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Partonic EoS at RHIC Nu Xu Nuclear Science Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Many Thanks to the Conference

Partonic EoS at RHIC Nu Xu Nuclear Science Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Many Thanks to the Conference Organizers. Outline. Introduction 2) Hadron Spectra 3) Event anisotropy 4) Summary and outlook . Hydrodynamic Flow. Collectivity. Local Thermalization. = .

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Partonic EoS at RHIC Nu Xu Nuclear Science Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Many Thanks to the Conference

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  1. Partonic EoS at RHICNu XuNuclear Science DivisionLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryMany Thanks to the Conference Organizers “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  2. Outline Introduction 2) Hadron Spectra 3) Event anisotropy 4) Summary and outlook “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  3. Hydrodynamic Flow Collectivity Local Thermalization =  Physical Goals at RHIC • Identify and study the properties of matter (EoS) with partonic degrees • of freedom and determine the QCD phase diagram. • Penetrating probesBulk probes • - direct photons, leptons - spectra, v1, v2 … • - “jets” andheavy flavor - partonic collectivity • - fluctuations “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  4. High-Energy Nuclear Collisions • jets, leptons • J/y, D • W • f • X • L • p, K,K* • D, p • d, HBT partonic scatterings? early thermalization? Initial Condition - initial scatterings - baryon transfer - ET production - parton dof System Evolves - parton interaction - parton/hadron expansion Bulk Freeze-out - hadron dof - interactions stop Q2 TC Tch Tfo elliptic flow v2 radial flow bT time “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  5. ud ss uud sss Hadron Spectra from RHICp+p and Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV 0-5% more central collisions Multi-strange hadron spectra are exponential in their shapes. STAR white papers - Nucl. Phys. A757, 102(2005). “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  6. Thermal Model Fits (Blast-Wave) Source is assumed to be: • Locally thermal equilibrated • Boosted in radial direction boosted E.Schnedermann, J.Sollfrank, and U.Heinz, Phys. Rev. C48, 2462(1993) random Extract thermal temperature Tfo and velocity parameter T “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  7. Blast Wave Fits: Tfo vs. bT 1) p, K, and p change smoothly from peripheral to central collisions. 2) At the most central collisions, T reaches 0.6c. 3) Multi-strange particles ,  are found at higher Tfo and lower T •  light hadrons move • with higher velocity • compared to strange • hadrons • STAR: NPA715, 458c(03); PRL 92, 112301(04); 92, 182301(04). 200GeV Au + Au collisions “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  8. Compare with Model Results Hydro model works well for , K, p, but over-predicts flow for multi-strange hadrons Initial ‘collective kick’ introduced (P. Kolb and R. Rapp, PRC67) “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  9. Slope Parameter Systematics Partonic expansion! “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  10. PRL (07) SPS energy Direct Radiation from the Matter Expanding partonic matter at RHIC and LHC! “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  11. Low-mass Dileptons ALEPH data: Vacuum • At s~1 GeV2, 2 channel strength drop • Measured vectorm+m- (e+e-), but axial vector? • Related to the collective expanding? “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  12. Di-leptons allow us to measure the direct radiation from the matter with partonic degrees of freedom, no hadronization! Puzzle 1: dramatic change of the slope parameter at m ~ 1 GeV2 Puzzle 2: source of T at m ≥ 1.5 GeV2 RHIC & LHC: T will increase with mass! Direct Radiation from the Matter Expanding partonic matter at RHIC and LHC! “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  13. Summary I 1) Multi-strange hadrons and heavy quark hadrons freeze-out early 2) At RHIC,mass > 1 GeV2, partonic interactions dominate. Interactions of , N are important for mass < 1 GeV2. “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  14. Anisotropy Parameter v2 coordinate-space-anisotropy  momentum-space-anisotropy y py px x Initial/final conditions, EoS, degrees of freedom “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  15. v2 - IdentifiedParticles at High pT protons pions kaons QM08: S. Huang ; M. Issah PHENIX results from their new MRPC-TOF and RP detectors! Extended to higher pT region! The more central the collision, the smaller the v2 “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  16. v2 - High pT - nq Scaling QM08: S. Huang ; M. Issah 1) Scaling observed at both centralities. 