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Listening and Speaking (RECOUNT)

Practice listening and speaking skills through recounting personal experiences in a school setting. Learn to respond accurately and fluently in descriptive and recount texts. Develop good character traits such as confidence, cooperation, independence, and respect.

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Listening and Speaking (RECOUNT)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Listening and Speaking (RECOUNT)

  2. School : Junior High • Class/semester : VII/1 • Subject : Listening, Speaking • Text Type : Recount • Time allocation : 2x40 minutes

  3. Competency Standard : 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentukdescriptive danrecount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. 4. Mengungkapkanmaknadalamtekslisanfungsionaldan monolog pendeksederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untukberinteraksidenganlingkungansekitar

  4. Basic Competence : 2.2 4.2 Merespon danmengungkapkanmakna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount

  5. Indicators : 1. Students are able to respond spoken monologue of recount text. 2. Students are able to create spoken monologue of recount textusing past tense. 3. Students are able to able to show the good characters such as:confident, cooperative, independent, and respect.

  6. Pronunciation and Vocabulary

  7. Listening • Listen to your teacher telling someone’s experience while he/she did camping. While you are listening to your teacher, pay attention to the events which the character experienced in the past.

  8. Listening a Song • Listen to the following song and put the correct words in the blank spaces. What message does the song give us? Discuss with your friends. Click the icon below to start listening!

  9. Watching a Video • Watch the following video clip of the previous song and sing together with the others! Click the icon below to start the video!

  10. Grammar The Simple Past Tense • Study the following examples:   • I went to the park last night. • My grandfather travelled to the mountain seven years ago. Pattern: S + V2

  11. The simple past tense is used to tell about past experiences. • Past tense uses verb 2 • Examples: Travel  travelled Get  got • When you are telling about your experience in the past, you are creating a recount text.

  12. Exercises • Look at the following pictures. Make short dialogues telling what you did yesterday. Read your answers in pairs with the correct verb, pronunciation and intonation! • For example: • A: What did you do yesterday? • B: I worked yesterday.

  13. Speaking Giving a recount Giving a recount is something we do all the time. You have probably heard the words “What did you do today?” hundreds of times. These words are actually an invitation for you to give a recount.

  14. Let’s Practice Once More! Act out the following presentation to a friend and then answer the questions that follow.

  15. Hi, everybody. Let me tell you something. Last night I went to my neighbour’s wedding party with my family. You know, it was the wedding party of my dad’s boss’ son. Well, in the party I had rawon and sate Madura. It’s really nice to have them in traditional wedding like this one. Then, I had, you know what, some dawetayu. After that, I sang for the happy couple. At about 09.15 we went home. We arrived home rather late. I felt really very happy.

  16. Questions: 1. What did the speaker do last night? 2. Whose birthday was it? 3. What did the speaker have for dinner first? 4. What did the speaker have for dinner next? 5. When did the speaker go home? 6. How did the speaker feel?

  17. Fun Activity Snake and Ladder Game • Rules: Roll the dice and move your piece. You must make a past tense sentence with the words in the square. You must also use an expression of time. Example, if my first roll is a two: I played baseball last week.

  18. When you roll the dice you have to use the expression below: • yesterday • last week • two days ago • last month • last year • Click to the icon below to start the game!

  19. See you next meeting!

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