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Philosophie & Management Bruxelles 23 Juin 2014

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Philosophie & Management Bruxelles 23 Juin 2014

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  1. Comment ancrer les principes d'une nouvelle gouvernance des entreprises dans l'éducation des futurs dirigeants et dans la formation des dirigeants actuels?Henri-Claude de BETTIGNIESThe Aviva Chair Professor (Emeritus) of Leadership and Responsibility, INSEADDistinguished Professor of Globally Responsible Leadership (Emeritus), CEIBS, Shanghai Philosophie & Management Bruxelles 23 Juin 2014

  2. Quelques observations et un Diagnostic qui inquiètent • Mondialisation accélérée (technologie, marché, idéologie, …)  émergence de craintes devant les dysfonctions • Culte de la croissance  environnement usé et abusé • Religion du marché - la marchandisation de tout • Un monde de plus en plus riche, des écarts de plus en plus grands  vers un apartheid global • Un capitalisme triomphant remis en question  vers une recherche d'alternatives • Evolution de la technologie non contrôlée ? Intégration des technologies  l'homme ne maîtrise plus sa maîtrise • Chômage semble endémique  sous-produit de la compétition et du progrès technologique • Evolution des valeurs, perte des repères  quête de sens?

  3. F.T.

  4. Le rôle des “business schools” • Il estfondamental: à cause de: • leur role dans la formation d’acteursimportantsdans la société: dirigeantsprésents et futurs • Or les dirigeants, par leursdécisionsdans les organisations, sont les créateurs de valeur: ilsont un poidsdéterminantdans les évolutions de la société • Leurpouvoir"oblige" • Les business schools par leurenseignement et leursrecherches, par les modélesqu’ellespropagent et les valeursdontilssontporteursontunegrande influence sur le “mindset” des managers et la gestion des organisationslasociété • Par les hommes et les femmes qu’ellesinfluencent • Par elles, le changementpourraitvenir

  5. Les business schools critiquéesdepuis 10 ans "Business Schools do not need to do a great deal more to help prevent future Enrons; they need only to stop doing a lot that they currently do. They do not need to create new courses; they need simply stop teaching some old ones. But, before doing any of this, business school faculty need to own up to their own role in creating Enrons." SumantraGhoshal Ghoshal, S., (2005) Bad Management Theories Are Destroying Good Management Practices, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 4, N° 1, pp 75-91,

  6. Les business schools critiquéesdepuis 10 ans "More specifically, I suggest that by propagating ideologically inspired amoral theories, business schools have actively freed their students from any sense of moral responsibility…" SumantraGhoshal Ghoshal, S., (2005) Bad Management Theories Are Destroying Good Management Practices, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 4, N° 1, p76

  7. Les business schools critiquéesdepuis 10 ans "Agency theory, which underlies. The entire intellectual edifice in support of shareholder value maximization has little explanatory and predictive power…" " (Ibid. P.80) "It is not only morality, however that has been victim of this endeavor of business academics to make management a science: common sense, too…" (Ibid, p.79) SumantraGhoshal Ghoshal, S., (2005) Bad Management Theories Are Destroying Good Management Practices, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 4, N° 1, pp 75-91,

  8. Les business schools se défendent… • There are always been crooks. • Creative accounting is a special field, considered as legitimate (and with increased sophistication). • "Tax planning", global tax management, tax creativity, tax effectiveness is taught as the art of funambulism. • A few sayings in business schools: • "If it is legal, it is ethical" • "The end justifies the means" • "Good guys finish last" • "Cutting corners is not a hobby or a choice it is a necessity: everyone does it" • "Given the competition, no choice!" • "The problem with assuming that companies can do well while also doing good is that market don't really work that way" • To produce a cordon bleu in cooking the books, is not our objective, just a by-product of an effective teaching in accounting and finance.

  9. Some components of the dominant paradigm(as taught in many business schools) A narrow view of Man: a rational animal, with self-interest to guide his behavior(inducing a glorification of self interest, not always "enlightened"). The purpose of the firm: maximization of shareholder value(inducing an obsession with bottom line). Regulations: unavoidable constraints of governments imposing compliance(to be explored for loopholes and creatively interpreted). Everything has a price and the market is the best mechanism to define it(if it has a market it can be traded, e.g. life, body parts, frozen embryo, reputation). In order to increase profit, implicit contracts can be broken(e.g. between employees and employers). Lean and mean organizations bring lower costs with higher productivity, more flexibility and better bottom line.


