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Status: Unit 1, Chapter 2

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Status: Unit 1, Chapter 2

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    1. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 1 Status: Unit 1, Chapter 2 Reference Frames and Displacement Average Velocity Instantaneous Velocity Acceleration Motion of Constant Acceleration Solving Problems Free Fall A real-world application of the equations. Variable Acceleration An important generalization of our results.

    2. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 2 Just a quick summary Remember also, the prescription for solving problems 1) Setup 2) Selection of Equations 3) Check Often you'll get some wrinkles due to occurrence of relationships between objects and segments, but don't panic these are usually very helpful.

    3. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 3 Falling objects or Free Fall First formally studied by Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Postulated that all objects would fall with the same constant acceleration in the absence of air or other resistance. He showed that this assumption predicts that for an object falling from rest the distance traveled would be proportional to the square of the time: This is completely consistent with our third equation of motion: Today we are going to do something quite fun, follow in the steps of the father of science and study the equations of motion for freely falling bodies. This is the most familiar and common example of uniformly accelerated motion.

    4. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 4 Some preliminaries In the absence of air resistance and at the surface of the earth all objects fall with the same constant acceleration Notice the caveats, "no air resistance" and "near the surface of the earth". Obviously a feather falls more slowly than a rock because of the air. Also far away from the earth there is no gravity (and also at the center of the earth!). As long as the air resistance is minimized and distance of the fall is small compared to the radius of the earth the acceleration is essentially constant throughout the fall.

    5. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 5 Idealized motion (where air resistance is neglected and the acceleration is constant) is known as freefall. The magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity at the earths surface is denoted: Since the acceleration is constant we can apply the equations of motion! Because objects fall in the vertical or y direction it's also natural to use the symbol y for displacement This does not really change the equations. Remember x meant displacement in the direction of constant acceleration. y can mean the same thing, displacement in the direction of the constant acceleration of gravity. So we change x? y and a ? g:

    6. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 6 Example 1: A dropped ball Step 1: Suppose a ball is dropped from a tall building. What would be its position and speed after 1.00, 2.00, and 3.00s? Step 2: Note that weve chosen +y to be down. For each problem there is complete freedom to choose the direction, however we must be consistent through the problem since position, velocity, and acceleration are all vectors. In this case then the acceleration would be g = +9.80 m/s2.

    7. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 7 Step 3: Step 4: Acceleration and time are known, we need to find a relationship between those two and displacement and velocity. Step 5: The equations are Step 6: A sample calculations gives: So for: 1 sec, x1 = 4.90 m and v1 = 9.80m/s 2 sec, x2 = 19.6 m and v2 = 19.6m/s 3 sec, x3 = 44.1 m and v3 = 28.4m/s

    8. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 8 Take a graphical look

    9. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 9 Example 2: Ball Toss Step 1:Consider a ball tossed in the air with initial speed 15.0 m/s. How high does it rise above the release point before beginning to fall back to the release point? How long does the flight take? Step 2: Here its more convenient to choose +y to be upward. In that case g = - 9.80 m/s2. Steps 3 and 4:Lets attack the 1st question As the ball rises its speed will decrease until it reaches the highest point and momentarily stop. It will then start moving downward with increasing speed. Thats why v=0 in the above table.

    10. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 10 Step 5: Equation three relates the velocity and acceleration to the displacement: Step 6: Now we take on the second question, regarding the total time of flight Steps 3 and 4: All of the initial information is the same but here we set the final displacement to zero:

    11. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 11 Step 5: We can find the total time of flight using: Step 6: This is interesting, there are two roots t = 0 and t =3.06 s. The two solutions correspond to the initial throw and the return.

    12. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 12 Some comments Notice here that freely falling may refer to an object falling or rising. What is important is that the acceleration is constant and downward. In the ball toss, the ball first had a positive velocity, then a zero velocity, and finally a downward velocity. In all cases the acceleration was constant and downward. This is free fall. Even though the ball's velocity changes moment to moment the acceleration vector does not! It is always down and 9.8m/s2.

