Hinduism. -Hinduism & B uddhism developed in A sia and I ndia. Hinduism.

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Buddhism And Hinduism

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  1. Buddhism And Hinduism - Lexii.

  2. Hinduism. *****

  3. Hinduism. *Aryans decide witch social class a person belonged to by there caste.

  4. Hinduism. Hinduism grew out of ancient myths.

  5. Hinduism. -Hinduism & Buddhism developed in Asia and India.

  6. Hinduism. *Hinduism demanded followers accept there caste and live by its rules.

  7. Hinduism. -both religions strongly affected the Indian civilizations

  8. Hinduism. *Farmers moved to the Indus river valley for fertile land.

  9. Hinduism. -The Two Major Cities in my Indus River Valley are … Mohenjo-Daro. And Harppa.

  10. Hinduism. *Hindus Believed every livings things had life’s If you do good you will come back as a weiser and Better person.

  11. Hinduism. -Some of the major public buildings Mohenjo-Daro Had were : Bath , Granary , Assembly Hall , Temple , and Canal.

  12. Hinduism. *Hindu gave it a rigid social structure called the caste system.

  13. Hinduism. Hymns- Religious Songs.

  14. Hinduism. Veda- Means knowledge.

  15. Hinduism. -Hindus believed if you do bad you will come back as A rat or mole.

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