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Explore the widespread problem of women's health and wellbeing, including poverty, discrimination, and gender disparities. Discover the challenges women face throughout their lives and the need for change.

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  1. The Health and Wellbeing of Womankind A problem which does not go away petersims@upng.ac.pg

  2. “Marital breakdown is the most important disease in our society” Dr. Jack Dominian petersims@upng.ac.pg

  3. An Epidemiological Approach • Peter Sims • Professor of Public Health Medicine • The School of Medicine • University of Papua New Guinea • BOROKO • Papua New Guinea petersims@upng.ac.pg

  4. Men versus women, sexism, feminism - a global problem PNG petersims@upng.ac.pg

  5. Helen of Troy-Delilah-Mother Teresa The Madonna Mary Magdalene petersims@upng.ac.pg

  6. Women are often Poor Poverty means • Lack of Resources • Lack of Education • Lack of Opportunity • Lack of Power petersims@upng.ac.pg

  7. Women are Persecuted Discrimination by • Religion • Race • Culture • Politics • Occupation petersims@upng.ac.pg

  8. Men versus Women I AM OK,YOU ARE NOT OK petersims@upng.ac.pg

  9. MEN………………………….WOMEN BIRTH petersims@upng.ac.pg

  10. Some facts about Boys in PNG • More boy babies die in the first year of life • Boys are more likely to be immunized • Boys are less likely to be malnourished • Boys are more likely to be taken for health care when they are ill petersims@upng.ac.pg

  11. MEN………………………….WOMEN CHILDHOOD petersims@upng.ac.pg

  12. Rape Sexual slavery Polygamy Unwanted fertility Multiple childbirth Illegal Abortion Venereal disease Maternal mortality Maternal morbidity Cervical cancer Problems for Women in PNG petersims@upng.ac.pg

  13. Contraceptive Use by 26% of the population Average fertility 1960 - 6.3, 1990 - 5.1, 1999 - 4.4 Under five mortality 122/1,000 The woman devotes her life to child bearing and child rearing often in very difficult conditions. She will experience 6 or more pregnancies, two of her children will die before they are five years old The burden of fertility petersims@upng.ac.pg

  14. Women without Power • A slave • A chattel • A Possession or • An equal • A Partner • A sharer petersims@upng.ac.pg

  15. MEN………………………….WOMEN ADULTHOOD petersims@upng.ac.pg

  16. Some well known facts • More boy babies than girl babies are born -boys die at a faster rate • Women have a greater life expectancy than men • Men and women are equally able and intelligent petersims@upng.ac.pg

  17. The Differences • Men are physically stronger than women • Women use more Right brain skills, aesthetic, emotional • Men use more Left brain skills, logical, deductive petersims@upng.ac.pg

  18. Some vital Statistics in PNG Parameter Men Women Life expectancy 57yrs 59yrs Literacy Rate 40.3 49.5 Enrolment in secondary 17% 11% school petersims@upng.ac.pg

  19. Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live Solemnization of Matrimony 1662 petersims@upng.ac.pg

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