  11. A pathtowardresponsible leadership • Increase and broadenyourAwareness • Enlarge, enrich and sharpenyourVision • Utilize and stimulateyourImagination • Explore the extent and limit of yourResponsibility • Engage - withstrategic courage - intoAction

  12. Quelques messages (idéalement) tissésdansl'enseignement des business schools) • No corporation can be honest with the public, if it not honest with itself • Ethics and integrity start at the top • Legal compliance programs and CSR initiatives should not be confused with business ethics • There is no right way to do a wrong thing • If everyone does something wrong, it does not make it right • Not "everything" is relative • Utilitarianism, "bottom line" reasoning is not the only criteria • "Values" must discipline "purpose" INSEAD/HC de BETTIGNIES

  13. Quelques conclusions

  14. "Si tupensesquetues trop petit pour faire unedifférence, essaie de dormirdansunechambre avec un moustique…" (Proverbeafricain)

  15. Et quand tout semble aller bien…

  16. Business schools in question (1) Bennis, W.G. & O'Toole, J., How Business Schools Lost Their Way, Harvard Business Review, May 2005, Bisoux, T., A Return to Reality, BizEd, May/June 2009, Connolly, M., The End of the MBA as We Know It? Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2003, Vol. 2, N° 4, pp 365-367. Etzioni, A., The Education of Business Leaders, The Responsive Community, Fall 2002, Vol. 12, N° 4, pp 59-68. Fitzpatrick, L., Will Business Schools Learn from Wall Street's Crisis? Time, Sep. 21, 2008, Gardiner, B., B-Schools Rethink Curricula Amid Crisis, The Wall Street Journal, March 27-29, 2009, Ghoshal, S., Bad Management Theories Are Destroying Good Management Practices, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2005, Vol. 4, N° 1, pp 75-91, Green, H., Are B-schools a Blight on the Land?Business Week, November 5, 2007,

  17. Business Schools in question (2) Holland, K., Is It Time to Retrain B-Schools?NYT, March 15, 2009, Khurana, R. & Nohria N., It's Time to Make Management a True Profession, Harvard Business Review, October 2008, pp 70-77, McDonald, G.M. & Donleavy, G.D., Objections to the Teaching of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Ethics, 1995, 14, pp 839-853. Mitroff, I.I., An Open Letter to the Deans and the Faculties of American Business Schools, Journal of Business Ethics, 2004, 54, pp 185-189, Navarro, P., The MBA Core Curricula of Top- Ranked U.S. Business Schools: A Study in Failure?Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2008, Vol. 7, N° 1, pp 108-123. Pfeffer, J. & Fong, C.T., The Business School 'Business': Some Lessons from the US Experience, Journal of Management Studies, December 2004, 41:8, pp 1501-1520. Pfeffer, J. & Fong, C.T., The End of Business Schools? Less Success Than Meets the Eye,Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2002, Vol. 1, N° 1, pp 78-95, Pfeffer, J., What's Right and Still Wrong with Business Schools, BizEd, January/February 2007, pp 42-48.

  18. Some References • Evans, F.J. & Marcal, L.E.,(2005) Educating for Ethics: Business Deans' Perspectives, Business & Society Review, Fall, pp 234-248 • Etzioni, A.,(2002) Profit without honor: when it come to ethics b-schools get an F, The Washington Post, August 4, 2002, p B04 • Bennis, W.G. & O'Toole J., (2005) How Business schools lost their way, Harvard Business Review, 83,5, pp 96-104 • Pfeffer, J. & Fong, C.T.,(2002) The end of business schools, Less success than meet the eye, Academy of Management Learning and Education, pp 78-9 • Ghoshal, S., (2005) Bad management theories are destroying good Management Practices, Academy of Management Learning and Education, 4,1, pp75-76 • Leavitt, H.J., (1989), Educating our MBAs: on teaching what we haven't taught, California Management Review, 31, 3, pp 39-40 • de Bettignies, H.C. & Cuccoli, R., (2005), The role of Management Education in developing Global Responsible Leaders, INSEAD Working Paper, October 2005 • Goodpaster, K.E., Nash, L. & de Bettignies, H.C., Business Ethics: policies and persons, McGraw-Hill, 2005, 633p

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