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Mobile Ecosystem

Mobile Ecosystem. What is a mobile ecosystem?. Group of devices connected by one OS that work together and share data Shared data are stored on the Cloud ie . Dropbox, iCloud , Skydrive Begins with a starting point which can be a smartphone, tablet, computer

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Mobile Ecosystem

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mobile Ecosystem

  2. What is a mobile ecosystem? • Group of devices connected by one OS that work together and share data • Shared data are stored on the Cloud ie. Dropbox, iCloud, Skydrive • Begins with a starting point which can be a smartphone, tablet, computer • Can be as big or small as you want it to be depending on how you use it

  3. What does an ecosystem need? • Your mobile ecosystem needs two or more devices: • Run on an OS • Web Connectivity • Personal Preference • Apple & Blackberry users are limited to only their products • Google and Microsoft users are able to use different devices from different vendors • Android devices will be able to connect and share data between almost all PC/Tablets

  4. Why have an Ecosystem? • to share info across different devices without the need of cables and wires • Instant access of data from anywhere with any connected device • Give the user a simple way of sharing and storing data across different devices and platforms

  5. What ecosystems are currently available? • Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Blackberry products are all capable of forming an ecosystem • Mobile ecosystems are expanding to the automotive industry, television, tablets, and google glasses

  6. How do I know which ecosystem I need? • Your ecosystem is influenced by the operating system your device runs on • The software will be the initial point of connections in starting your ecosystem • A device that runs on Android will be able to use any other devices and products that run within the Android system • However, Blackberry’s have their own hardware and run on a different OS, as a result, it is difficult to have an Android feature on a devices that runs on Blackberry • That is why there are similar applications specifically made for a type of Operating System

  7. Apple’s iOSoperating system

  8. Google’s Android operating system

  9. Microsoft’s recent release of Windows 8

  10. Recent Changes

  11. New devices are beginning to emerge into the overall mobility ecosystem.

  12. Peripheral hardware

  13. increase the boundary with emerging ecosystem Trend

  14. Barriers to Adoption


  16. Consumers might be reluctant to buy the latest gadgets 1. COST

  17. KISS (Keep It Simple, Silly) principle • more user friendly devices 2. Consumer Habits

  18. How prevalent will the technology become?

  19. Prevalence

  20. A few more ideas for the future…

  21. http://dc942d419843af05523b-ff74ae13537a01be6cfec5927837dcfe.r14.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Android-logo.pnghttp://dc942d419843af05523b-ff74ae13537a01be6cfec5927837dcfe.r14.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Android-logo.png • http://pocketnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/apple_logo1.jpg • http://www.futuremobilitynow.com/assets/DSC_0060.jpg • http://blog.appliedis.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/microsoft_new_logo.png • http://millennialleader.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/easy-button.png • http://www.ehow.com/info_8106898_barriers-technology-adoption-development.html#ixzz2krQOYmc8 • http://ansonalex.com/infographics/smartphone-usage-statistics-and-trends-2013-infographic/ • http://www.theuksportsnetwork.com/5-barriers-to-successful-social-media-adoption • http://lssacademy.com/2010/06/01/3-practical-ways-to-immediately-reduce-costs/ • http://www.zdnet.com/blog/computers/will-microsoft-surface-for-windows-8-pro-tablets-be-competition-for-ultrabooks/8342 • http://www.doobybrain.com/2013/02/22/google-glass-is-real-and-coming-to-a-store-near-you-by-the-end-of-2013/ • http://www.technologytell.com/apple/115761/radioshack-now-selling-mac-accessories/ • http://apps4all.ru/news/devices/apple-smartwatch.html • http://live.drjays.com/index.php/2013/09/05/samsung-unveils-galaxy-gear-smartwatch/ • http://www.ehow.com/info_8106898_barriers-technology-adoption-development.html#ixzz2krQOYmc8 • http://ansonalex.com/infographics/smartphone-usage-statistics-and-trends-2013-infographic/ • http://dangerouslee.biz/2012/02/28/4-indications-that-youre-stressed-out/ • http://www.thedrum.com/news/2011/10/10/54-set-switch-cheaper-brands-consumer-spending-habits-analysis • http://memeburn.com/2011/05/why-cant-google-win-at-social/ • http://mashable.com/2012/06/21/trends-consumer-experience-economy/ • http://www.123rf.com/photo_3718989_bits-and-bytes-on-a-dark-green-background.html References

  22. Q & A

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