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Personal and Institutional Vitality & The Clinician’s Potential for Publishing

Personal and Institutional Vitality & The Clinician’s Potential for Publishing. http://www.insidebookpublishing.com/?page_id=83. Introduction. Do your have certain characteristics that are predictive of your future as a publishing clinician?

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Personal and Institutional Vitality & The Clinician’s Potential for Publishing

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  1. Personal and Institutional Vitality & The Clinician’s Potential for Publishing http://www.insidebookpublishing.com/?page_id=83

  2. Introduction • Do your have certain characteristics that are predictive of your future as a publishing clinician? • Does your workplace have the characteristics that support such a future

  3. Purpose • This workshop will help you identify the personal and workplace characteristics that are supportive and predictive of future publishing and compare these to research findings.

  4. Objectives • You will understand the personal and workplace characteristics that support academic and clinical publishing • You will assess you levels of creativity and vitality that support your participation in publishing • You will assess your personal and workplace vitality characteristic and compare the results to research • You will be able to discuss where to go from here

  5. ‘Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.’ Francis Bacon

  6. What are the Benefits? • Writing and publishing are both ‘egoistic’ and altruistic. (Schein, Farndon, & Fingerhut, 2003) ‘Authorship of any sort is a fantastic indulgence of the ego’ John Kenneth Galbraith • Published clinicians are respected by their peers, and benefit from professional respectability

  7. Cyclic Rewards ‘the universal object of men of letters is reputation’ John Adams ‘the more you write the greater will be your reputation, which in turn makes you attractive to people of reputation across the world. The international professional contacts which develop increase your perspective and ability to publish. . .’ (Schein, Farndon, & Fingerhut, 2003, p. 5)

  8. Why should You Write • ‘you don’t write because you want to say something; you writ because you’ve something to say’ Scot Fitzgerald • You write to share your findings, experiences and thoughts with the clinical community • The main purpose of professional publishing is to disseminate knowledge

  9. Who Publishes • ‘A small group of highly productive scholars generate a disproportionately large number of entries to the literature of any given discipline’ (Samson, G. E., M. E. Graue, T. Weinstein, & H. J. Walberg1984 p.311) • These individuals have characteristics and experiences that they believe contribute to their high level of productivity http://www.google.com/imgres?start=210&sa=X&rlz=1T4MXGB_enUS544US545&biw=1280&bih=563&tbm=isch&tbnid=ou6enku4fs4IBM:&imgrefurl=http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/carrying-burden.html&docid=-FSv-fT86ThLaM&imgurl=http://sr.photos2.fotosearch.com/bthumb/CSP/CSP990/k10702168.jpg&w=125&h=170&ei=LDp9UtmtOZPGkQezt4CoCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=452&vpy=133&dur=156&hovh=136&hovw=100&tx=110&ty=59&page=8&tbnh=136&tbnw=100&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:37,s:200,i:115

  10. Characteristics shared by Highly Productive Clinical Publishers and the Environments in which They Work • Creativity • Do you value creativity? • Vitality • Individual • Environment • Vested Interest • Goal directed

  11. Creativity • 1. Creative people have a great deal of physical energy, but they're also often quiet and at rest. • 2. Creative people tend to be smart yet naive at the same time. • 3. Creative people combine playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility. • 4.Creative people alternate between imagination and fantasy, and a rooted sense of reality. • 5. Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted. • 6. Creative people are humble and proud at the same time. • 7. Creative people, to an extent, escape rigid gender role stereotyping. • 8. Creative people are both rebellious and conservative. • 9.Most creative people are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well. • 10. Creative people's openness and sensitivity often exposes them to suffering and pain, yet also to a great deal of enjoyment. • (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996)

  12. Creativity Discovery Break http://frodelundsten.wordpress.com/2011/02/17/are-creative-people-less-likely-to-become-leaders/

  13. Vitality • A vital person is someone who infectiously energize those with whom they come in contact; their aliveness and spirit are expressed in personal productivity and activity (Peterson and Seligman, 2004). • A vital institution infectiously energize it work force because of its aliveness and spirit communicated through a vision, goals, and support and interest in its people as the life-blood of its existence

  14. Personal Vitality Assessment

  15. Vested Interest in Publishing • Interest in contributing to knowledge • Facilitating promotion in clinical or academic rank • Enhancing personal prestige • Fulfilling a sense of scholarly obligation http://www.support-my-decision.org.au/vested-interest

  16. Goal Directed ‘Few scholars write only when “inspired”; goal setting and the “habit of writing” are required for sustained levels of productivity” (Schein, Farndon, & Fingerhut, 2003) http://www.addwithease.com/what-the-ef-executive-functions-goal-directed-persistence-strategy/

  17. Integrating the Clinician & the Workplace • What are the personal and workplace characteristics that enhance publishing? • Do they exist with you and your work ?

