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Hospital Compare: A consumer quality tool

Hospital Compare: A consumer quality tool. Presented by: Michael McMullan Deputy Director, Center for Beneficiary Choices Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Hospital Quality Alliance: Improving Care Through Information. A public-private collaboration to improve quality of care

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Hospital Compare: A consumer quality tool

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hospital Compare:A consumer quality tool Presented by: Michael McMullan Deputy Director, Center for Beneficiary Choices Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

  2. Hospital Quality Alliance: Improving Care Through Information • A public-private collaboration to improve quality of care • Goal: To identify a robust set of standardized and easy-to-understand hospital quality measures. • Provides information for consumers and healthcare professionals • Collaboration and Partnership

  3. Overview • One of many quality compare websites • Informs consumers about quality and incentivizes for quality improvement

  4. Overview • Applies to all adult patients • Web address: www.hospitalcompare.hhs.govwww.medicare.gov

  5. Consumer Testing • Consumers and healthcare professionals • Testing of the prototype for ease of navigation and usability • Results of testing reflected on the website • Continue testing for improvements

  6. Hospital Compare Provides: • Information for consumers to start a conversation about how to get the best care. • A tool that equips consumers to: • think more concretely about quality • realize that quality can differ across facilities • understand that there are quality differences and these differences can be measured • learn that individuals can affect quality through their questions and their choices

  7. What Hospital Compare Isn’t: • Top 100 Hospitals • The only resource for making healthcare decisions • Set in concrete

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