    13. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 13 More on the ball toss Step 1: A) How much time does it take for the ball to reach the maximum height? B) What is the velocity when the ball returns to the initial point? C) At what time does the ball pass the point 8.00 m above the initial point? Step 2: See slide 9 Steps 3 and 4: For this case we consider the interval from the toss to the apex. This gives us the same table as with the initial problem statement.

    14. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 14 Step 5 and 6: The needed equation is the first one This is interesting, the flight up takes 1.53 s and the round trip 3.06s. The time of travel up equals the time of travel down. Steps 7 and 8: The magnitude and units are certainly reasonable Next up: velocity when the ball returns to the start. Steps 3 and 4:The table contains the initial information plus a final displacement of y=0.

    15. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 15 Step 5 and 6: Given this set of information we can use the third equation: But since the motion must be down the velocity is -15.0 m/s We could also derive this using the total travel time we calculated earlier: On the way up the velocity is positive and equal to +15.0 m/s, on the way down it's negative but of the same magnitude! This would be true for any distance y. This symmetry occurs because the coin loses 9.8 m/s in speed each second on the way up and gains the same amount each second on the way down

    16. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 16 Finally we ask at what time does the ball pass 8.00m? Steps 3 and 4:The table contains the initial information plus a final displacement of y=8.00m. Steps 5 and 6: The second equation has time if displacement and acceleration are given. For our trouble we get a quadratic equation: Two solutions correspond to the ball going up past 8.00m and returning down past 8.00m. Steps 7 and 8: The magnitudes and direction for all three questions seem fine.

    17. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 17 Two clear symmetries Time up and down equal Velocity up and down equal at a given point

    18. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 18 Variable Acceleration The equations we derived are clearly very useful, but are also a limiting case. We need to use the calculus to generalize the equations of motion. We simply start with the definition of acceleration a = dv/dt and recast it as dv=(a)dt. Already this structure is suggestive, an infinitesimal change in velocity depends on acceleration times an infinitesimal time interval. The integration suggests itself

    19. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 19 Now if a were indeed constant, Likewise, And once again assuming constant acceleration,

    20. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 20 Time varying acceleration The calculus quickly leads to the equations of motion for constant acceleration. But now weve added to our tool kit and can deal with varying acceleration. Lets consider a problem: Step 1: A car starts from rest and accelerates as a function of time such that a = (7.00 m/s3)t. What are the velocity and displacment at t=2.00s? Step 2:

    21. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 21 Step 3: Step 4: Well this is a pretty straightforward problem, its just that we wont be selecting from our trusty foursome, but from the integral equations. Step 5 and 6:

    22. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 22 Step 5 and 6: Step 7 and 8: We did the same problem last lesson with a=2.00m/s2, after 5.5s the displacement and velocity were 30m and 10.96 m/s, respectively. Given that the average acceleration in this problem was larger at 7 m/s2 a smaller displacement and larger velocity seems reasonable.

    23. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 23 Terminal Velocity When an object falls it does meet air resistance, eventually the resistance will be such that there is no net acceleration. For a wide body like a parachute this occurs quickly and at a slow velocity, for a narrow object like a meteor this takes some time and occurs at a high velocity. Lets explore a simple model for terminal velocity (Problem 67).

    24. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 24 We really just need to modify the form of the acceleration .A reasonable model would hold that the magnitude of the acceleration decreases linearly with velocity. Manipulating infinitesimals

    25. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 25 Integrating What is the terminal velocity? Well this occurs when the acceleration reaches zero. So solving: It also occurs at t = infinity

    26. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 26

    27. 9/30/2012 Physics 253 27 Where weve been and are going Weve developed and explored quite thoroughly the equations of motion for constant acceleration in one dimension. And even shown how to generalize to varying acceleration. Next well take a trip into higher dimensions. But first well need to add vectors to our tool box.

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