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Unitarity and the Perturbative QCD Dipole Picture

Unitarity and the Perturbative QCD Dipole Picture. Ted C. Rogers The Pennsylvania State University. TCR, Guzey, Strikman, Zu (2004) TCR, Strikman (2006) TCR, Stasto, Strikman (2008). 4 th Electron-Ion Collider Workshop, Hampton University, May 19-23 2008. Outline:.

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Unitarity and the Perturbative QCD Dipole Picture

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  1. Unitarity and the Perturbative QCD Dipole Picture Ted C. Rogers The Pennsylvania State University • TCR, Guzey, Strikman, Zu (2004) • TCR, Strikman (2006) • TCR, Stasto, Strikman (2008) 4th Electron-Ion Collider Workshop, Hampton University, May 19-23 2008

  2. Outline: • Review and Summary of Dipole Description of DIS. • Impact parameter picture and s-channel unitarity. • Extraction of impact parameter dependence. • Black disk limit (BDL) and extrapolation to very high energies. • ep vs. eA scattering. • Connection to pp scattering at UHE.

  3. Dipole Picture at small-x: target rest frame Increasing gluon density • Write total cross section in terms of qq-proton/nucleus cross section. • At small-x photon fluctuates far ahead of interaction. • At large Q2 coupling is small, but gluon distribution becomes large at small-x. • Convenient picture for discussing transition between perturbative and non-perturbative physics.

  4. Feynman Graphs: + others.

  5. Complete Dipole Cross-Section • LO pQCD expression grows too rapidly with decreasing x. • Expect taming from gluon “saturation” effects. • Rapid growth for large sizes (soft physics). • Strategy: • Model physics for large size behavios. • Smoothly extrapolate to LO pQCD expression in DGLAP region. • Question: Where does enforcing unitarity become an issue?

  6. Complete Dipole Cross-Section • Independently model small and large size configurations. • Small sizes: Use LO pQCD result: • For d ~ dπ, use pion-like behavior: • Match Bjorken-x, gluon momentum fraction: (MFGS model -McDermott, et al. (2000))

  7. matching region hard regime soft regime Interpolate between small and large sizes.

  8. Comparison with data No fitting: H1

  9. Unitarity and the small-x limit • The MFGS model allows rapid growth for small size configs. at small-x. • Fast approach to unitarity limit driven by increasing gluon density. • Approach to unitarity limit requires new dynamical phenomena to tame growth. • Possible effects: • ln(1/x) enhancement of gluon radiation. • Long range non-perturbative effects. • Where are taming effects necessary to avoid unitarity violations? • Question is independent of specific dynamics needed for taming. • s-channel unitarity requires knowledge of t-dependence.

  10. Impact Parameter Picture

  11. “Black Disk Limit”: • Assume dominantly imaginary amplitude. Unitarity Constraint Black Disk Limit (Central black region growing with decrease in x.) (figure from C. Weiss.)

  12. Model the Basic Amplitude small d: 2-gluon form factor unity hard diffusion large d: nucleon form factor pion form factor soft diffusion (TCR et al., (2004)) for large d for small d ( α΄ possibly smaller.)

  13. Nucleon Profile Functions: Q2 = 2 GeV2 (Note: gluon dipoles come with an extra factor of 9/4.)

  14. Nuclear Targets: (See also V. Guzey talk) • Glauber-Gribov shadowing formalism for relating diffraction from a nucleon to total nuclear cross sections. • Collins factorization theorem for leading twist diffraction. • Use leading twist pQCD Q2 evolution. Note that nuclear shadowing is a leading twist effect. + (Collins (2002) ) Leading twist nuclear shadowing. (Frankfurt et al. (2002))

  15. 2 0 8 b P x from bottom to top: x=10-2,10-3,10-4,10-5

  16. 2 0 8 b P Heavy nuclei are ideal to study the approach to the black disk.

  17. Impose unitarity by “Brute-Force” Very high energy limit and Q2 0: (TCR, Strikman (2006)) With the usual definition of the profile function: Except, if this yields, Unitarity enforced. In which case, Conservative Upper Limit

  18. Growth of the cross-section soft + hard Pomeron (DL) Standard parameterization grossly violates unitarity Nearly factor of 10 increase in cross section.

  19. Complication with light Nuclear Targets • Use leading twist nuclear shadowing: (Frankfurt, et al. (2002)) • Small sizes: • Large sizes: • Interpolate and impose “brute force” unitarity as in proton case.

  20. Yields definite upper bound: But nonsensical result!

  21. Black disk limit: nucleon vs. nucleus • Nuclear PDFs smear out matter in impact parameter space. • All regions of disk approach the BDL at same rapid rate with increasing energy. • But, partons are localized in nucleons! - Gaps between nucleons. • - Large diffractive cross section implies large nuclear shadowing. • Heavy nuclei, many nucleons, partons basically uniformly spread out in transverse space.

