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Open access: a funders perspective

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Open access: a funders perspective

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    1. Nicola Perrin The Wellcome Trust June 2010 Open access: a funders’ perspective

    2. The Wellcome Trust independent biomedical research charity established in 1936 current spend of over Ł600m pa supports over 3,000 researchers in more than 50 countries, across six continents works to engage the public in research and to explore its societal implications

    3. Wellcome Trust and OA – background Maximising access to outputs of research (including publications and data) is central to our mission In early 2000s, it became increasingly clear that traditional models of scientific publishing were not consistent with this goal Economic analysis (including our own commissioned research) suggested alternative models were feasible

    4. Open access policy

    5. Meeting the costs of OA Publication costs are legitimate research costs Commitment to meet costs (estimated 1% - 2% of total research spend) Two mechanisms for meeting OA costs The top 30 Trust-funded institutions have been awarded block grants to cover OA publishing costs Where block awards are not available we will continue to supplement individual research grants Only meet OA costs if publisher provides the full suite of services (e.g. deposition in UKPMC, no embargo, full re-use licence) Trust also mechanism to allow the host institution to claim back the OA funds where a grant has terminatedTrust also mechanism to allow the host institution to claim back the OA funds where a grant has terminated

    6. UK PubMed Central

    7. Enhancing the value of UKPMC… Abstracts – viewing biological entitiesAbstracts – viewing biological entities

    8. Enhancing the value of UKPMC 2 Abstracts – viewing biological entitiesAbstracts – viewing biological entities

    9. Enhancing the value of UKPMC 3

    10. Benefits of OA: institutions Raising the institution’s profile nationally and internationally (71%) Disseminating knowledge (46%) Increasing citations of institution’s work (33%) “we must do it to comply with funder conditions” - 2 responses“we must do it to comply with funder conditions” - 2 responses

    11. OA - key challenges Improving compliance: ~40% of Trust-funded papers in UKPMC within 6 months 95% of journals used by WT authors have a ‘WT compliant’ option Persuading researchers of the benefits Improving mechanisms for author-side payments Clarifying publishers’ policies and processes Flipping the model from ‘subscription pays’ to ‘author pays’

    12. Improving mechanisms for OA administration Funders Clarify how financial support is provided for researchers to meet author-side payments Improve communications Institutions Improve communications and processes Appoint single, senior person to coordinate management of publication fees Establish dedicated budgets to meet OA costs 69% stated that unclear policies within the institution was a barrier to OA. 69% stated that unclear policies within the institution was a barrier to OA.

    13. Clarifying publishers’ OA policies Nuances of policy – bewildering to the researcher No fee, no embargo – full & immediate OA (e.g. BMJ research papers) No fee, full OA – but 6 months embargo (e.g. Rockefeller Press) Author-side payment – fully WT compliant (e.g. Elsevier, Wiley) Author side payments – not WT compliant (e.g. Br J Cancer) Self-archiving – must archive author version (e.g. AAAS ) Self-archiving – must archive publisher version (e.g. NEJM) Self archiving – not WT compliant (embargo too long) (e.g. ASN) Improve workflows to make it easier to select author-side option Commit to reviewing subscription costs in light of take-up of author-pays model All players need to work together to model transition scenarios, looking at all elements in the cost chain

    14. Further information UK PubMed Central Web: http://beta.ukpmc.ac.uk/ Wellcome Trust Open Access Policy Web: http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/openaccess Email: openaccess@wellcome.ac.uk n.perrin@wellcome.ac.uk

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