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Let’s Read and Write Poems

Let’s Read and Write Poems. 同意授權圖片: Deser-rose 背景音樂: Turn the Page《 鋼琴芬多精 》 專輯. 我們對「英詩」採取廣泛的定義,大致上有下列幾類: 一、固定文體的詩歌, 例如: sonnet 十四行詩,如大文學家莎士比亞就寫了 154 首 limericks / cinquain 五行詩 haiku ( 日本 ) 三行俳句詩 couplet 對句;雙韻. 圖片提供: Desert-rose. 二、韻文歌謠: 1. ballads :民謠 , 民歌 ; 敘事歌謠

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Let’s Read and Write Poems

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  1. Let’s Read and Write Poems 同意授權圖片:Deser-rose 背景音樂:Turn the Page《鋼琴芬多精》專輯

  2. 我們對「英詩」採取廣泛的定義,大致上有下列幾類: • 一、固定文體的詩歌, • 例如: • sonnet 十四行詩,如大文學家莎士比亞就寫了154首 • limericks / cinquain 五行詩 • haiku (日本) 三行俳句詩 • couplet 對句;雙韻 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  3. 二、韻文歌謠: 1. ballads:民謠, 民歌; 敘事歌謠 2. children’s ballads / nursery rhymes童謠,如:Mother Goose。 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  4. 三、具有音樂性 (押韻、節奏) 與想像力的詩歌: 1. poems set to music專為音樂而創作的詩歌 2. raps時下最流行的繞舌詩/歌 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  5. 四、幽默俏皮的繞口令(tongue twisters) 五、訴諸視覺效果的「具象詩」(concrete poetry) 六、不拘任何型式的自由詩(free verses) • 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  6. 1. Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 莎士比亞十四行詩第18首 本詩相當優美而且簡易, 被歌手譜曲紀念戴安娜王妃。 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  7. 2. concrete poetry 具象詩 • 具象詩是圖案式有形詩體,又稱有形詩,是用形象字母, 單字以及符號表達意向的詩體。 • 先看一位國外小朋友的作品: 取自:http://www.short-story-time.com/kids-concrete-poems.html 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  8. 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  9. 最有名的具象詩是John Hollander (約翰•霍蘭德,1929--) 寫的 Swan and Shadow 天鵝與倒影,把一隻天鵝在水面上與水中倒影寫出來,美行右排列成圖像,真是詩中有畫,畫中有詩。 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  10. 3. Alphabet 字母詩 各行首字母或尾字母,呈現字母順序 • A young girl was busy working on her project for school • But suddenly she had a question. • Could this be her lucky day? • Deciding to find out, she • Entered her backyard and • Found hundreds of green shamrocks waiting for her. 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  11. 4. Acrostic 離合詩 各行首字母或尾字母,或其他特定處的字母能組合成詞或句的一種詩體,類似中文的「藏頭詩」。 1-1 Title: ____________________ Loving In Freedom Every second 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  12. 1-2 Title: ______________________ Bats are Black Above the Tree Teeth are Sharp 1-3 Title: ______________________ Go fast in racing, Racing is very fun! Everyone tries not to crash. Everyone thinks they will win! Now, someone won the race! 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  13. 5. couplet 對句;雙韻 • Couplet是兩句一組押韻的詩,和中國的對聯很像。但也可以兩兩一組,無限擴充,不單兩句而已。 • (1) Little Daddy Longlegs Little Daddy Longlegs played in the sun, Climbing up the front steps just for fun. • (2) Turtle Trouble Tell me if you think you know How to make a turtle go. • (3) Tomorrow's My Birthday Tomorrow's my birthday and I'll be four And I won't have to stay home anymore. 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  14. 6. Limericks 五行打油詩 • 通常是小笑話甚至是胡謅,一般沒有標題也無作者姓名,含有幽默諷刺性,常運用雙關,內韻等手法。 • 每首詩五行,押韻aabba。 ……」 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  15. There was a young lady of Nigger Who smiled as she rode on a tiger; They returned from the ride With the lady inside, And the smile on the face of the tiger. 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  16. 7. Cinquain 五行詩 五行詩的格律型式要求如下: • 第1行: 標題(名詞) - 1 字 • 第2行: 描述- 2 字 • 第3行: 動作- 3 字 • 第4行: 感覺(詞組) - 4 字 • 第5行: 標題(標題的同義字) - 1 字 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  17. 7-1 Mom Helpful, caring Loves to garden Excitable, likes satisfying people Teacher 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  18. 8. Diamante 鑽石形式的五行詩。 第1行: 1個名詞或主題- 1 字 第2行: 2個形容詞描述第1行- 2 字 第3行: 3個Ving的分詞描述第1行- 3 字 第4行: 4個名詞,前2個和第1行相關, 後兩個和第7行相關- 4 字 第5行: 3個Ving的分詞描述第7行- 3 字 第6行: 2個形容詞描述第7行- 2 字 第7行: 1個名詞要和標題同義- 1 字 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  19. Pencil Sharp, skinny Writing, answering, erasing Wood, lead, ink, plastic Drawing, smudging, leaking Durable, comfortable Pen 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  20. 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  21. An English poet/scholarclassical literature A.E. Housman

