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Jewelry Selling Business - Myla Costa Organic Jewelry

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Jewelry Selling Business - Myla Costa Organic Jewelry

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  1. R i n g s

  2. L A C O S T A P R O D U C T O F F E R I N G All rings are made with: Gemstone & Sterling Silver Jewelry Organic stones from exotic lands enhance energy & wellness Sterling Silver, 18K-24K Gold Affordable luxury, avg. $100 - $400 One-of-a-Kind pieces developed to perfection by innovative, fine jewelers

  3. T H E A D J U S T A B L E B A N D LaCostaRingscomeon etched .25" adjustableband Perfectforgifts FittingTips: Only alterbandsizeoncecustomerhasdecidedtopurchase  Useringsizer/mandreltoopenorclose

  4. H A L O G E M S T O N E R I N G S Halo Oval Gem Ring Size: W .7XL .8"  Weight: 10g Price: $329 / $247 ( web / 25% off)  SKU: 5761 WhiteQuartz, Crystal/RoseGold Halo Grand Oval Gem Ring Size: W .8" XL .9" Weight: 12g Price: $399 / $299 (web / 25% off) SKU: 5791 Amethyst, Crystal/Oxidized

  5. H A L O G E M S T O N E R I N G S Halo Petite Tear Gem Ring Size: W .6" XL .85" Weight: 8g Price: $269 / $202 (web / 25% off) SKU: 5583 PersianTurquoise, Gold/Gold Halo Tear Gem Ring Size: W .8" XL1" Weight: 13g Price: $399 / $299 (web / 25% off) SKU: 2944 LapisLazuli, Crystal/Silver

  6. H A L O G E M S T O N E R I N G S Halo Petite Rectangle Gem Ring Size: W .5" XL .9" Weight: 10g Price: $299 / $224 (web / 25% off) SKU: 5798 PersianTurquoise, Gold/Gold Halo Rectangle Gem Ring Size: W .6" XL1" Weight: 12g Price: $399 / $299 (web / 25% off) SKU: 2953 Emerald, Crystal/Silver

  7. C R Y S T A L R I N G S Endless Crystal Ring Size: W .6" XL .5" Weight: 6g Price: $219 / $$164 (web / 25% off) SKU: 5626 Crystal/Gold Halo Oval Crystal Ring Size: W .65" XL .8" Weight: 11g Price: $329 / $247 (web / 25% off) SKU: 5258 BlackDiamond/ Oxidized

  8. C R Y S T A L R I N G S Logo Crystal Ring Size: W .6" XL .6" Weight: 8g Price: $219 / $ 164 (web / 25% off) SKU: 5490 Crystal/Gold Tiara Crystal Ring Size: W1" XL1" Weight: 16g Price: $529 / $397 (web / 25% off) SKU: 2925 Crystal/Silver

  9. C R Y S T A L R I N G S Crystal Open Tear Ring Size: W .9" xL1.4" Weight: 10g Price: $319 / $239 (web / 25% off) SKU: 2921 BlackDiamond/Silver Crystal Open Round Ring Size: .9" diameter Weight: 8g Price: $269 /$202 (web / 25% off) SKU: 2905 Crystal/Silver

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