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Causes of the Civil War

Causes of the Civil War. 1850-1861. Chapter Summary. Section 1: Growing Tensions Over Slavery. Westward expansion reopened the issue of slavery and how to keep the balance of power between free and slave-holding states. Senator Henry Clay proposed a series of compromises to resolve the crisis.

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Causes of the Civil War

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  1. Causes of the Civil War 1850-1861

  2. Chapter Summary Section 1: Growing Tensions Over Slavery Westward expansion reopened the issue of slavery and how to keep the balance of power between free and slave-holding states. Senator Henry Clay proposed a series of compromises to resolve the crisis.

  3. Slavery and the Mexican-American War, page 482-483 The Missouri Compromise did not apply to the huge territory gained from Mexico in 1848. Would this territory be organized as states that allowed slavery? This issue was vital to northerners who wanted to stop slavery from spreading. Wilson Proviso- Asked congress ban slavery in all territories that might become part of the United States as a result of the Mexican-American War. It never became law, but it scared the south that it was even proposed.

  4. Chapter Summary (continued) Section 2: Compromises Fail The Compromise of 1850 and then the Kansas-Nebraska Act attempted to settle the slavery question, but the issue of popular sovereignty only increased the tensions between the North and the South.

  5. Democratic Party candidate election and the issue of slavery The controversy over the Wilson Proviso led to the rise of a new political party. Neither the Democrats nor Whigs took a firm stand against slavery. Each hoped to wind support in both north and south in the election of 1848. A democrat candidate suggested letting the people in each new territory decided or state decided whether or not to allow slavery. They called this process popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty= meant that people in the territory or state would vote directly on issues, rather than having their elected representatives decide. This proposal did not take a strong stand against slavery, but instead let people decided. This proposal would appeal to both north and south

  6. But Many whigs and Democrats wanted to take a stronger stand against the spread of slavery. In 1849, anti-slavery whigs and anti-slavery democrats joined force to form a new party, which they called the “Free-soil”, a place where slavery was banned. A whig and a hero of the Mexican war was elected as the Democratic candidate. Checkpoint: Why was the Free Soil Party founded?

  7. A Bitter Debate over Slavery- 484-485 Gold is discovered in California. Thousands of people rushed west. California now has enough people to become a state. North and South realize that California’s admission to the Union as a free state would upset the balance between free and slave states in the senate. Northerners agued that California should be a free state because most of the territory lay north of the Missouri Compromise line. But southerners that if free states gained a majority in the senate, and south would not be able to block antislavery attacks like the Wilson Proviso. Southern leaders began to threaten to seceded, or withdraw, from the nation if California was admitted to the Union as a free state. Clay comes up with the Compromise of 1850 to resolve the debate.

  8. Compromise of 1850 • Stalls trouble • Components: • California admitted free • Popular sovereignty in New Mexico • Tougher fugitive slave law- This angers the North! Northerners refuse to abbey it. • Abolition of slave trade in DC

  9. Vigilance Committees • Northern cities swear to protect freed and fugitive slaves. • Anthony Burns example • Violence common.

  10. Uncle Tom’s Cabin • Published in 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. • Told the story of Uncle Tom, a kind slave who is physically and emotionally terrorized by sadistic overseer Simon Legree. • His death and the story shock Northern readers.

  11. Transcontinental Railroad • Franklin Pierces initiative… • Gadsen Purchase designed to add remaining continental territory as to build a southern route from coast to coast.

  12. Gadsden Purchase

  13. Quiz: 10.2 • Discuss the causes of violence in Kansas. Discuss the violence that occurred in Kansas in 1854.

  14. Kansas-Nebraska Act • To support a railroad, the remaining territories need to be “organized into statehood” for the purpose of having the railroad. • Native Americans need to be relocated • Stephen A. Douglas emerges to prominence… • Principal of the act: If South is to accept the Northern railroad route, they must get something…what do they get? Popular Sovereignty in Kansas/Nebraska

  15. Slavery in Kansas/Nebraska? • Douglas thought the idea absurd, it was geographically impossible for slavery to exist there? So his thought, we need a railroad, so who cares if they want to have slaves in a northern climate…it will die out? • Result: wrong. This became a fury!

  16. The race is on… • Populate Kansas as quickly as possible with free soilers and pro slavery forces. • Congressional quotes! • “There are 1,1000 coming over from Platte, Co. to vote and if that ain’t enough we can send 5,000-enough to kill every #$%# abolitionist in the territory.”

