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NCSE ’ s New Climate Change Education Initiative

NCSE's new climate change education initiative aims to combat denialism and misconceptions and promote accurate and comprehensive teaching of climate change. Through programs, policy advocacy, and collaboration with diverse stakeholders, NCSE works to improve the quality of science education nationwide.

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NCSE ’ s New Climate Change Education Initiative

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  1. NCSE’s New Climate Change Education Initiative • Mark McCaffrey & Josh Rosenau • Programs and Policy Directors http://ncse.com

  2. Non-profit membership organization devoted to defending science education at local, state and national levels. • Focus primarily on defending the teaching of evolution and climate change • 4500 members including scientists, teachers, clergy, and citizens with diverse religious and political affiliations • Often work behind the scenes

  3. Counter-denialism ecosystems

  4. Challenges to Climate Change EducationNRC Workshop Report 2011 • Climate change is complicated, rife with popular misconceptions • Climate change is inherently cross-disciplinary and should be taught throughout across the curriculum • It hasn’t been well coordinated (or represented in standards) • It has been politically polarized

  5. Related Issues • Emotional and psychological/sociological challenges • Absent/underrepresented in standards and curriculum • Taught in brief “drive-by” fashion • Taught as controversy, giving “both sides” equal weight

  6. It’s only “fair” to teach creationism with evolution Evolution is a “theory in crisis” Evolution and religion are incompatible Pillars of Creationism

  7. Climate change is anti-capitalist Unfair to impose climate solutions until everyone agrees Climate change is weak science Pillars of climate change denial

  8. Some scientists believe that adding CO2 to the atmosphere…from burning coal…will…make the earth’s climate become warmer… Other scientists do not believe this is likely, or have said the climate is made up of many complex factors we do not fully understand. … More time is needed for researchers to gather information on these questions.

  9. Global warming may or may not be a problem. Man may or may not be driving it. Given the uncertainties, a significant amount of global regret may apply if we divert too much of our global wealth to solving what may be a non-existent or trivial problem, especially if that diversion mires billions in poverty. On the other hand, we may also regret not doing anything if man-made global warming does turn out to be a problem.

  10. Environmentalism and climate change are a new religion. • Their policies are devastating to the world’s poor. • They threaten the sanctity of life. • They target our youth with a global vision. • James 4:7: “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

  11. Teach the Controversy!(“Academic Freedom” Bills) • “Critical Thinking” • Singles out evolution, climate change • Undermines nature of science • Permission slip for climate change denial, etc.

  12. “full range of views,” “rights” of students & teachers; “alternative theories” “shall not be construed” to promote religion “critical analysis,”“strengths & weaknesses”; permissive; adds global warming, cloning, etc. Texas stds., local policies in CA, MT, WI, etc. “Academic freedom” acts 40+ bills since 2004 13 states introduced 1 bill passed 5 filed in 2012 alone

  13. Tennessee

  14. Questioning the Science • “Should the public come to believe that the scientific issues are settled, their views about global warming will change accordingly. Therefore, you need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate.” • “Winning the Global Warming Debate: An Overview” 2002 Memo for GOP Congressional Candidates, Luntz Research Companies.

  15. States of Denial: • Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering • (Cohen 2001) • Literal (It’s not happening) • Interpretive (It’s happening but not what you think) • Denying the implications and responsibility

  16. Religious Conservatives Political Conservatives Anti-Global Warming Religious Right

  17. http://globalchange.gov/resources/educators

  18. http://globalchange.gov/resources/educators

  19. Good News: Next Generation Science Standards are coming!

  20. } How important do you think improving the quality of science education in our public schools is to our country’s ability to compete globally? 84% Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not important Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research

  21. What grade would you give science education in public schools? Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research

  22. Clifton Park, NY • Parent contacts NCSE: “My daughter’s 9th grade Earth Science teacher is doubt-mongering the scientific consensus that climate change is occurring and is mainly due to human activity.” • NCSE guides parent through school bureaucracy, puts her in touch with local science education leaders. • Teacher agrees to stop undermining climate science.

  23. What NCSE does/can do • Assist in local flareups, track and collate flareup data • Support, train, and engage local activists • Build networks of scientists, lawyers, clergy, businesses, activists, policymakers • Develop and lobby for good standards • Lobby against bad bills and for good ones • Connect teachers with good educational materials • Analyze and refute denialist educational materials • Serve as clearinghouse for media, activists, scientists, lawyers, policymakers, and other stakeholders

  24. Climate Change 101: Is the climate changing?, Is it because of humans?, What will the effects be?, What can we do? Teaching Climate Change: Principles, Communicating CC to students, Countering climate confusion, Addressing denial and doubt in the classroom, Making it relevant, Resources for teachers Taking Action: Defending/Supporting climate change education, Voices for climate change, Advice on letters to the editor/public testimony, Why climate change isn’t taught Climate Change Denial: Pillars of denial, How denial affects our schools, Why is it called denial?

  25. http://ncse.com http://facebook.com/evolution.ncse http://twitter.com/ncse

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