2) KET scaling seems break down for KET/nq > 1 GeV/c2 in peripheral collisions - non-flow effects “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  17. Collectivity, Deconfinement at RHIC - v2 of light hadrons and multi-strange hadrons - scaling by the number of quarks At RHIC:  mT - NQ scaling  De-confinement PHENIX: PRL91, 182301(03) STAR: PRL92, 052302(04), 95, 122301(05) nucl-ex/0405022, QM05 S. Voloshin, NPA715, 379(03) Models: Greco et al, PRC68, 034904(03) Chen, Ko, nucl-th/0602025 Nonaka et al. PLB583, 73(04) X. Dong, et al., Phys. Lett. B597, 328(04). …. i ii “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  18.  -meson v2: Partonic Collectivity QM08: J. Chen; X.B. Wang “-mesons are produced via coalescence of seemingly thermalized quarks in central Au+Au collisions. This observation implies hot and dense matter with partonic collectivity has been formed at RHIC” “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  19. Centrality Dependence of PID v2 QM08: Y. Lu; S Dash • All centralities: mass ordering at low pTmT-m scaling at low mT-m. • All centralities: baryon v2 > meson v2 at intermediate pT and mT-m. • Hydrodynamic model predictions do not show the scaling behavior. Non-viscous hydro: P. Huovinen, private communications, 07/ / STAR data: arXiv:0801.3466v1 “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  20. Eccentricity Scaling(?) STAR: arXiv:0801.3466v1 200 GeV Au+Au S. Voloshin, A. Poskanzer, PL B474, 27(00). D. Teaney, et. al., nucl-th/0110037 QM08: Y. Lu ; S Dash • Larger v2/part indicates stronger flow in more central collisions. • The observed nq-scaling does not necessarily mean thermalization. “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  21. (no) Scaling in Hydro Model No scaling is observed in the non-viscous hydrodynamic model predictions. Realistic calculations with viscosity are necessary! - STAR data: PRC 72, 014904, 2005 arXiv:0801.3466v1 - Non-viscous hydrodynamic results: P. Huovinen, private communications 2007 - D. Teaney, J. Lauret, and E.Shuryak, nucl-th/0110037 - T. Hirano et al. Phy. Lett. B636, 299 (06); J. Phys. G34 S879(07); arXiv: 0710.5795 “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  22. Summary II 1) Partonic interactions are responsible to early collectivity  Partonic Collectivity at RHIC. 2) More sophisticated, serious model calculations, including proper initial condition, viscosity, … are needed. “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  23. Higgs mass: electro-weak symmetry breaking. (current quark mass) • QCD mass: Chiral symmetry breaking. (constituent quark mass) • New mass scale compared to the excitation of the system. • Important tool for studying properties of the hot/dense medium at RHIC. • Test pQCD predictions at RHIC. Quark Masses Total quark mass (MeV) “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  24. New Results on Non-photonic e v2 PHENIX run-IV: PRL, 98, 172301 (2007) QM08: R. Averbeck; A. Dion 1) Heavy quark collectivity => light quark thermalization! Muller nucl-th/0404015 2) Non-photonic electron v2 indicatesnon-zero v2 of Charm-hadrons. 3) Large systematic errors. Need directly reconstructed heavy quark-hadrons!! “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  25. STAR Detector MTD MRPC ToF barrel EMC barrel EMC End Cap RPSD FMS F0S PMD • DAQ1000 • TPC FEE • MTD • Soft  finished HFT: Si-pixels; IST: Si-strips; FGT: GEM-layers Integrated Tracking Upgrades ongoing “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  26. Charm Hadron v2 D0, D±, D*,Ds C Bottom-hadrons Charm background At low mass region - 200 GeV Au+Au minimum biased collisions (500M events). - Charm collectivity  drag/diffusion constants  medium properties! “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

  27. Summary Physics Today L. McLerran, T. Ludlam, Hot and dense system created in Au+Au collisions At RHIC Spectra: At RHIC,mass > 1 GeV2, partonic interactions dominate. Anisotropy v2: Partonic interactions are responsible to early collectivity at RHIC. More sophisticated, serious model calculations are needed. Next Step: Test thermalization of light-quark by studying the heavy-quark collectivity. “Hot and Dense Matter in the RHIC-LHC Era”, Mumbai, India, February 12-14, 2008

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