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Chapter 29 Section 4 A FLAWED PEACE WILSON S goal of achieving a JUST peace differed from the peace objective of FRANC

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Chapter 29 Section 4 A FLAWED PEACE WILSON S goal of achieving a JUST peace differed from the peace objective of FRANC

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    1. Chapter 29 – Section 4 A FLAWED PEACE WILSON’S goal of achieving a JUST peace differed from the peace objective of FRANCE and BRITAIN A just and lasting peace; An end to secret treaties Freedom of the seas Free Trade Reduction of EVERYONE’S armies and navies Self-Determination for colonies The creation of a WORLD PEACE ORGANIZATION Concerned with National Security Concerned with cost of rebuilding nations’ lands Desire to strip Germany of its war-making power Make Germany pay!

    3. LEGACY OF THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES Bitterness and Loss!!! Why did the USA Reject the Treaty? Senate and citizens object to the League of Nations… Believed the USA should Stay out of Europe’s Affairs… ISOLATIONISM!!! How did this rejection affect the League of Nations? Without American support, League is unable to Succeed… NO MILITARY TO ENFORCE ITS DECISIONS!!! Why did many countries feel bitter and cheated as a result of the treaty? GERMANY … War Guilt left Legacy of hatred! AFRICANS & ASIANS … Angry that they were not granted independence! JAPANESE & ITALIANS… Gained less land than they wanted.

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