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UCDMP Saturday Series 2013-14 The Vision of the Common Core: Changing Beliefs,

UCDMP Saturday Series 2013-14 The Vision of the Common Core: Changing Beliefs, Transforming Practice Kindergarten – 6 th Grade Saturday , September 21, 2013. Agenda. Introductions and Overview Problem Solving: Jim and Jesse’s Money Review of SMP’s Assessment of and for Learning

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UCDMP Saturday Series 2013-14 The Vision of the Common Core: Changing Beliefs,

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  1. UCDMP Saturday Series 2013-14 The Vision of the Common Core: Changing Beliefs, Transforming Practice Kindergarten – 6th Grade Saturday, September 21, 2013

  2. Agenda • Introductions and Overview • Problem Solving: Jim and Jesse’s Money • Review of SMP’s • Assessment of and for Learning Lunch • Planning a Common Core Unit and Lesson • Standards Analysis and Resource Evaluation • Sharing and Reflections

  3. Wireless Access • Go to Moobilenet • Sign in information • Email address: ucdmp@wireless.com • Password: wireless

  4. Introductions The Staff • Pam Hutchison, Director, UCDMP • Andrea Williams, UCDMP Teacher Leader and 4th grade teacher, FSUSD • Diana Zaragoza, UCDMP Teacher Leader and District Math Coach, DJUSD • Renee Yeasted, UCDMP Teacher Leader and Content Area Specialist, VUSD

  5. Overview of Saturdays November 2, 2013 • Assessment of and for learning • Formative assessments • Assessing students’ ability to • Explain their reasoning, • Construct viable arguments and • Critique the reasoning of others. • The use of games • Planning for the CCSS-M

  6. Overview of Saturdays January 25, 2014 • The use of mathematical tasks • As an instructional tool, • As an assessment tool for • Problem solving • Explanations • Connecting to prior knowledge • Developing a deep understanding • Planning for the CCSS-M

  7. Overview of Saturdays March 15, 2014 • Developing and using rubrics to assess understanding, communication, and problem solving • General rubrics, • Task specific rubrics • CCSS rubrics • K-2 “Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others” • 3-5 Using technology to learn math • Planning for the CCSS-M

  8. Overview of Saturdays May 3, 2014 • Summative Assessments • Performance tasks • Model with Mathematics • K-2 Using technology to learn math • 3-5 “Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others” • Planning for the CCSS-M

  9. Units Available for purchase • Attend 3 sessions • 2 quarter units • Attend all 5 sessions • 3 quarter units

  10. Online Course • Constructive Classroom Conversations: Mastering the Language of the Common Core State Standards • Standford Online • October 21 – Dec 9

  11. Andrea and Diana’s Money Andrea and Diana each had the same amount of money. Andrea spent $58 to fill the car up with gas for a road-trip. Diana spent $37 buying snacks for the trip. Afterward, Andrea had 1/4as much money as Diana had. How much money did each have at first?

  12. The CCSS in Mathematics have two sections: • Standards for Mathematical CONTENT • and • Standards for Mathematical PRACTICE • The Standards for Mathematical Content are what students should understand, know, and be able to apply. • The Standards for Mathematical Practice are what students should do. • Mathematical “Habits of Mind”

  13. CCSS Mathematical Practices REASONING AND EXPLAINING Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others MODELING AND USING TOOLS Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically OVERARCHING HABITS OF MIND Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Attend to precision SEEING STRUCTURE AND GENERALIZING Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

  14. Proficiency Matrix Standards for Mathematical Practice • Initial • Intermediate • Advanced PS, QW, GE, etc. • Student engagement strategies

  15. Self-Evaluation • Where are you on this matrix? • What SMP’s are you already overtly fostering in students? • Are you getting them to the initial, intermediate, or advanced stage? • What SMP’s do you really not address at this point?

  16. Make a Plan Pick 1 to 2 SMP’s that you want to focus on in the next month or so. • What are you going to do to support students in developing those standards? • Where are you (as the teacher) starting from? • What can you do to help “move” students to the next stage on the matrix?

  17. Share • Share your plan at your table. • What are your strategies and ideas? • What are your concerns?

  18. Assessments • What are various ways in which we assess: • what students know? • what students understand?

  19. Assessment and Learning • “Assessment should be an integral part of teaching. It is the mechanism whereby teachers can learn how students think about mathematics as well as what students are able to accomplish.”

  20. Assessment and Learning • “Assessment should allow all students to show what they know, understand and can do.” (Cockcroft Report 1982)

  21. Assessment and Learning • “Assessment for learning is one of the most powerful ways of improving learning and raising standards“ (Black and Wiliam 1998)

  22. Assessment • What are characteristics of “good” assessment? According to the Shell Centre, high quality assessment has: • Curriculum balance • Curriculum value • Fitness for purpose

  23. Formative Assessments Assessment for learning • Occurs continuously in classroom both within and between lessons • Used to adjust teaching strategies • Provides students with useful and meaningful feedback

  24. Formative Assessments • Focus: To determine what learning comes next • Examples: • Feedback • Open questioning • Exit tickets • Observations • Discussions • Ungraded classwork/homeworks

  25. Summative Assessments Assessment of learning • Occur within, between, and among instructional units • Used to identify strengths and gaps in curriculum and instruction • Curriculum may be refined • Teachers may modify instruction

  26. Summative Assessments Focus: To determine: • how student groups are progressing • how well program is working • Examples • Graded class work or homework • Quizzes • End of unit tests • Midterms • District benchmarks

  27. Large Scale Assessments Assessment of learning • Frequently high stakes • Examine trends over time • Used to develop long-term evaluation of curriculum and programs • Used to monitor school site, district and state progress

  28. Large Scale Assessments • Focus: To determine how schools, districts and states are progressing over time • Examples: • End of course exams • CST • NAEP • SAT/ACT Exams • AP Exams

  29. Assessment • Think of how and when you assess your students. • Which ones are assessments for learning? • Which ones are assessments of learning?

  30. Assessment “What a difference a word makes” Read the article Record • 1 thing with which you agree • 1 thing with which you might argue • 1 thing to which you aspire • 1 Aha!

  31. Sharing Go around the group and share one of the following: • the thing with which you agree • the thing with which you might argue • the thing to which you aspire • your Aha! Pick one thing from your group to share with the whole group

  32. Large Scale Assessment WYTIWYG!

  33. Large Scale Assessment What you test is what you get!

  34. Goals of Assessment “We must ensure that tests measure what is of value, not just what is easy to test. If we want students to investigate, explore, and discover, assessment must not measure just mimicry mathematics.” Everybody Counts

  35. PARCC States PARCC States

  36. CCSS-M SMARTER Claims Claim #1: Concepts and Procedures “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.”

  37. CCSS-M SMARTER Claims Claim #2: Problem Solving “Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.”

  38. CCSS-M SMARTER Claims Claim #3: Communicating Reasoning “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.”

  39. CCSS-M SMARTER Claims Claim #4: Modeling and Data Analysis “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.”

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