  22. Vocabulary crown (n.) -皇冠 ; 5 shillings先令 pound (n.) -英鎊; 20 shillings guinea (n.) -幾尼 21先令; )

  23. Vocabulary • pearl (n) • ruby (n.)

  24. aplenty (adv) -充裕地,大量地 • endless(adj) • 無止盡的 • rue (n.) -悲哀,悲傷,懊悔 fancy (n.) (一時的)愛好,喜愛;迷戀 bosom 胸;胸膛 in vain (phr.) 徒勞,無結果

  25. I heard a wise man say,“Give crowns and pounds and guineasBut not your heart away; you can give all material things but not your good personality because your personality makes you different & unique from the other.

  26. Give pearls away and rubiesBut keep your fancy free.”But I was one-and-twenty,No use to talk to me. we can give up those things but not our creativity because this is the only thing that we could be proud of...being artistic & creative are the basis of uniqueness

  27. When I was one-and-twentyI heard him say again,  “The heart out of the bosomWas never given in vain; • remind us how to deal with our emotions

  28.   ‘Tis paid with signs aplentyAnd sold for endless rue.”And I am two-and-twenty,And oh, ‘tis true, ‘tis true. • life will just end in grief & sorrows

  29. alliteration • When I was one-and- twenty –A.E. Housman. (Note that "one" has a "w" sound.

  30. Questions Rhyme (alliteration) Emphasis Why is it “one and twenty” instead of “twenty and one”?

  31. Questions wise v. s. naive experienced v. s. innocent an old man & a young man Who are the two characters in the story?

  32. Questions He may fall in love with someone What kind of problem do you think the narrator in the poem encountered?

  33. Questions No. Did the narrator in the poem take the wise man’s advice in the first stanza? If yes, why? If no, why not? 

  34. Questions Yes. Did the narrator realize what the wise man said in the end?

  35. Questions If you were the narrator, would you take the wise man’s advice not to give your heart away?

  36. "I'm nobody! Who are you?" by Emily Dickinson 圖片提供:Solange Sol Almeida

  37. 艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)(1830~1886) 美國隱士女詩人,寫過一千七百多首令人耳目一新的短詩。 詩風獨特,以文字細膩、觀察敏銳、意象突出著稱。 題材方面多半是自然、死亡、和永生。 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  38. I'm nobody! Who are you?Are you nobody, too?Then there's a pair of us — don't tell!They'd banish us, you know. 圖片提供:Solange Sol Almeida

  39. How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog! 圖片提供:Desert-rose

  40. 圖片提供:Solange Sol Almeida

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