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Lindsey Dyer

Lindsey Dyer. Programme Lead Human Rights in Healthcare 2011 - 2012.  Does not provide a right to healthcare  Does provide basic rights which belong to everyone, everywhere  Ensures that individuals are not abused by those with the power to do so (agents of the state).

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Lindsey Dyer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lindsey Dyer Programme Lead Human Rights in Healthcare 2011 - 2012

  2. Does not provide a right to healthcare Does provide basic rights which belong to everyone, everywhere  Ensures that individuals are not abused by those with the power to do so (agents of the state) Human Rights Act 2000

  3. Are very important A Non-negotiable requirement Public bodies include those commissioningor providing commissioned health or social care services Must not breach the Human Rights Act (the negative obligation) Must respect, protect and promote human rights (the positive obligation) (Section 6 HRA) Human Rights in Health and Social Care

  4. A partnership between Department of Health, British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) and 4 NHS Trusts Exploring what a human rights based approach (HRBA) to healthcare means Findings – a HRBA improves the quality of health services Empowers service users and staff Protects vulnerable people Improves experience Improves outcomes Ipsos Mori 2008 and 2010 Human Rights in Healthcare Programme2005 - 2010

  5. A partnership between Department of Health, British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR), 4 NHS Trusts plus support from Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and Human Rights and Social Justice Unit (HRSJ) London Metropolitan University Led by Mersey Care NHS Trust Four elements: Web Learning Space – www.humanrightsinhealthcare.nhs.uk Awareness Raising Events – with an explicit human rights focus Practical examples of putting human rights into practice in a range of health settings Focus on Evaluation – ways of showing a HRBA works Human Rights in Healthcare Programme20011 - 2012

  6. Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Putting Human Rights at the Heart of Hydration and Nutrition Toolkit. Blackburn and Darwen Teaching Primary Care Trust Plus Human Rights Based Guide for Healthwatch City Hospitals, Sunderland A Human rights Based Questionnaire for Evaluating In Patient and Outpatient Services. Mersey Care NHS Trust Human Rights Board Game and DVD with /for People with Learning Disabilities. A Human Rights Based Approach to Quality of Life for people with dementia on an inpatient ward. Today`s Launch Event

  7. Supported by: Ellie Keen British Institute of Human Rights. Advice, Training, Support, Quality Control. Alice Donald, Senior Research Fellow, Human Rights and Social Justice Unit London Metropolitan University. A Guide to Evaluating Human Rights - Based Interventions in Health and Social Care.

  8. Lindsey DyerProgramme LeadHuman Rights in Healthcare ProgrammeTel: 0151 285 2321E mail: Lindsey.dyer@merseycare.nhs.ukwww.humanrightsinhealthcare.nhs.uk

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