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World Civilizations Part B

World Civilizations Part B. Final R eview Mr. Bailey Spring 2014. Imperialism. British claims in North Africa are an example of Imperialism. Capital. The basic factors of production are land, labor, and Capital . Goods in their homes.

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World Civilizations Part B

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  1. World Civilizations Part B Final Review Mr. Bailey Spring 2014

  2. Imperialism British claims in North Africa are an example of Imperialism

  3. Capital The basic factors of production are land, labor, and Capital.

  4. Goods in their homes Under the domestic system, workers produced goods in their homes.

  5. Class Struggle According to Karl Marx, all history has been the history of class struggle

  6. Overcrowding and health problems Urbanization during the Industrial Revolution, resulted in Overcrowding and health problems in cities.

  7. Archduke Francis Ferdinand Tensions in the Balkans escalated to war following the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand.

  8. Trench Warfare Soldiers along the Western Front of WWI were most affected by Trench Warfare.

  9. Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for peace following WWI known as the Fourteen Points.

  10. Poland The crisis that led the Allied countries to declare war on Nazi Germany and begin WWII was the invasion of Poland.

  11. Totalitarian Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy had governments that were Totalitarian.

  12. France D-Day was the day that the Allies landed in Normandy to invade the German occupied France.

  13. Hawaii Japanese aggression in the Pacific led to the attack on American forces in Hawaii.

  14. Nuremberg In 1945, the allies began trials against the German wartime leaders. The trials were held in Nuremberg.

  15. Supreme Allied Commander Upon the surrender of Japan, the Emperor had to accept the orders of the Supreme Allied Commander of the Pacific.

  16. The Security Council The U.N.’s five permanent members can veto any actions…they are the Security Council.

  17. Soviet Union and USA The Cold War that developed after World War II existed between the Soviet Union and the United States.

  18. All of Asia would follow The Domino Theory was the belief that, if Vietnam fell to communism, all of Asia would follow.

  19. Apartheid The unofficial system of social segregation in South Africa from 1948-1989 was called apartheid.

  20. Cuba At the height of the Cold War, Fidel Castro overthrew the Batista government of Cuba.

  21. Give Palestinians Self-Rule In the 1967 War between Israel and it’s Arab neighbors, Israel was forced to give Palestinians Self-Rule.

  22. Ayatollah Khomeini The Ayatollah Khomeini forced the shah into exile in Iran.

  23. Allow free elections Lech Walsea and Solidarity pushed Poland’s govt. to allow free elections of shipyard foremen.

  24. Tiananmen Square In 1989, China ordered the military to fire into the crowd to disperse students protesting in Tiananmen Square.

  25. Collapse of the Communist A failed coup in 1991 and the resignation of Gorbachev caused the collapse of the communist party.

  26. Remove trade barriers The European Union worked to remove trade barriers among member nations.

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