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ACC 201 ASH Course Material - acc201dotcom

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  1. ACC 201 Uop Course Material – ACC201dotcom

  2. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Entire Course ACC 201 Entire Course • ACC 201 Week 1 Chapter 1 and 2 Practice Exercises • ACC 201 Week 1 Memo to Blair • ACC 201 Week 2 DQ1 Fraud • ACC 201 Week 2 DQ2 Debit Credit • ACC 201 Week 2 Chapter 3 Problems • ACC 201 Week 2 Chapter 4 Problems • How is a leader different than a manaACC 201 Week 2 Assignment FASB Paper • ACC 201 Week 3 Assignment GAAP & Ethics • ACC 201 Week 3 Chapter 5 Problems • ACC 201 Week 3 Chapter 6 Problems • ACC 201 Week 3 DQ1 Credit Sales and Collections • .

  3. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 1 Chapter 1 and 2 Practice Exercises ACC 201 Week 1 Memo to Blair • Complete the following practice exercises from Chapter 1 and 2 and submit them to your instructor. This assignment will be graded as a completion only to allow you to transition into the subject matter during the first week. • Complete the writing assignment, ATC 1-4 from Chapter 1 and submit to your instructor.

  4. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 2 Assignment FASB Paper ACC 201 Week 2 Chapter 3 Problems • Go to the website of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, www.fasb.org. Write a paper, in at least 400 words, that describes the mission of FASB, how it is organized, how it functions, and who grants the authority of FASB to issue accounting standards. Also, research the most recent accounting issues that FASB is taking into consideration. • Complete the following problems from Chapter 3 and submit to your instructor. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 3-22, 3-25

  5. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 2 Chapter 4 Problems ACC 201 Week 2 DQ 1 Fraud • Complete the following problems from Chapter 4 and submit to your instructor. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 4-20, 4-21 • Discuss in general the ethical issues when employees are tempted to defraud their employer or when companies defraud the public. What sort of situations can lead to this behavior? What are the costs of fraudulent behavior?

  6. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 3 Assignment GAAP & Ethics ACC 201 Week 3 Chapter 5 Problems • Read ATC 6-5 of Chapter 6 and answer part a. Additionally, given what you have learned about financial accounting so far, think of as many ways that you could “adjust” the financial records to make your company look better yet still follow GAAP and ethical guidelines. (Hint: think of the choices that can be used in the various • Complete the following problems from Chapter 5 and submit to your instructor. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 5-24, 5-26

  7. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 3 Chapter 6 Problems ACC 201 Week 3 DQ 1 Credit Sales and Collections • Complete the following problems from Chapter 6 and submit to your instructor. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 6-27, 6-28, 6-32 • Review ATC 5-4 of Chapter 5 and post your thoughts on the question regarding the issues and procedures that a business must consider when dealing with credit sales and collections. Summarize your recommendations in memo form. Respond to at least two other students with critique and challenges to their recommendations by the end of Day 7

  8. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 4 Chapter 7 Problems ACC 201 Week 4 Chapters 8 Problems • Complete the following problems from Chapter 7 and submit to your instructor. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 7-26, 7-27, 7-28 • Complete the following problems from Chapter 8 and submit to your instructor. These problems will be graded for accuracy. Problems: 8-18, 8-23

  9. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 4 DQ 1 Enron ACC 201 Week 4 Memo to Baku and Hanson • Read ATC 7-5 in Chapter 7. This situation is very similar to what a company called Enron did several years ago. Use the internet or the university library to research exactly what Enron did in their accounting procedures and what eventually happened to the company. Post your findings and understanding of Enron’s • Read ATC 8-4 in Chapter 8 and write a memo describing the advantages and disadvantages of organizational forms.

  10. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 5 Chapter 9 Problem ACC 201 Week 5 DQ 1 Financial Analysis • Complete the following problem from Chapter 9 and submit to your instructor. Problem: 9-23. This problem will be graded for accuracy • Read ATC 9-3 in Chapter 9 and post your analysis of Whirlpool’s acquisition of Maytag. Respond to at least two other students with critiques and challenges to their assertions by the end of Day 7.

  11. ACC 201 ASH Course Material ACC 201 Week 5 Stock Options Paper ACC 201 Week 5 Stock Options Paper • In recent months there have been many news stories in the press about executive compensation with stock options. This type of compensation occurs when an executive is granted the “option” to purchase the • company’s stock at a certain price sometime in the future. The theory is if the executive is effective his management skills will lead to a higher stock price. As a reward the executive can purchase the stock at the earlier, lower price and lock in an automatic gain in his shares.

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