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Health Impact Assessment Scoping

Health Impact Assessment Scoping. September 8, 2008. Gary R. Krieger, MD, MPH, DABT, DTM&H Marci Z. Balge, RN, MSN, COHN-S Mark Divall M.B., Ch.B, DTM&H Mirko Winkler MS, Swiss Tropical Institute Burt Singer, PhD Princeton University Juerg Utzinger, PhD Swiss Tropical Institute.

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Health Impact Assessment Scoping

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Health Impact Assessment Scoping September 8, 2008 Gary R. Krieger, MD, MPH, DABT, DTM&H Marci Z. Balge, RN, MSN, COHN-S Mark Divall M.B., Ch.B, DTM&H Mirko Winkler MS, Swiss Tropical Institute Burt Singer, PhD Princeton University Juerg Utzinger, PhD Swiss Tropical Institute

  2. When You Build It, They Will Come

  3. Scoping- What is it? • Process for outlining the range and types of hazards and beneficial impacts. • Overall types and categories of questions that must be addressed are defined at this stage of the HIA. • Input of key stakeholders and the relevant host-country health authorities is critical so that the HIA adequately addresses a realistic range of health concerns;

  4. Scoping

  5. Scoping • Timing of the HIA is critical • Maximum benefit occurs before final engineering design specifications are “locked-in” • Project proponents often consider health “covered” as part of an SEIA or SIA • Whether separate or integrate, health should be systematically addressed

  6. Scoping- Input

  7. Scoping- Input

  8. Scoping- Input

  9. Scoping-Type of HIA

  10. Scoping- Selecting the Type of HIA • Figure 2 HIA Variables

  11. Health Impact AssessmentPitfalls • Keeping HIA on the radar screen • HIA and SIA– “tyranny” of the anthropologists! • Integration vs. stand-alone • Who performs the HIA • Survey fatigue and other household follies • M&E issues-Key Performance Indicators issues • Roles and Responsibilities between project proponents and host governments-”but for the project” • Cumulative effects issues

  12. Questions?

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