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Waste Walk

Waste Walk. Walk your areas. Look for waste. Write it down. Take action. D efects O verproduction T ransportation W aiting I nventory M otion (excessive) P rocessing (excessive) U nderutilized People. The Wastes Defined.

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Waste Walk

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  1. Waste Walk Walk your areas. Look for waste. Write it down. Take action. Defects Overproduction Transportation Waiting Inventory Motion (excessive) Processing (excessive) Underutilized People

  2. The Wastes Defined Waste - Any activity that adds costs and not value to the products or services that the company offers to its customers. • Defects - Not doing it right the first time, causing rework or scrap. Any aspect of the product that does not conform to the customer needs. Includes the defect, the costs of inspecting for defects, responding to customer complaints and making repairs. • Overproduction - Making what is unnecessary, when it is unnecessary and in unnecessary amounts. • Transportation - Any transportation of parts, documents and materials from one place to another for any reason. • Waiting - Waiting for work, information, and/or approvals, waiting for parts, materials, tools, equipment availability, etc. • Inventory - Any goods that are retained for any length of time, inside or outside the facility. • Motion (excessive) - Any movement of people, machines or equipment not really needed to perform an operation. • Processing (excessive)- Operations and processes that may not be necessary. Trying to add more value to a service/product than what your customers want or will pay for. • Underutilized people - Losing time, ideas, skills, improvements, and learning opportunities by not engaging or listening to employees.

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