  18. Clinical Vitality Assessment http://www.condenaststore.com/-sp/Welcome-to-the-Technophobia-Shock-Therapy-Clinic-Please-take-a-bar-code-Cartoon-Prints_i8640986_.htm

  19. What Does the Research Show Personal vitality characteristics that support publishing: • Adequate time to conduct research, teaching, patient care, and administrative task • Protected time to address research and teaching activities • Esteem and value among local colleagues for work in research, teaching, and patient care

  20. Workplace Characteristics that Support Publishing • Established collegial network • Clearly communicated institutional vision • Clearly communicated administrative expectations for • Research • Teaching • Administrative task accomplishment • Therapist working in environments with these characteristics are four times more likely to be highly productive in publishing

  21. Role of the Workplace • There is a greater relationship between clinicians or faculty demonstrating high levels of productivity and certain workplace characteristics of vitality than personal characteristics of vitality.

  22. Personal Characteristics • Gender demonstrated a higher level of predictive significance (male faculty were more likely to publish > 3 publications per year as compared to female faculty) when analyzed with individual factors controlling for demographics and vitality

  23. Personal Characteristics • Faculty with > 3 publications per year were more likely to be older than those with < 3 publications per year (OR = 1.048). • Age demonstrated a higher level of predictive significance when analyzed with institutional/leadership factors controlling for demographics and vitality (p = 0.0262)

  24. Education • Education at the doctoral level demonstrated a high level of predictive significance when analyzed with both institutional/leadership and individual factors controlling for demographics and vitality (p = 0.0299/p = 0.0377). The odds ratio estimates indicated that doctoral prepared faculty were 5.3 times more likely to publish > 3 publications per year

  25. STATS

  26. Literature • Studies of the relationship between research productivity and the workplace highlight variables such as: • Type of workplace • Quality of collegial relations • Development of an orientation towards research and publishing • Team publishing opportunities

  27. Literature Continued • Influence of peers • Role models • Rewards and opportunities for research and publishing activities • A network of productive colleagues

  28. Where Do We Go from Here • Creativity • Vitality • Vested Interest • Goal for publishing • Improving you workplace • Establishing a network

  29. Summary • Personal and workplace characteristics that support publishing • Your level of creativity and vitality • workplace vitality characteristic • Where to go from here

  30. References • Dean, B. (2005). The Science of Happiness & "Vitality". Coaching Towards Happiness News Letter - Volume 2 Number 26 • Taylor, E., & Mitchell, M. (1990) Research Attitudes and Activities of Occupational Therapy Clinicians. AJOT Volume 44 #4 pp. 350-355 • Hunter, D.E. & Kuh, G.D. (1987) Writing Wing: Characteristics of Prolific contributors to the higher education literature. The Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 58. No. 4 (Jul-Aug, 1987) pp. 443-462 • Peterson, Christopher & Seligman, M.E.P. (2004). Character Strengths and Virtues A Handbook and Classification. Washington, D.C.: APA Press and Oxford University Press. • Penninx, B.W.J.H., Guralnik, J.M., Simonsick, E.M., Kasper, J.D., Ferrucci, L., & Fried, L.P. (1998). Emotional vitality among disabled older women: The women's health and aging study. Journal of the American Gerontological Society, 46, 807-815. • Peterson, C. and Seligman, M. E. P. (Eds.). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification.  New York: Oxford University Press. • Ryan, R. M. and Frederick, C. (1997). On energy, personality, and health: Subjective vitality as a dynamic reflection of well-being.  Journal of Personality, 65, 529-565. • Samson, G. E., M. E. Graue, T. Weinstein, and H. J. Walberg. "Academic and Occupational Performance: A Quantitative Synthesis." American Educational Re- search Journal, 21 (1984), 311-21.

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