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Islam. Islam as a religion Islam as an empire Spread of Islam as a universal religion IDs: hadith , sharia , Sufis, Abbasid Caliphate, 749-945. Argument.

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  1. Islam • Islam as a religion • Islam as an empire • Spread of Islam as a universal religion IDs: hadith, sharia, Sufis, Abbasid Caliphate, 749-945

  2. Argument Although the universal religions spread in similar ways, they had different relationships with empires. Christianity took over an empire (Rome); Buddhism spread in spite of an empire (Tang China); and Islam created an empire.

  3. I. Islam as a Religion • Origin Allah Muhammad Prophet

  4. B. Texts 1. Quran (Koran, Qu’ran) Orally: 610-632 Written Down: 650

  5. 2. Hadith Traditions (stories & sayings) Oral transmission: 632-850 Written down: 850-900

  6. C. Islam in Theory & Practice 1. Theology • Five Pillars • Hajj • Ramadan • Mecca

  7. 2. Law: Sharia • Quran • Hadith • Reasoning by analogy (jurists) • Consensus of community Qadis Ulama

  8. 3. Mysticism: Sufis Meditation Poetry Music dance

  9. II. Islam as an Empire

  10. A. Muslim Arab Conquests, 622-733 Conquered Persian Empire & southern part of Byzantine Empire

  11. Policies towards Conquered people Tolerance for “People of the Book” (Jews & Christians)

  12. B. Political Organization Caliph – successor to the Prophet Caliphate – Muslim/Islamic empire

  13. Two Caliphates Umayyad Caliphate (661-749) capital: Damascus Arab Abbasid Caliphate (749-945) capital: Baghdad Muslim (Persian)

  14. After 900, lots of Muslim states in Islamic world.

  15. D. Multiethnic Empire Arab Persian Turk

  16. E. Factors promoting Unity Even after the Muslim world was no longer governed in one big caliphate, certain factors unified Muslims despite their different ethnic groups and states Arabic language hajj support for merchants

  17. Muslim rulers supported cities, merchants, education and technology The Muslim world was connected by a web of cities Pilgrims, Sufis, and qadis (legal scholars) carried knowledge throughout Muslim world

  18. Support for Schools & Research • preserved & combined Greek, Persian & Indian knowledge • then built on it

  19. III. Spread of Islam 622-732: by conquest & empire 732-onwards: by trade and missionary journeys

  20. III. Spread of Islam • Sub-Saharan Africa Merchants Ghana Mali Swahili Coast

  21. A. Trade & Religion: Islam in Africa Gold-Salt Trade: Empires of Ghana, Mali & Songhay

  22. B. Islam in SE Asia

  23. C. Islam in South Asia: Conquest & Trade 712: Sind (n.w. India) by Arab-Persian Muslims 700-1000: Conversion of Turks from Central Asia to Islam Turks conquer parts of North India

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