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Name Gender Database - Technique That Increaseses Open Rates by 30%

Name Gender Database - Technique That Increaseses Open Rates by 30%

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Name Gender Database - Technique That Increaseses Open Rates by 30%

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  1. Name Gender Database - Technique That Increaseses Open Rates by 30%

  2. You’re a business owner. You’re always on the lookout for the latest and greatest trends in digital marketing. And for this reason, you’re keen to trying methods that are proven to increase your bottom line. • So why haven’t you already implemented gender-based marketing? Not to worry – a lot of businesses overlook this valuable technique, but at their own peril. If you want to gain a competitive edge, then you need access to a name gender database.

  3. This is especially important if you currently have or are planning to begin an email marketing campaign. The sooner you have a name gender database in your hands, the more seamless your campaign will be. • What you’ll quickly learn in email marketing is that personalized content yields the best results. But how can you deliver personalized materials if you fail to know the gender of some of your subscribers.

  4. Some names aren’t familiar and are difficult to identify by gender. This is where the NameGenderPro database comes into play. It contains over 100k first names organized by gender. And these are collected from the top English-speaking countries around the world. • With this tool in your arsenal, you can segment your email lists and provide engaging content that gets your subscribers to act. In turn, you can potentially increase your open rates by 30%.

  5. If you’re currently considering implementing gender-based marketing into your strategy, then stop by NameGenderPro.com to download a free sample list < http://www.namegenderpro.com/landing/>. There, you can download your own free sample to get a taste of what this company offers. • Running an email campaign that builds trust and adds value to customers is key to winning them over. Maybe one day, you’ll turn prospects into customers and customers into  loyal customers!

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