  17. Quotes: • “Come on Gentleman of the slave states, since there is no escaping your challenge,, I accept it on behalf of freedom. We will engage in competition for the virgin soil of Kansas, and God give victory of the side which is stronger in numbers as it is in right”.

  18. Impacts of Kansas/Nebraska Act • The reopening of the slavery question in the territories with almost immediate tragic results in “Bleeding Kansas” • The president's hope for reelection dashed • The complete realignment of the major political parties • The Democrats lost influence in the North and were to become the regional proslavery party of the South • The Whig Party, which had opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, died in the South and was weakened in the North • A new Republican Party emerged as an immediate political force, drawing in anti-Nebraska Whigs and Democrats.

  19. Bleeding Kansas

  20. Bleeding Kansas Defined • The Raid on Lawrence, Kansas. In May 1856, a band of Border Ruffians crossed the border from Missouri and attacked the free-soil community of Lawrence, looting and burning a number of buildings. Only one person was killed (one of the Ruffians), but the door to violence had been breached. • The Pottawatomie Creek Massacre. A few days later, in retaliation for the Lawrence raid, abolitionist forces under the zealot John Brown attacked a small proslavery settlement on Pottawatomie Creek. On Brown’s orders, five men were executed with a scythe.

  21. Chapter Summary (continued) Section 3: The Crisis Deepens A new antislavery party was formed, the Supreme Court ruled on the Dred Scott case, and John Brown led a raid to protest slavery. Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas engaged in a series of debates about slavery.

  22. John Brown

  23. Election of James Buchanon • Northern “doughface”. Northern (Penn) man able to move in Southern political circles…

  24. The most shocking event? • Charles Sumner is beaten to within an inch of his life for slandering a relative of Preston Brooks and his pro slavery views. • Problem…the beating occurred in the US Senate!

  25. Sumner-Brooks

  26. Scott was transported from slave Missouri, to Wisconsin, sued for his freedom as he entered into free territory he must be free. Dred Scott

  27. Impact of Dred Scott • North outraged • Slavery rendered possible everywhere, Mo. Compromise and Great compromise abolished. • Slaves now have constitutional protection thanks to a vile 7-2 decision led by Southerner Roger B. Taney • Dred Scott was labeled “property”.

  28. LeCompton Constitution • A proslavery constitution that…was arrived at illegally. • When passed by the pro-slavery forces illegally it was backed by President Buchannan! Outrage. • Even some southern senators insisted on a more democratic process. • Result: the constitution was defeated by a 6-1 margin! Buchannan shamed and humiliated.

  29. Excerpts • “The legislature shall have no power to pass laws for the emancipation of slaves without the consent of the owners • Free negroes shall not be permitted to live in this State under any circumstances.”

  30. Lincoln-Douglas Debates • Senate seat in Illinois, young representative and lawyer Abraham Lincoln v. Stephen A. Douglas.

  31. Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  32. John Brown and Harpers Ferry

  33. Chapter Summary (continued) Section 4: The Coming of the Civil War After Lincoln won the presidential election of 1860, southerners felt they had lost representation in the national government. Several southern states seceded from the Union. The Civil War began when Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter.

  34. Election of 1860

  35. “I will say then that, I am not nor have ever been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white race”. Election of 1860

  36. Secession • South Carolina – Dec. 20, 1860 • Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas – Feb. 1, 1861 • “Confederate States of America” • President Jefferson Davis

  37. Secession

  38. Order of secession • South Carolina (December 21, 1860), • Mississippi (January 9, 1861), • Florida (January 10, 1861), • Alabama (January 11, 1861), • Georgia (January 19, 1861), • Louisiana (January 26, 1861), and • Texas (February 1, 1861).

  39. The Confederacy

  40. Lost Tennessee Virginia North Carolina Arkansas Preserved Maryland Delaware Kentucky Missouri Border States?

  41. Challenges • Missouri-Border Ruffians • Maryland-suspension of Habeas Corpus • Delaware-only 2% slave • Kentucky-”losing Kentucky is like losing the whole game” Abraham Lincoln.

  42. Antebellum Review: 1848-1860 • What are the primary causes of the Civil War? • What were the key events during the Antebellum that fostered the coming of war? • What could have been done during the Antebellum to stop the war? • Some have argued that the civil war had been coming since 1776…would you agree?

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