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God is Not Mysterious

We are only operating with half of who we are. As we face the need to solve the problems of things like global warming, environmental devastation, overpopulation, and a changing economic structure we need the complete set of all our capabilities. We can't afford to be half beings any longer. We are a people who like to get things done. Whether it's losing 20 pounds, making a million dollars or finding a cure for cancer we thrill to that capability of focusing the will, climbing the mountain, hauling our butts out of the ashes and ending up triumphant and successful. This is what we value in this 21st century western culture. <br><br>http://wedidreviewforyou.com/what-is-15-minute-manifestation-true-shocking-reviews/<br><br>https://diethours.com/nerve-renew-system-review/<br><br>https://optimusforexreview.com/ecom-cash-code-review/<br><br>https://diethours.com/fibrolief-review/

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God is Not Mysterious

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  1. God is Not Mysterious Jill Bolte Taylor is a neuroanatomist or in plain english, a brain scientist. About 10 years ago she had a stroke when a blood vessel exploded in the left hemisphere of her brain, leaving her unable to perform basic left brain functions such as walking, talking, reading or writing . She also had very little recall of her life prior to the stroke. Jill's talk at TED was about her experience of the stroke itself and her subsequent 8 year recovery, where she struggled to heal and regain her lost cognitive functions. Her story was incredibly moving and powerful and was the most talked about event at a conference filled with amazing presentations. One of the most astounding aspects of her report was that as a brain scientist she was intensely curious about what was happening to her and tried to remember and document the entire phenomenon. Because her left brain almost completely shut down she was in the position to experience herself and the world from an almost purely right brain perspective. The tale she told was of a person who all of a sudden found herself in a land (which she affectionately calls La-La land) where her dominant experience was that of being filled with an incredible sense of peace, tranquility and bliss. She opened up into a sense of herself as pure consciousness, with no boundaries and a profound connection with everything and everyone around her. She talks about how she lost her sense of herself as solid and separate and became "a fluid". The constant brain chatter that accompanies our every waking moment was gone and she became silent inside her mind. She knew, in no uncertain terms, that we are all one. In other words, she was having a bona fide mystical experience. I burst into tears at the end of the video. Partly it was because her story and the way that she told it was so profoundly moving. But on an even deeper level I think that my tears were tears of relief. For a long time now there has been a very deep split in our western culture between the left brain and the right brain, between logic and feeling, intuitive knowing and scientific evidence. And that split has come with an implicit hierarchy. The world of hard reality, facts, logic and objective knowledge is seen to be more valuable than the world of soul, spirit, emotion and intuition. The world of internal experience has been marginalized and trivialized, treated as if it were a second class citizen and often not even considered to be real. So here was a mainstream scientist giving a talk to a roomful of left brain intellectual types, and she was speaking my language! And the people in the audience were responding in an overwhelmingly positive way. Her essential idea was that we are not just linear, rational,cognitive beings, but also beings of light and heart and spirit. We have two brains, the right and the left, the cognitive and the intuitive brain, the planning brain and the presence brain, the judging, fearful brain and the brain that knows that we are always safe and always loved, and that both these brains are essential to our survival and to who we are as human beings. Her message was that this right brained way of being in the world is very real and necessary if we are going to rise to the monumental challenges being presented to us in this 21st century. http://wedidreviewforyou.com/what-is-15-minute-manifestation-true-shocking-reviews/ https://diethours.com/nerve-renew-system-review/ https://optimusforexreview.com/ecom-cash-code-review/ https://diethours.com/fibrolief-review/

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