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shoot day

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  1. Shoot evaluation Darkscreen productions 

  2. Morning of the shoot • On the morning of the shoot, it was my job to take care of the cast in out opening sequence. • During the morning of preparations, I made sure that the actors were 100 percent aware of what they were doing in the scene and knew what to say, do and hen to move. • Inevitably on the morning of a shoot things change and ideas are moved around slightly, so I made sure that all of the costumes, props exetera were still fitting with the opening sequence and that the actors were aware of any changes and went through the scene with them again to consolidate it to ensure an easy shoot day. • The morning of the shoot day was less stressful than I had anticipated, we made sure in advance we had everything we needed to make our opening sequence, and nothing was forgotten. By prepearing beforehand and not leaving everything till the last second the flow of the shoot was much better.

  3. Adapting the setting  • When we arrived to out chosen loaction in the morning of the shoot it was clear that we had to make some adaptations. • Firstly, the lighting was completely going agaisnt the overall mood and atmosphere of the scene, therefor we got big UV stip lights and placed them in the bathroom stall we were using to create a more mysterious and eerie atmosphere. • As well as the UV lights we added blue film over the main lighting in the ceiling to add a blue wash over the scene, on the camera this picked up really nicely. • The last main change that we made to the set was removing the lock off ofthe door the girl was hiding behind, this added a whole new aspect to our scene and made it far more interesting, as she could play off of this panic of not being able to lock the door. This was something we fuigred out on the morning of the shoot and it worked in our favour.

  4. Roles in the shoot  • When it comes to a shoot day, we found it important to make sure that everyone has spesific roles so that we all had a clear idea of what we were doing and so we didn’t overlap and clash. • We split up into four roles, director, camera operator, producer and editor. • I was the producer, so I was making sure that the overall image was what I had in mind and that it fit the typical conversions of a thriller opening sequence. • Fabian took on the role of camera operator. • Becky took on the role of dirctor. • Elodie took on the role of editor, however not relevant to shoot day she still made decisions about shot sizes and angles to make sure when it came to editing, she had everything she needed.

  5. What did I do well? • While we had a storyboard and pretty much all of our shots planned out, when it came to actually filming, I thought it would be a good idea to get some more artistic shots to add into the sequence to make it appear more professional and more intresting to watch. •  I took the role on of camera operator for a small amount of time and took some panning shots of the door closing ffrom the POV of the door and some free moving shots of the overall scene, these turned out really well and will come in handy when we need a nice interesting shot in the sequence, and we can edit it in as we got every movement our actor made.

  6. Problems/what could have gone better? • When we looked at our shooting location on the morning of the shoot e realised thattaking a second look it was not going to work, so we had to re-think. • Our opening sequence is a girl terrified and running and hiding from a mysterious man therefor we needed a small place for her to hide and be isolated so we could isolate the audience with her, a cupboard was too small to fit both an actor and a camera, so we had to go looking for another location that was prctical yet still interesting. • We found a bathroom that was in a narrow hallway dimly lit and with an old-fashioned feel about it, in the end this worked out better and was a far more practical idea. However, if we had put more thought into this before the actual day maybe it would have been slightly less stressfull and ouldnt have taken as long.

  7. What do we think went well • Overall, I was happy with the whole shoot and was impressed that four people who have never don’t anything like this beofre managed to pull it off inless than a day, howevr I think the most successful part of the shoot was the communication between my teamembers and I. • By all having a set role and all having a clear idea of what we are doing, it meant that there were no arguments/disagrements and the shoot was actually a lot of fun. • As well as this there were a few technicalities during the day such as how to make sure mobile phones had service when using them in the scene exetera, but we managed to come together and make it work well. • Lastly, I really liked the lighting that we set up for the scene, it really added to the atmosphere and made the images come out really cool and more professional looking than ametur.

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