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What is a SEO Audit and Why is it Necessary to Start SEO

Heard about website health checkup? SEO audit does a complete check of your website. SEO audit must be done regularly to keep your website relevant.

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What is a SEO Audit and Why is it Necessary to Start SEO

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  1. What is a SEO Audit and Why is it Necessary to Start SEO? “Digital marketing is the logical and experiential approach towards marketing” Digital marketing is a wider concept when compared to traditional marketing. Traditional marketing generally followed only the manual and convincing skills of the sales team and never took it in a logical way and according to most of the marketers that were the major reason behind the loopholes of traditional marketing. Digital marketing is a much more logical and technical approach towards marketing. It involves and amalgamates a lot of elements and then gets on its heels to convert into a successful campaign. Every element of digital marketing is interlinked and is working for the same set of targets and goals. Amongst all the elements of digital marketing, SEO is the most popular and most asked for service. SEO is the process of optimizing a search engine like google. Yahoo, Bing etc. This optimization helps in bringing a particular brand name or link to the top. Specifically, SEO Services too is a wider process and has a lot involved in it. We might not know the technicalities but that makes us remain half knowledgeable, also not knowing the technicalities people are giving up on various newer and unique ideas. One such important aspect of SEO is an SEO audit.

  2. Through this blog, we are going to discuss SEO audit, its benefits, importance and a lot more. What is an SEO Audit? SEO Audit is a healthy process done to do a prior analysis of the website performance. This helps in giving insights about the website and suggest suitable enhancements and improvisations in the SEO planning to best suit the website. SEO audit also comes to our rescue while testing an implementation plan as insights from the SEO audit helps in a healthier and clean SEO implementation plan. With any strategy or planning, knowing the root cause or foundational issues are integral and with regards to the website, SEO Audit does it. It checks all the root cause or foundational issues to keep the website healthy and relevant. After a thorough SEO audit, we get to know a lot about issues related to technical SEO, structural issues, on-page issues and a lot more. Knowing the issue before implementing a plan helps in making a plan that would include solutions for these issues. On the whole, the entire process of SEO Audit check is to make a thorough checking of the website, rectifying the issues, solving them and making it a “Healthy” website. What are the essentials of SEO audit? Every process has a set of do’s and don'ts and if we follow them the process goes well and right. The first and most important thing to remember is that the audit should be comprehensive and not specific. During SEO audit we check things to set them right from the root cause and hence one must check the structure as well as the content from the roots. The ultimate target or goal of SEO audit is to check the website health and if the check process isn't comprehensive then you aren’t checking the entire website. Also, the audit must be clear and clean to understand. Brands and organizations would not give so much of their time and effort to understand difficult and complex audits, hence the audit conducted must be simple to understand and follow. After the process, the most vital section is of insights. The insights provided after an SEO audit must be practical and actionable. Complex insights never really work out as the brands and organisations are least interested in putting a lot of their brain into

  3. things that are complex and time-consuming. However, the major thing to remember is that the entire process of SEO shouldn't be rushed. One must understand the necessity of the entire audit process as it is to balance the website health for a proper SEO, it must not be rushed or done in a hurry. Importance of SEO Audit: SEO audit is similar to our health checkups. Hence audits are important to regularly check the website health and maintain it. We keep on adding new and innovative content to match the relevancy and uniqueness of the market, regular checkup and setting things is vital. Some many changes and additions keep on coming due to changing algorithms of search engines. It is always intelligent as well as advisable to do a regular SEO audit and website health check to keep the website healthy and relevant. There are a lot of quick changes that take place in the search engine and to be on track with it, brands must go ahead with regular SEO Audits. These audits also affect the SEO ranking and take you back and your competitors in the front. Hence keeping a regular check on the website health and search engine algorithm is vital. Conclusion: There are many minutes and major elements that equally and strongly affect a brand website. However, this is not considered by many of the brands which lead to their quality loss and also affects the website heavily. So now that you know the right importance of SEO audit, go get it done for your website and know where your website stands in terms of its health.

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