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BSA Troop 50 Training Continuum

BSA Troop 50 Training Continuum. An overview of what it takes to be a “trained” adult leader in BSA Troop 50.

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BSA Troop 50 Training Continuum

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  1. BSA Troop 50 Training Continuum An overview of what it takes to be a “trained” adult leader in BSA Troop 50.

  2. Troop 50 Adult Training Goals- ALL leaders MUST complete Youth Protection upon joining the troop and every-other year thereafter.- ALL High Adventure leaders must be “Trained”.- ALL Committee Officers must be “Trained”.- Leaders are expected to pursue training within one year of registration with Troop 50. - At least one leader, per scout patrol, on every trip or outing must be “Trained”. - Trip leaders shall obtain training specific to that trip (e.g. Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat).- Leaders are responsible for maintaining a current record of training in “Troop Master”. (See Rob Guillen, Troop Recorder Or Bill Short, Training Coordinator.) From Council >>=====> New Adult Leader Training Requirements On March 20, 2008 the Del-Mar-Va Council Executive Board approved the Year 2 Resolution for Direct Leader Training. By the end of 2008, all Unit Leaders and their Assistants need to have completed training. Furthermore, "training" now includes not only New Leader Essentials and Position Specific training, but also Youth Protection. This vote represents Council's continuing commitment to have direct contact leaders trained to deliver the Scouting Program. It is Boy Scouts' National Policy that every youth member deserves a trained leader, and every leader deserves to be trained. The Council's web-site lists courses organized by district and by date; this can help you.

  3. Flow of Basic Leader Training Fast Start Training: A video borrowed from the troop library or on-line* that you view on your own or with others. Basic Leader Training: Two parts. Part 1: New Leader Essentials. (Everyone takes this “primer” course.) STOP ! You should have done this FIRST ! “Youth Protection” Training?* You must complete this as soon as possible after becoming a registered leader and every-other year thereafter. Part 2: Leader Specific Training. Choose One of Two Paths Leader Specific Training for Troop Committee Members Classroom training or “Committee Challenge” On-Line.* Leader Specific Training for Scoutmasters & Asst. Scoutmasters Classroom training. Outdoor Leadership Skills Outdoor training. * On line at http://olc.scouting.org/

  4. Wood Badge Often referred to as the PHD of adult leader training. Wood Badge provides rewarding and in-depth training in leadership skills needed to work within the BSA “patrol method”. • Additional Training for Outing and High Adventure Leaders Adult leaders of scout outings • and High Adventure trips will also need to complete additional training such as: • Safety Afloat (for trips involving watercraft activities)* • Safe Swim Defense (for trips involving activities in the water)* • Hazardous Weather (advised for all trip leaders)* • CPR (as required by the High Adventure base, but recommended for all)# * On line at http://olc.scouting.org/ , # periodically offered by the troop

  5. Where do you find this “Basic Training”?Youth Protection: Often offered by the troop in an interactive session or by yourself on-line at http:olc.scouting.org/Fast Start: Via borrowed video tape from troop or on your own on-line at http:olc.scouting.org/New Leader Essentials: One 90 minute class offered by the District at various times and locations. Look for the District Training Schedule.Leader Specific Training:Committee Member: One 3-hour class offered by the District at various times and locations. Look for the District Training Schedule.Scout Master / Asst SM: Generally, three sessions at 2.5 hrs each. Offered by the District at various times and locations. Look for the District Training Schedule. - Outdoor Leadership Skills: A day long outdoor course. Offered by the District at various times and locations. Look for the District Training Schedule.

  6. Obtaining the “knot”:

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