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CH 22 Insights- Reconstruction Government attempts to help ex-slaves fit into American society

CH 22 Insights- Reconstruction Government attempts to help ex-slaves fit into American society. Goal Questions- 1) Identify three ways Freedmen (ex-slaves) tried to assert their new independence and move up economically

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CH 22 Insights- Reconstruction Government attempts to help ex-slaves fit into American society

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  1. CH 22 Insights- ReconstructionGovernment attempts to help ex-slaves fit into American society • Goal Questions- • 1) Identify three ways Freedmen (ex-slaves) tried to assert their new independence and move up economically • 2) Identify and explain two new hardships for ex-slaves in their new independence • 3) Explain the difference between President Johnson and the Republican plan for Reconstruction

  2. Ch 22 Insights • ID- Educating Young Freedmen and Women (482) • Summary 1- Why was education so important to freed slaves? • Way to improve life through ed. And read bible • OI- Freedmen Define Freedom • 1) Identify one way slaves demonstrated their freedom • Looking for family members, last name • 2) Who were the “Exodusters”? • Af/Am. That moved to Kansas • 3) Why was the church so important for Freedmen (Ex-slaves)? • It was the only institution ran by Af/Am (trust)

  3. ID- Excerpt P. 484 (Women from the North…) • Summary 2- What group of people enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to help blacks in the South? • Women from north • OI- Freedman’s Bureau • 4) What was the problem that whites realized blacks were facing with their new found freedom? • No skills, education, or property • 5) What was the purpose of the Freedman’s Bureau? • Help ed. Blacks, provide welfare/help for blacks f. gov. • 6) What were two reasons blacks wanted to learn to read? • Read bible, improve life • 7) What was one failure of the Freedman’s Bureau? • 40 acres and a mule (never came to pass where Af/Am. Would have been given land confiscated from planters in return for years in slavery) • Many whites were racist • Disbanded too early to really help (US not ready gov. purpose to help people)

  4. ID- Sharecroppers Picking Cotton (487) • Summary 3- Even though ex-slaves still worked for their former masters, what was a new found benefit in their work? • Choose hours, partial owner of what was grown • Summary 4- What was the problem most ex-slaves developed working for their former masters? • Stuck in a cycle of poverty/debt (owners could change contract/rent) • OI- The Baleful Black Codes • 8) What was the primary purpose of the Black Codes? • To return blacks to slavery (take away any civil rights) • 9) Identify one penalty of the Black Codes? • Arrested and forced to work for former master instead of prison • 10) Why did many slaves slip into the status of Sharecropping? • They had no other way to make a living (sharecropping allowed freemen ability to rent some land, only skill Freemen had was farming)

  5. Reconstruction Plans- goal of Federal government is how to bring back Southern states but ensure Freedmen had rights • Lincoln’s Plan- did not want to punish S. • 10% Plan- only 10% of whites had to pledge loyalty to US • Lincoln is shot putting Reconstruction in hands of Johnson • Radical Republicans- in Congress want to punish South • Wade-Davis Bill- 50% plan (of whites had to pleade loyalty to US) • Vetoed by Lincoln • Pres. Johnson’s Plan- racist, wants to gain favor of rich Southern whites, vetos any plans that give Freedmen equal rights • Enacts Lincoln’s 10% Plan- black codes are enacted, ex- confederates are elected to Congress, Election of 1866- Republicans win 2/3s majority in Congress (can override Pres. Johnson’s veto, enact Military Reconstruction Act

  6. Summary 5- What group of people is President Johnson denying rights and protection to? • Freemen (Af/Am) • OI- Johnson Clashes w Congress • 11) Civil Rights Bill (define) • Made Af/Am. Citizens and ended black codes • 12) What was President Johnson’s response? • Veto (shot down bill after Congress passed it) • 13) What was the Republican solution to possible repeal of Civil Rights Bill? • 14th Amendment • 14) What right did the solution place on Freedmen? • Citizenship (anyone born in US) • Due Process and Equal Protection- all people have equal rights (no more black codes)

