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Listening Exercises

Click on the speaker icon to listen. Then click arrow. Listening Exercises. For MOTIFS Module 4 from the publishers. Exit. métiers exercice 1 question 1. Cliquez sur la profession. médecin. informaticienne. femme d’affaires. professeur.

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Listening Exercises

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Click on the speaker icon to listen. Then click arrow Listening Exercises For MOTIFS Module 4 from the publishers Exit

  2. métiers exercice 1 question 1 Cliquez sur la profession. médecin informaticienne femme d’affaires professeur Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  3. métiers exercice 1 question 2 Cliquez sur la profession. photographe prêtre instituteur chanteur Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  4. métiers exercice 1 question 3 Cliquez sur la profession. ouvrier avocat journaliste cadre Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  5. métiers exercice 1 question 4 Cliquez sur la profession. homme politique vendeur pilote agriculteur Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  6. métiers exercice 1 question 5 Cliquez sur la profession. chômeur médecin informaticien agent de police Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  7. lieux de travail exercice 2 question 1 cliquez vrai faux Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide. Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  8. lieux de travail exercice 2 question 2 cliquez vrai faux Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide. Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  9. lieux de travail exercice 2 question 3 cliquez vrai faux Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide. Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  10. lieux de travail exercice 2 question 4 cliquez vrai faux Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide. Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  11. lieux de travail exercice 2 question 5 cliquez vrai faux Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide. Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  12. lieux de travail exercice 2 question 6 cliquez vrai faux Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  13. lieux de travail exercice 2 question 7 cliquez vrai faux Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  14. Agnès Deroc ma journée Ecoutez et puis cliquez sur 1-4 pour indiquer l’ordre 1 2 3 4 le café 1 2 3 4 la banque 1 2 3 4 l’hôpital 1 2 3 4 la poste Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  15. Michel Deroc ma journée Ecoutez et puis cliquez sur 1-4 pour indiquer l’ordre 1 2 3 4 la mairie 1 2 3 4 le restaurant 1 2 3 4 l’usine 1 2 3 4 le commiss-ariat de police Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

  16. Christine Deroc ma journée Ecoutez et puis cliquez sur 1-4 pour indiquer l’ordre 1 2 3 4 l’église 1 2 3 4 la maison 1 2 3 4 le lycée 1 2 3 4 le super-marché Click on the speaker icon to listen, and button next to it to advance one slide.

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