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What are they? Throughout history, people have used glandular tissues as food and as nutritional supplementation. Many different cultures often ate organs and glands from animals or fish to improve...<br>

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  1. Glandulars Glandulars –helping to support your glands when things are out of balance… What are they? Throughout history, people have used glandular tissues as food and as nutritional supplementation. Many different cultures often ate organs and glands from animals or fish to improve their general health or to treat specific ailments. These animal tissues are concentrated sources of nutrients that can be specifically beneficial to their parallel tissues in the human body. The term glandular extract has come to be an umbrella term used to describe both animal glandular and organ extracts that are ingested for the purpose of nourishing and supporting the corresponding human gland or organ. The glandular extracts that we use today are products made from the dried and powdered glandular (or organ) tissue of animals such as sheep (ovine), pigs (porcine) and cows (bovine). They often contain naturally occurring ratios of hormones and/or constituents and precursors of hormones found in the human body, although some (such as thyroid glandular), have particular hormones removed to prevent toxic effects from over the counter use. These extracts are often used when the gland of interest is under- functioning, or the person is experiencing symptoms of reduced function without corresponding altered laboratory results. Types of Glandular: Adrenal The adrenal glands, located on the top of each kidney, are responsible for our adaptation to stress: both for our "fight-or-flight" response, and our adaptability to chronic stress. This type of glandular extract contains all the constituents, precursors and hormones present in the adrenal gland. Thus, this glandular extract is used to nourish the adrenals and promote proper response in times of greater stress. Because it is so potent, this extract is often only used for a short duration to prevent the occurrence of side effects. For more information, please click here. Kidney The kidneys are two of the main organs of elimination, and are responsible for filtering and detoxifying the blood as well as maintaining water balance in the body. Although the kidney is an organ and not a gland, it is placed under the same name umbrella to associate it with the other animal organs and gland ingested for the purpose of nourishing their human counterpart organ. Thus, kidney glandular is taken to help establish the healthy functioning of the kidney and to promote detoxification of the blood. For more information on kidney glandular extract, please click here. Liver The liver is a large organ located just below the diaphragm in the upper right abdomen. It is a central organ in our bodies and is responsible for the vast majority of our detoxification, as well as a litany of other functions. Much like the kidney listed above, the liver is an organ and not a gland, but is placed under the glandular extract umbrella because it is being used in the same fashion as the glandular extracts listed here. For more information on liver extract, please click here. Pancreas The pancreas is a relatively large gland that spans much of the upper abdomen between the small intestine, stomach, and spleen. It has two major functions performed by different subclasses of cells: it releases hormones such as insulin into the bloodstream to regulate blood glucose levels, and it releases digestive enzymes and bicarbonate into the digestive tract to break down complex food molecules and neutralize the stomach acid as it enters the small intestine. Although pancreatic extract was originally used to identify and treat diabetes, it has since been replaced by more effective pharmaceuticals for this

  2. condition. It is still used to treat malabsorption and malnutrition in those individuals with insufficient pancreatic enzymes. For more information on pancreatic extract, please click here. Pituitary The pituitary is a small, pea-sized, gland located at the base of the brain. It is considered the master gland of the body and regulates the function of a large number of glands in the body. The pituitary is divided into two halves: anterior and posterior, which perform different functions. The anterior pituitary plays a role in growth, breast milk production, sex organ functions (male and female), thyroid gland function (and thus metabolism), water balance in the body (and in this way blood pressure), temperature regulation, and it also makes endorphins to relieve pain. The posterior pituitary plays a role in blood pressure control (blood vessel contraction), orgasm, and increasing muscle tone in the body for contractions during childbirth, intestinal peristalsis. Posterior pituitary extract has long been supplemented during intestinal surgery and childbirth to reduce bleeding and side effects. Anterior pituitary extract supplementation has been theorized to increase growth hormone rates, which can reduce physical aging, although human studies have yet to be performed. For more information on pituitary extract, please click here. Thymus The thymus is a gland located underneath the breastbone that is responsible for much of our immunological development during childhood, particularly of the subclass of immune cells known as T-cells. Because these T-cells are involved in fighting bacterial and viral infections in the body as well as cancer cells, thymus glandular extract has been considered as a possible support for immune function. For more information on thymus glandular extract, please click here. Thyroid The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating the majority of the body's metabolism, and dysfunction results in alterations in weight, body temperature, hair growth, bowel function, etc. Thyroid glandular extract is purified so that they do not contain thyroxine (T3 or T4) in order to prevent side effects of excess thyroid hormone being caused by an over-the-counter supplement. Instead, this glandular simply provides the nutrients, precursors, and lesser-known hormones produced by the thyroid that may be lacking in patients with symptoms of hypothyroidism. For more information on thyroid glandular extract and hypothyroidism, please click here. Research There is little research directly on glandular extracts for a variety of reasons. The most important reason is that there is such a wide variety of constituents depending on the animal used, the life conditions and diet of that animal, as well as how the extract is prepared. Research in general, tends to examine the effects of single substances on particular outcomes of interest. Each study is supposed to be well controlled and easily reproducible. This system works well for single drugs, herbs, and other therapeutics, but does not work well with complex and variable compounds. As such, it is often difficult to find studies on glandular extracts that are not brand specific, meaning that they were funded by one specific manufacturer and may be biased. It is this variability that often makes finding a particular brand and type that is compatible and effective a matter of trial and error. This variability and lack of standardization eliminates the examination and proper determination of effective dose. Because of this, each manufacturer tends to have their own recommendations based on their unique product. Because no better information exists, it is best to follow the suggested dosing guidelines found on the label of each specific supplement. Current Use A few of the glandular extracts listed above are still in general use today, although most have fallen out of favour in the supplement community, particularly those extracted from organ tissue. Increased restrictions on sales internationally, combined with fears of contamination with toxins or diseases has led interest more towards other therapeutic ideas such as diet and lifestyle changes, supportive herbs and direct supplementation of nutrients to treat glandular and organ deterioration. There are certain instances where glandular extracts are still the best treatment available, and so care should be taken about which brand and type is used. Prions and Mad Cow Disease Although prions can infect many different species, the general public is most familiar with the infection of cows resulting in bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or "mad cow disease". Prions consist of an infectious misfolded protein that converts other nearby proteins to its prion form. Currently, all known prion diseases affect neural tissue. The prions then accumulate in the tissue, causing destruction and eventual tissue loss. This means of infection is a relatively new discovery for humans, as prior to the 1960's it was generally accepted that infectious agents were only bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Interestingly, it is currently believed that prions can only be transmitted through ingestion, although there is some research looking into inhalation as well.

  3. Important Information Glandular and organ extracts are extracted from the corresponding animal organ either of a cow (bovine), pig (porcine), or sheep (ovine). The best sources for obtaining these extracts are animals that have been organically raised and have not been exposed to contagious diseases such as mad cow disease. The best source for glandular extracts is New Zealand where they are free from pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, and disease. There has never been a documented case of mad cow disease in New Zealand. For specific information on each glandular extract, please click on the links above. Nutritional Information Glandular Extracts - Quick Facts Sources · Animal Source Usually Sheep, Pigs Or Cattle. Applications · See Article Optimum Dosage · See Article. Supplemental Nutrients Click For Products · Vitamin B Complex, Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamin E, Silica, Superoxide Dismutase. For Informational Purposes Only. Please Consult Your Health Care Practitioner Before Taking Natural Health Care Products. Click Here For Full Disclaimer.

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