  22. Approach to black disk limit based onnuclear parton distribution picture:

  23. ¼ black disk limit for individual nucleons: transition energy,where each nucleon is black

  24. Behavior in transition region: • Use Glauber-Gribov formula for nuclear shadowing with diffraction. • Impose unitarity constraints on x-section for configuration to scatter from the nucleon. • Define: • We automatically get:

  25. Effective Nuclear Profile Function: b (fm)

  26. Nearly factor of 7 increase as compared with 10 for nucleon (effect of shadowing.)

  27. Modelling pp x-sections at very high energies • Assume dominantly imaginary amplitude (real Γ) - Unitarity constraint on profile: • Extrapolation to very high energies: • Use extrapolation of elastic differential cross section. = (e.g., Islam, Luddy, Prokudin (2003))

  28. Modelling pp x-sections at very high energies (TCR, Stasto, Strikman (2008)) • Extrapolation to very high energies. • Important component of cosmic ray event generators. • Both hard and soft contributions: • Typically modelled in an eikonal/parton picture: • Hard part modeled by pQCD dijet formula. • Impact parameter dependence modeled / obtained from fits. • Soft part modelled with Regge theory; fits from elastic and total cross sections. hard soft (DPMJET, QGSJET, SIBYLL…) (Review: Engel (2003))

  29. Hard Scattering • At least one (semi-)hard jet pair. distribution function P Hard scattering:use pQCD + … P

  30. Hard Scattering

  31. i n c ¾ j 2 t e s Hard Scattering 2.5 GeV 3.5 GeV 1.5 GeV

  32. Information from DIS: GPDs • The generalized gluon PDF and deep inelastic J/ψ production. • Impact parameter space gluon distribution function. Describes transverse distribution of hard partons

  33. Information from DIS: GPDs • Frankfurt, Strikman, Weiss (FSW(2004)): fit to 2-gluon form factor from J/ψ production: • In impact parameter space:

  34. Information from DIS • pp 2jet + X cross section in impact parameter space.

  35. Comparison with extrapolation:UHE • Identical partons, • CTEQ6M gluon PDF ptc = 3.5 GeV ptc = 2.5 GeV Islam et al.

  36. Information from DIS

  37. Inelastic 2-jet profile function exclusive probability

  38. Inelastic 2-jet profile function

  39. Comparison with extrapolation • Large contribution from large impact parameters. • Identical partons, • CTEQ6M gluon PDF extrapolated profile function using elastic cross section Small effect from correlations

  40. Source of low-pt taming: • Very rapid growth of gluon distribution at small-x. • Below some value of x, non-linear effects come into play, growth is tamed. • In pp 2jets + X jets x-section, what is the role “saturation” of the gluon distribution? • Look at jet rapidity distribution. • Compare with Golec-Biernat-Wustoff model in DIS to estimate “saturation” scale.

  41. Source of taming: Region where gluon PDF would lead to saturation in dipole-proton scattering • Apparently small effect from gluon saturation. (solid line for octet dipoles) pt = 2.5 GeV pt = 1.5 GeV • Dominant effect from multiple parton scattering.

  42. Conclusion • Can we observe the transition between: • light nuclei (unitarity driven by black disk limit of the nucleon) and, • heavy nuclei (black disk limit of nucleus as a whole)? • What is the energy dependence of DIS cross sections in the black disk limit? • What can we say about extrapolations to very high energies? And how does this relate to pp / pA collisions in LHC and/or UHE cosmic rays? • Need detailed information about transverse structure in nuclei. (EIC)

  43. Back up slides

  44. Taming small-x growth: • Impose exponential cut-off at small-x or large sizes: • Small size x-section has hard Pomeron-type behavior: • Does taming occur near unitarity limit? (GBW model K. Golec-Biernat and M. Wüsthoff Phys.Rev.D59:014017,1999) ; (Q2 independent.)

  45. Approach to unitarity limit: (using same t-dependence)

  46. Comparison with extrapolation • Sensitivity to large-b at -t = .02 GeV2. • Integrand of Fourier transform to t-space. • Integrate to b = 1.5 fm. Percent of integral; • ptc = 1.5 GeV: 65 % • ptc = 2.5 GeV: 80 % • ptc = 3.5 GeV: 87 %

  47. Comparison with extrapolation • Sensitivity to large-b at -t = .1 GeV2. • Integrand of Fourier transform to t-space. • Oscillations at large b.

  48. Comparison with extrapolation • Transition from small to large b, affects cross section at t = 0. • Fraction of differential inelastic cross section from dijet production to expectation from Islam,Luddy,Prokudin fit. 1.5 GeV 2.5 GeV 3.5 GeV

  49. Source of low-pt taming: • Very rapid growth of gluon distribution at small-x. • Below some value of x, non-linear effects come into play, growth is tamed. • In pp 2jets + X jets x-section, what is the role “saturation” of the gluon distribution? • Look at jet rapidity distribution. • Compare with Golec-Biernat-Wustoff model in DIS to estimate “saturation” scale.

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