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COOL CHARTS. Yes those are snowflakes…get it? . WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?!. Chances are, no matter what you end up doing with your life, you will need to be able to not only read a chart, but also to interpret the information that you get and turn it into something useable for your occupation. .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COOL CHARTS Yes those are snowflakes…get it?

  2. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?! Chances are, no matter what you end up doing with your life, you will need to be able to not only read a chart, but also to interpret the information that you get and turn it into something useable for your occupation. I know that you don’t just work on charts during social studies hopefully you’ve learned about them in Science as well. Ugh...charts… Ms. Easley on a bad day?


  4. So I know what you’re thinking…Mrs. Nisbet, how do I become an awesomely cool chart reader too?! NEVER FEAR! Just open your Spiral and write down our 4 steps to Cool Charts!

  5. STEP #1 1. Does the chart have a title?

  6. I’ve heard this before…. continue to step Two…. Sounds like the Map stuff huh? Knowing the title regardless will often help you figure out the answer. You might as well take the time to read it.

  7. STEP # 2 Don’t worry about the data in the chart yet, just make sure you understand what the chart is actually covering before you worry about all the numbers. 2. What is the chart about?


  9. Plain English: In these countries you should live about this long depending on if you are male or female. When babies are born, this many die out of a 1000. This tells us about how healthy these countries are.

  10. Step # 3 3. What information is actually in the chart? This step is going to take a little bit longer because you actually have to take the time to interpret the chart.

  11. To understand the data, it’s best to try and identify the largest and smallest numbers within the chart. What does the data tell you?

  12. Step #4 4. What is a question they might ask me? Based on everything we know now…if you were the test maker what would you ask about the chart? Test maker…

  13. Question I made up… Which country has the highest standard of Health out of the ones listed above?

  14. HA. CALLED IT!

  15. Super Simple! Now that you know the four steps to Cool Charts you should be splendidly answering questions for the rest of the day! I will talk to you next period!

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