  7. ID- Military Reconstruction 1867 (491) • Summary 6- Identify what happened to the status of Southern states? • States dissolved and turned into districts ran by army • OI- Reconstruction by the Sword • 15) How was the South divided by the Military Reconstruction Act • 5 military districts commanded by a general and policed by Army • 16) Identify 1 condition for a state to reapply for admission • Ratify/accept the 14th Amendment giving Af/Am. rights • 17) What law gave blacks suffrage (right to vote) • 15th Amendment (stated the right to vote can not be deprived due to race) • ?What is another way the South could prevent Af/Am from voting • Poll taxes, literacy tests, Grandfather clauses

  8. ID- Black Reconstruction (494) • Summary7- Where will these black leaders serve their constituents (supporters)? • Washington DC (Congress • OI- The Realities of Radical Reconstruction in the South • 18) Who were Hiram Revels and Blanche K. Bruce? • First two Af/Am Senators • 19) What was a carpetbagger? Why were they hated by Southerners? • Northerner who moved south (Supported/helped Af/Am, often corrupt and inept) • Scalawag- Southerner who supported the North • 20) Identify an example of political corruption? • One carpetbagger “saved” $100K while earning a salary of $8K • Legislative supplies (perfume, fine meats, alcohol, coffin)

  9. ID- The Ku Klux Klan • Summary 8- Identify an identifiable trait in the Klansman uniform? • Covered face (w. sheet) • OI- The Ku Klux Klan • 21) Who would Klansmen try to pretend to be in order to scare freed blacks? • Civil War Confederate GHOSTS • 22) What was a most grotesque example of how the Klan would intimidate blacks? • Lynching (group murder of Af/Am usually hanging and/or burning) • 23) What kind of people were attracted to the Klan? • Thieves, murderers • 24) What were some of the tactics used to try and prevent blacks from voting? • Intimidation, literacy tests • Gov reaction (Klan Act- said a county could lose Habeas Corpus if blacks prevented from voting)

  10. ID- Impeachment Drama • Summary 9- What event is this ticket for? • Impeachment of Pres. Johnson • OI- Johnson Walks the Impeachment Plank, A Not so Guilty Verdict • 25) What did Johnson do to cause Republicans in Congress to begin impeachment proceedings? • Fired Edwin Stanton (last Rep. in Johnson’s cabinet) • ?Why is there a Dem. In Johnson’s Cabinet? • Does the President have the right to fire his Cabinet members? • 26) What was the vote in the House of Rep. to impeach Johnson? • 126 impeachment- 47 against

  11. 27) After Johnson was impeached by the house, where would Johnson find himself next to see if he would be removed from office? • Senate • 28) By how many votes was Johnson saved from being impeached? • 1 vote • 29) How many Republican Senators voted not to impeach Johnson? • 7 Senators • 30) Identify one reason Johnson was not impeached • Pres. Johnson did not commit a crime • 31) Explain why impeachment would have been a “Dangerous Precedent” • President’s should only be removed for committing a crime, not political reasons b/c the party in control does not like the President • ?Why were Republican’s so upset at Johnson? • Blocking equal rights legislation for blacks passed by Rep.

  12.  ID- Alaska and the Lower 48 States • Summary- Approximately, how big is Alaska in comparison with the lower 48 states ?(use a fraction) • 1/5 size of US • OI- The Purchase of Alaska • 32) Who and why was Alaska sold? • Russia, b/c it could not defend Alaska is Canada or US attacked • 33) How much did Alaska cost? • $20 million • 34) What was the reaction by Americans? • “Seward’s Folly”- Alaska was a major waste of money • 35) Why was the purchase of Alaska seen as a good investment? • Natural resources- fish, timber (later gold and oil) • Access to Asia for US ships to refuel

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