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Mocomi TimePass The Magazine - Issue 4

Why can't you tickle yourself? What makes the Ajanta Caves special? What do these questions have in common? Their answers can be found in Mocomi TimePass Magazine Issue 4!

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Mocomi TimePass The Magazine - Issue 4

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  1. FOLKTALE Mullah Nasruddin and the People’s Judgement One day, Mullah Nasruddin and his son were travelling to the next town. Nasruddin preferred to walk while his son rode the donkey. On the way, they passed a group of bystanders, and a man “I suppose you are right,” the son replied. But as they passed another group of people, they heard them laughing. “Ha, ha, ha,” the group laughed rudely. “Look at those two fools. They are so stupid that both of them are walking under this scorching hot sun and neither of them is riding the donkey! What morons!” donkey while his poor old father is forced to walk alongside. That is so disrespectful. What a horrible and spoiled child!” donkey and asked Nasruddin to get on it instead. His son started walking beside him and the donkey. Soon they passed another group of people. “Oh, that’s detestable!” one of them exclaimed. “That poor young boy has to walk while his abusive father rides the donkey! That horrible man should be ashamed of himself for the way he’s treating his son. What a heartless parent!” Moral – Well, If you keep doing what other people want, neither would you be happy nor will they stop judging you. Nasruddin was upset to hear this. He wanted to avoid anybody else’s scorn, so he decided to have both himself and his son ride the donkey at the same time. As they both rode, they passed another group of people. “That man and his son are so cruel,” one bystander said. “Just look at how they are forcing that poor donkey to bear the weight of two people. They should be put in jail for their despicable act. What scoundrels!” Nasruddin heard this and told his son, “I guess the only way we can avoid being ridiculed by anyone, is for both of us to walk.” 1



  4. Sam Visits Ajanta Discover A New Place SOME INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT ajanta The Ajanta caves in Maharashtra are an Indian national heritage site that are recognized as one of the world’s greatest historical monu- ment by UNESCO. There are 29 caves in Ajanta, with most of them being monasteries! History of the Ajanta Caves Discovered in AD 1819, the caves in Ajanta were built sometime around the 2nd Century, Waghora River. Interesting Facts about the Ajanta Caves The caves are numbered in order from east to west.The caves 9, 10, 19, 26 and 29 were what are called “chaitya-grihas”, meaning prayer halls. The rest of the caves were monasteries. All the paintings depict the life and times of the great Gautama Buddha. They also speak of the various Bodhisattva’s and tales from the Jataka’s. Although the story of Buddha has many compo- sitions, from Roman and Greek to Chinese, a ma- jority of the story told here is from a phase that is purely Indian, and cannot be found anywhere else. These caves are full of beautiful art, in the form of sculptures and paintings. Why can’t we tickle ourself? a joyful and refreshing feeling. But why it fails to happen when we touch our self? When you’re tickled, you laugh, which is indeed Touch is an extremely sensitive you’re touched, the nerve beneath your skin passes an amusing current to your brain which tells us to laugh. Such sweet tickle attacks takes place only in the sensi- tive portions of our body such as stomach, portion near the throat and under our feet. Basically, when we tickle ourselves, the cerebellum sitting at the back of the brain tells you that you are about to self-tickle and so the it doesn’t waste up precious time interpreting the signals from the tickle. Gorillas and rats do laugh when they are tickled, but do it at your own risk. feeling. When 4

  5. spot ten differences Coley & Bumbley About health and more! Keep your room clean and organised! Why would you need binoculars in your own room Bumbley? I am looking for an assignment I need to submit in school today. We all have days when we feel a little dis – organised. But sometimes a few days of being dis–organised can become a bad habit. Soon, we start becoming messy, and start creating a messy environment around us. We misplace things or even allow them to get spoilt. What do you think? Would you like to visit a friend’s house and see a messy room. An unkempt bed, leftover food, or all their books all over the place. Obviously, no! So let’s keep our rooms organised and clean. Because we like coming back to a clean room!

  6. 6

  7. Tickle your funny bone bring to a party in the jungle? Chimps and Dip! What kind of Hot Air Baboon What should you What kind of a key opens a banana? A monkey! AMUSING NEWS 7

  8. jojo a comic story

  9. She opened her eyes slowly, yawning loudly to shake at the time, it was 2 minutes to 7. Any moment now, she knew her mother would come through the door to wake her up. She heard a knock at the door and it slowly swung open. There stood a robot, holding her ironed school uniform. Wait, what was going on? Complete the Story.... funfacts with Hamlet the Hamster 10 Interesting Facts About Bananas • • Bananas are naturally slightly radioactive. • A strawberry is not a berry, a banana is. • India produces more bananas than any other country. • Bananas have been depicted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. • Bananas contain a natural chemical called ‘Serotonin’ which makes people happy. • Humans are 50% identical to bananas as they share about half of the same DNA. •

  10. HELP the BEAR to FIND mum 10

  11. ForAdvaItandVedant Mocomi timepass is a mini magazine available daily for children! Packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts.. there’s a little bit of fun for everyone! follow us on facebook for daily fun content for kids facebook.com/mocomikids YOUTUBE.COM/USER/MOCOMIKIDS INSTAGRAM.COM/MOCOMIKIDS

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