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CAMP 4:4:3 Power Session 10: The Listing Consultation – The Presentation

CAMP 4:4:3 Power Session 10: The Listing Consultation – The Presentation. Introduction. Think Without Fear—Failed attempts are not the same thing as failure, so never fear the attempt itself. The only time you can ever truly fail is if you give up or refuse to try at all.

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CAMP 4:4:3 Power Session 10: The Listing Consultation – The Presentation

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  1. CAMP 4:4:3Power Session 10: The Listing Consultation – The Presentation

  2. Introduction Think Without Fear—Failed attempts are not the same thing as failure, so never fear the attempt itself. The only time you can ever truly fail is if you give up or refuse to try at all. - Millionaire Real Estate Agent 78

  3. Introduction Objectives… • Identify how to present your unique value proposition to sellers • Review how to discuss pricing with sellers • Practice the presentation 78

  4. CAMP Map 79

  5. The Basics 80

  6. 5. Present Your Value Proposition Introduction The goal of your presentation is to validate to the seller who you are and what you can do for them. This is known as your “Unique Value Proposition” (UVP). 81

  7. 5. Present Your Value Proposition 82

  8. 5. Present Your Value Proposition Sample UVP Script The script in your manual is a model for your UVP. Do not use this script verbatim. When you discuss your UVP, add your unique selling advantages and cover in detail those items that apply to the seller’s concerns. 83-85

  9. 5. Present Your Value Proposition Exercise Directions: • Use the questions to brainstorm ideas for your UVP. • In the circles provided on the following pages, write down the features of your service that apply to sellers. Then write down the benefits of each feature (draw extra circles if needed). • Capture the information for the benefits of each feature in complete sentences. Organize the sentences into a sensible paragraph—this is your UVP for sellers! • Present your UVP for sellers to the class. Time: 30 minutes 86-91

  10. 6. Discuss Pricing What the Seller Can and Cannot Control An important part of the pricing process is to help your sellers understand that the agents and the sellers do not determine the purchase price of their home. Instead, the buyers determine the price. 92

  11. 6. Discuss Pricing Explaining CMA Explaining the Concept of % Buyers vs. Asking Price Explaining the Importance of Pricing at Market Value Initially Determining the List Price 93-96

  12. Practice Role-Model Watch as your instructor demonstrates his or her UVP and the pricing strategies. Discussion Question What made the instructor’s value proposition powerful and persuasive? 97

  13. Practice Exercise Directions: • Form groups of four. • Each person will take a script from the list below and spend five minutes reviewing it. • Then the group will present a complete pricing strategy presentation (each speaking their own part). Group members should not read from the scripts, but should try to recite them from memory. Time: 15 minutes 98

  14. Assignments Power Session Assignment Customize and memorize your UVP and pricing scripts. 99

  15. Assignments Ongoing Assignments • Complete 10:5:15:5 • Collect 10 business cards. • Make 5 phone calls. • Send 15 notes or letters. • Preview 5 homes. Record your progress on the Success Grid. • Schedule a one-hour role-play session with your CAMP Buddy. Practice the listing consultation scripts. • Review the job aid Support Team Worksheet in your Tool Kit. Fill in any additional team members you have identified. 99

  16. Assignments Something to Think About… How might you assess sellers’ needs in order to better tailor your UVP to specific individuals? 99

  17. We have talked about… • How to present your unique value proposition to sellers • How to discuss pricing with sellers • How to conduct the presentation sum

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