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Li6 Phonology and Morphology

Li6 Phonology and Morphology. m m m m m o r i n – [+low] s [+round]. Harmony and (under)specification. Uimahousut olivat omiaan korostamaan voimakasta tunnettani etten enää ollut lapsi. Vowel Harmony.

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Li6 Phonology and Morphology

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  1. Li6 Phonology and Morphology m m m m m o r i n – [+low] s [+round] Harmony and (under)specification Uimahousut olivat omiaan korostamaan voimakasta tunnettani etten enää ollut lapsi.

  2. Vowel Harmony • A system of phonological organization according to which all vowels are drawn from one or the other of two (possibly overlapping) sets within harmonic spans in the word.

  3. VH and Tone • Vowel harmony shares the basic autosegmental properties identified with tones: • association of harmonic features on one tier to segmental positions on another • association of this sort subject to the Line Crossing Constraint • sequences of morpheme-internal harmonic features constrained by the OCP • features can be underlyingly floating (harmonic) or attached (neutral) • association of harmonic features to segments is directional (LR or RL) or asymmetric (harmonic features of dominant morphemes spread to recessive morphemes, regardless of direction)

  4. Harmonic Notation • Vowels • I = vowel specified only for [+high] • A = vowel specified only for [-high] (it also is specified as [-round] in Turkish, but not in Kirghiz) • U = vowel specified only for [+high, +round] • O = vowel specified only for [-high, -round] • Consonants • L = l unspecified for [back] • D = coronal stop unspecified for [voice] • G = dorsal stop unspecified for [back] and [voice]

  5. A classic case: Turkish ‘those we do not know’ know-neg-ppl-pl-1st-pl tanı-ma-dık-łar-ım-ız [+back] root ROOT-mA-DIK-LAr-Im-Iz sev-me-dikj-ler-im-iz like-neg-ppl-pl-1st-pl ‘those we do not like’ [-back] root

  6. Examples

  7. VH as autosegmental spreading t a n ım ad ı kł a rı mı z | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X | [+back]

  8. Formal expression of VH X X (iterative LR) | [αback]

  9. Turkish Rounding Harmony X X (iterative LR) | | [αround] [+hi] (one can leave out the [+high] restriction if the harmonic vowel A is specified as [-round])

  10. Kirghiz Rounding Harmony • The ordinal suffix /-InčI/ numeral ordinal gloss bir birinči one beš bešinči five altı altınčı six žıyırmıžıyırmınčı twenty üč üčünčü three tört törtünčü four toguz toguzunču nine on onunču ten • The ablative suffix /-DAn/ base ablative gloss iš išten work et etten meat žıl žıldan year alma almadan apple üy üydön house köl köldön lake tuz tuzdon salt tokoy tokoydon forest

  11. Kirghiz Rounding Harmony X X (iterative LR) | | [+round] [+hi] Identical to Turkish RH, but sans [+high] condition

  12. Kirghiz Rounding Harmony X X (iterative LR) | [+round] Identical to Turkish RH, but sans [+high] condition

  13. A Kirghiz derivation [+rd] [-rd] UR köz-In-DAn at-In-DAn [-bk] [+bk] X X (iterative LR) | [αround] Rules RH [+rd] [-rd] köz-In-DAn at-In-DAn BH [-bk] [+bk] RH [+rd] [-rd] SR közündön atından [-bk] [+bk] X X (iterative LR) | [αback] BH Morphemes round tier [+rd] [-rd] köz ‘eye’ at ‘horse’ -In- ‘possessive’ -DAn- ‘ablative’ back tier [-bk] [+bk] height tier [+hi] [-hi]

  14. Disharmonic and neutral vowels Disharmonic vowels have a harmonic counterpart but don’t alternate. Neutral vowels have no harmonic counterpart and therefore never alternate. active Turkish opaque inert Hungarian, Karchevan, Mongolian neutral vowels transparent Finnish

  15. Akan • Vowel inventory of Akan, a Kwa language of Ghana i u ‰ ¨ e o ´ Ø a • Given this vowel system, what vowels do you expect to be neutral if the language has: • [ATR] harmony? • [high] harmony? • [round] harmony? • In a given word, all vowels must share the same [ATR] specification (modulo a) (figure a) • a freely cooccurs with both [+ATR] and [-ATR] vowels (b) • [+ATR] and [-ATR] vowels freely cooccur if an a intervenes (c) • form gloss a. e-bu-o nest ´-b¨-Ø stone o-fiti-i he pierced it Ø-ç‰r´-‰ he showed it b. bisa ask p‰ra sweep c. fuñan‰ search d. o-bisa-‰ he asked if o-nins´ñ-‰ she became pregnant Ø-kari-i he weighed it • What sort of neutral vowel is Akan a?

  16. More Kirghiz past definite past participle verbal noun gloss bildi bilgen bilü: know berdi bergen berü: give küldü külgön külü: laugh kördü körgön körü: see kıldı kılgan kılu: do aldı algan alu: take tuttu tutkan tutu: hold boldu bolgon bolu: be

  17. Conclusions

  18. Active opaque vowels Turkish form gloss a. geliyorum I am coming košuyorum I am running gülüyorum I am laughing b. arabistanı Arabia-acc. ermenistanı Armenia-acc. moğolistanı Mongolia-acc. türkistanı Turkestan-acc. c. idraki perception-acc. imsaki fasting-acc. emlaki real estate-acc. helaki exhaustion-acc.

  19. Inert opaque vowels suffix underlying form surface form gloss a. -ar- tsarr-ar tsárrar trees muts-ar mútsar big ones onkh-ar ónkhar eyebrows dεzn dε´znar wild mints ton-ar tənár houses äts-ar ä´tsär goats gjül-ar gjü´lär wolves gjørrn-ar gjø´rrnär sheep-pl. mathkhj-ar máthkhjär minds[1] -u- anguz-u angúzu walnut-dat. bün-u bü´nü nest-dat. anguč-u əngəčú ear-dat. sar-u sáru mountain-dat. tsεt-u tsətú sparrow-dat. khä´tshin khä´tshnü axe-dat. -(n)or- anguz-nor-u anguznóru walnut-pl.-dat. arrĵ-or-u arrĵóru bear-pl.-dat. bün-or-u bünø´rü nest-pl.-dat. b. -ná- kloχ-ná kəloχná head-pl. büžüž-ná büžüžná little bell-pl. šebäth-ná šebäthná sabbath-pl. c. izn-ar íznar oxen berrn-ar bérrnar burdens čhimičh-nor-u čhimičhnóru raisin-pl.-dat. [1] Palatalized consonants regularly spread [-back] to immediately following harmonic vowels; when a consonant intervenes spreading does not occur, e.g. ainkhj-nor-u ‘bowel-pl.-dat.’).

  20. Transparent vowels • Finnish vowels • u o a ü ø ä i e • back + + + - - - - - • round + + - + + - - - • high + - - + - - + - • low - - + - - + - - • nonneutral front and back vowels do not cooccur in words. form gloss • a. makkara sausage • väkkärä pinwheel • värttinä spinning wheel • kaura oats • käürä curve • luo creates • lüø hits • b. palttina linen cloth • c. palttina-lla-ni-han with my linen cloth, as you know • värttinä-llä-ni-hän with my spinning wheel, as you know • luo-da-kse-ni-ko for me to create? • lüø-dä-kse-ni-kø for me to hit?

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