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By Health Ministries Department General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

C. Overview. E. L. E. B. R. A. T. I. O. N. S. By Health Ministries Department General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. C. is for Choices. Informed choices and decisions are not always easy to make. C ommon sense .

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By Health Ministries Department General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

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Presentation Transcript

  1. C Overview E L E B R A T I O N S By Health Ministries DepartmentGeneral Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

  2. C is for Choices

  3. Informed choices and decisions are not always easy to make • Common sense. • Don’t make choices in the midst of highly stressful situations • Anger, depression, and elation can influence decisions • Don’t assume things

  4. Beware of wishful thinking. • Be careful where you get your health advice • Trust in intelligence • Choose to do what you can do, not what you want to do.

  5. People choose their attitude

  6. E is for Exercise

  7. If you want to postpone your funeral, exercise regularly!

  8. L is for Liquids

  9. Water, the liquid of life

  10. Water as a cleansing agent

  11. E is for Environment

  12. We are stewards of the earth

  13. B is for Belief

  14. Belief, or faith within a religious setting

  15. Celebrate belief—it’s the foundation of life!

  16. R is for Rest

  17. Life has simply become more complex

  18. Rest instituted by God

  19. A is for Air Good quality air usually can be found in abundance in natural outdoor environments

  20. Air has protective qualities

  21. The Breath of Life “The free, pure air of heaven is one of the richest blessings we can enjoy.” Testimonies, vol.2, p. 528

  22. T is for Temperance “True temperance teaches us to dispense entirely with everything hurtful and to use judiciously that which is healthful.”¹

  23. Is my own life in balance?

  24. Avoid all things harmful!

  25. I is for Integrity

  26. Michelangelo“The world’s frivolities have robbed me of the time that I was given for reflecting upon God.”

  27. Honest enough to admit wrongdoing

  28. O is for Optimism

  29. We can enjoy wholeness even in our human brokenness

  30. Summing up optimism

  31. N is for Nutrition

  32. Variety is key

  33. Feed the inner person on spiritual food

  34. S is for Social Support & Service

  35. Love is as essential to the growth of a human being as is food

  36. Friends, family, and peers

  37. C THE END Overview E L E B R A T By Health Ministries DepartmentGeneral Conference of Seventh-day Adventists I O N S

  38. This presentation is created and distributed by the Health Ministries DepartmentGeneral Conference of Seventh-day Adventists12501 Old Columbia PikeSilver Spring, MD 20904 This presentation is shared for educational purposes only. The content, graphics, and pictures of each slide and the whole presentation must be kept intact if shared with other Health Ministries entities, including this page. Thank you for using and sharing only in a responsible manner. CELEBRATIONS®

  39. To order CELEBRATIONS and other resources: • Contact Iris Shull at: ShullI@gc.adventist.org • Visit the GC Health Ministries Website: www.healthministries.com

  40. Imagery supplied by Stockbyte; Maria Teijeiro; feng qi; Brand X Pictures; wavebreakmedia; Francesco Ridolfi; ronen; Lisa F. Young; Catherine Yeulet; Sean Prior; Todd Arena; Jupiterimages; MM Productions; Creatas Images; Brand X Pictures; Image Source(Thinkstock). CELEBRATIONS®

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