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Early years Getting on well: enjoying, achieving and contributing

Early years Getting on well: enjoying, achieving and contributing. August 2007. Safe and sound. http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/safeandsound. Getting on well: the headlines. Children are supported to achieve and to enjoy their learning and development.

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Early years Getting on well: enjoying, achieving and contributing

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  1. Early yearsGetting on well: enjoying, achieving and contributing August 2007

  2. Safe and sound http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/safeandsound 2

  3. Getting on well: the headlines • Children are supported to achieve and to enjoy their learning and development. • Registered settings help children to contribute positively and to relate well with others. • Childcare providers have made a wide range of improvements since their last inspection. 3

  4. Figure 1. Effectiveness of the provision for children. April 2006–March 2007 Percentages of providers inspected (100%=27,200) Being healthy 5 53 40 2 Staying safe 5 51 42 2 Enjoying and achieving 8 62 29 1 Making a positive contribution 6 54 39 1 Outstanding Organisation Good Satisfactory 4 47 45 4 Inadequate These figures have been rounded and may not add up to 100% Getting on well: the headlines 4

  5. Enjoying and achieving In outstanding settings: • adults understand how children learn • children engage enthusiastically in challenging activities • children show increasing confidence in their play and learning. 5

  6. Enjoying and achieving Improvements include: • more physical play • more development of pre-writing skills • more use of mathematical language • more creative and imaginative play • better assessment and tracking of progress • better systems to help younger children • better evaluation. 6

  7. Enjoying and achieving Inspectors’ recommendations for further improvement include: • improving the balance between supervised and free play • extending imaginative play, outdoor learning and experiences for children after school • adapting activities for individual children • increasing adult interaction with children • using questions to extend children’s learning • developing the use of assessment in early education. 7

  8. Enjoying and achieving How well are you doing? 8

  9. Making a positive contribution In outstanding settings: • children learn to appreciate similarities and differences in others • adults attend closely to each child’s needs • children develop a strong sense of belonging • children show respect for each other and behave very well • very effective partnership with parents supports children’s care and learning. 9

  10. Making a positive contribution Improvements included: • better promoting of equality and anti-discriminatory practice • closer partnership with parents • better behaviour management. 10

  11. Making a positive contribution Inspectors’ recommendations for further improvement include: • improving consistency in managing behaviour • improving understanding of each child’s needs • increasing children’s awareness of diversity • developing information for parents about complaints. 11

  12. Making a positive contribution How well are you doing? 12

  13. Over to you • Take stock. • Take steps. • Review. 13

  14. Resources • www.ofsted.gov.uk/gettingonwell • www.ofsted.gov.uk/safeandsound 14

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